Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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fofi 10 minutes and counting wooo!

Yay for the beard! I get to indulge in some serious bifacialness this season, what with the pre-sabbatical no-beard, post-sabbatical beardedness.

i couldnt agree more check out the banner :lol:
i'm gonna hold off on voting for now but do not fear after BTK( 9 mins and counting hehe!) i will be voting like no ones buisness :D

Anywho im uber hyper n dont really have anything worthwhile saying except WOOHOO HAVE FUN PEEPS I KNOW I WILL!!!!

you just freking ruined my freakin day. D8%# ohhhh im mad now, you better watch out.Im already pissed cuz i didnt make the math team at m school(im a with it)what episode is that from?*grumbles incoherintly* i need some chocolate

Edt: you have caused me to resort to using Icons by Adz
ForensicGirl, do you have bit torrent on your computer. If so you can use it to download the the episodes that have aired already. I just got a phone call from my sister remindin me that it was on. As if I needed reminding. I think I upse her by tell her I've already seen up to episode 13.
WELL, you bearded fans, will be kind of stunned. I just recieved my new TV Guide, and it has a small pic. of him, with a scruffy brownish/greyish beard!! he look's "un-kempt" and like a "mountain man" :( so hopefuly Sara will do something about this :pand in episode 18 "Empty Eyes" here's a brief synopsis!!

A woman bleeds to death in Sara's arms, a tear runs down her cheek.. ANGLE ON GRISSOM..standing behind Sara, his remote in hand, he puts it down on the table, moves toward her. Sara folds into his arms.he embraces here as she cries, crying for the victim..because the killer never will!!


And on whe I particulary love this couple, the harmony..camaraderie.. the closeness, they share, their flirty banter..the look's the smiles.. they just are, to me fused and blended at the hip, and other places too :pthey just belong together

And on the POLL, the funniest moment. was to me "Unfriendly Skies" that's excatly what I mean, how their banter is so perfect. and so "CUTE"

Commercial break - Oooooh, so good so far :)

grssom89 said:
fofi 10 minutes and counting wooo!

Is this a potential new nickname for me? :lol: Funnily enough, my cousin IRL is nicknamed "fofi"

Pink_Faerie_Girl said:
ForensicGirl, do you have bit torrent on your computer. If so you can use it to download the the episodes that have aired already.

Nope, I don't, and I'm afraid it's against the board rules to talk about that sort of thing - it's a bit illegal and definately against intellectual property ;)

Oooh, Cath's naked. Gotta go again...
Let me see if I have this straight: I've been gone two hours, and in that time Adzix has rallied a force using avatars for her cause?

God how I love the crazy, crazy ways of this thread.

And I do always attempt to ruin peoples' days, so naturally I am on cloud 9. :D

Mostly cuz I'm Team Bearded, the bestest team there is.

Though in the spirit of fairness, I think it's probably the worst beard we've seen him with.

Still... bearded is better. Provda! Provda!

I went with Mile High and Grey Hair for the poll. I think they both had enough of a spirit of comfortable sexual banter.
Let me see if I have this straight: I've been gone two hours, and in that time Adzix has rallied a force using avatars for her cause?
you got it right. WE ARE THE FORCE. sooo, the credits stay beardless and he'll be bearded for the rest of the season? ain't cool.
And I do always attempt to ruin peoples' days, so naturally I am on cloud 9.
you so ruined it for me, lol. i have to study and i can't think of anything but how bad he looks now. pleeeeeeease Billy, shave this monster.

ETA: how are we even going to enjoy a Geek kiss, when we won't be able to see Sara? End of ETA
Though in the spirit of fairness, I think it's probably the worst beard we've seen him with.
thank you.
Still... bearded is better. Provda! Provda!
was that a lousy attempt to speak some kind of slavic language? like ... polish?

i voted Mouth and Ecklie, although i should've voted Mile High, cuz i laugh like an idiot everytime i watch this scene. i was distracted by the grief.
you got it right. WE ARE THE FORCE. sooo, the credits stay beardless and he'll be bearded for the rest of the season? ain't cool.

I... don't recall saying that.

Hey, spoiled people - did I say that? I sure didn't. *wicked smile*

you so ruined it for me, lol. i have to study and i can't think of anything but how bad he looks now. pleeeeeeease Billy, shave this monster.

Well it is a relief to know that the whole bearded spoiler didn't come from nowhere. Is anyone else seriously wondering if there's going to be a huge continuity breach if they do the flashback with Grissom being bearded from a scene in December?

