Grissom & Sara #25: Running up the Phone Bill

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I picked No Dear and TOYD Eyesex for the poll. While the veggie burger was nice, and cute, it was kind of "Warrick must be blind not to see it" chemistry. Whereas in TOYD, they did definitely wait for the others to leave the room before they began undressing each other with their eyes.


As for the "No dear", I liked it for its neutrality. It was so routine for him to call her that, and that's sort of what made it so nice. The