ETA: how are we even going to enjoy a Geek kiss, when we won't be able to see Sara? End of ETA

lmao. "She's been suffocated by the bearded! Oh no!"

I think Sara loves the beard. *glower*

thank you.

Well it is. It's all shaggy and weird. Like you can tell that it's going to be gone soon.

Who said that? Me?

was that a lousy attempt to speak some kind of slavic language? like ... polish?

...No. *further sulk*

i was distracted by the grief.

Would beard burn cheer you up?

I mean, honestly - the potential for a beard burn scene would be worth having it back, wouldn't it? Think of the hilarity.

GREG: Good God, Sara. Is that a sunburn?
CATHERINE: Do you have a poison ivy rash?
WARRICK: Hey, you know what that looks like?
GRISSOM: Let's all please get to work right now!
sarahvma said:
GREG: Good God, Sara. Is that a sunburn?
CATHERINE: Do you have a poison ivy rash?
WARRICK: Hey, you know what that looks like?
GRISSOM: Let's all please get to work right now!

How can we get you signed on to write for the show? :lol:

Hey, I'm totally bifacial so anything and everything is ok by me. Of course, I was also one of the few who didn't mind all of George Eads follicle adventures...

I voted for cite your source. I still can't stop myself from grinning like an idiot every time I see it. That and the printer scene, but that was more joy than outright humor.
Adzix can't read me. hahahaha
aaaaaaah, you don't even know what you are doing to me. *panic squeak*
I think Sara loves the beard. *glower*
no, she doesn't. she hates it, and when he'll be back she'll shave it off during his sleep and buy him 100 razors, so he'll never forget to shave. never, ever again.
Well it is. It's all shaggy and weird. Like you can tell that it's going to be gone soon.

Who said that? Me?
...No. *further sulk*
cuz you know, Prawda (pronounced pravda) means truth. fitted there.


okay i'll just shut up, where would you know polish words?
I mean, honestly - the potential for a beard burn scene would be worth having it back, wouldn't it? Think of the hilarity.
lol. nope, i don't want this kind of hilarity. i much prefer:

Cath: Grissom what is there on your neck that we wouldn't see if you had this awful beard?
G: uhhhhhhh
C: it looks like a ... hickey
G: uhhhhh ... psycho from XX, remember?

much better.
well Sara dis say she likes animals in Built to Kill part 1. Maybe she prefers Grissom hairy. wonder what he looks like under the clothes.
LMAO. well, he's not hairy under his clothes, that's for sure. my previous av said it all.
There's a pic floating around of Keppler and Grissom meeting, and our boy has the BEARD. Not kidding. So, that shaving scene is NEW! NOT A FLASHBACK! HECK, YEAH! I'm sorry, but that's just so awesome, because it's so symbolic of the two of them coming back together. Using the facial hair as a motif is AWESOME. Guys, we have facial hair continuity! Grissom comes back, bearded, issues with Sara. He and Sara get back together and she shaves him clean. I love it. It's like back in the day when Hebrews would cut their hair after a mission had been accomplished. Love it.

The hug is awesome, but I'm more excited about it because it's a symbol of trust. I mean, Grissom is making a choice there, and in that moment doesn't give a crap that they're at work. He loves his woman, and he's going to be there for her when she needs him. This shows growth. Remember at the end of "Committed?" She was sad, and he left her alone in the viewing room, and everyone wondered how on earth he could just leave her there? Well, he's not leaving her, this time. He's right there. And, she's willing to let him comfort her. She's willing to let him in. This is aching, and she's trying to keep it in, but a single tear escapes. Once she knows he's there, she crumbles into his arms, and that takes a LOT of trust, trust me. If you have trust issues, one of the toughest things to do is let a man hold you while you break down...

If we're talking about SUBTLE GSR, I do not think TOYD applies, personally. It's too overt. It's not subtle at all. The camera keeps cutting to the two of them, between the two of them as they exchange glances and smiles. The rest of the team were just too oblivious to notice that Grissom and Sara were making goo goo eyes at one another. I chose, "No, Dear" because it goes by so quickly, you almost don't realize it happened. My fiance didn't believe me, so I had to keep playing it for him so he could hear it.

"No, Dear" was wonderful because it was instictual. The camera didn't have to be at a particular angle or anything, there wasn't a lot of attention drawn to it, even by the characters. It was just there. He had the instinct to just tell his darling, "No, dear." That's the subtlest to me, of all. He did it without planning it, without thinking about it, but it was there, and it was in the open, and it was absolutely adorable.
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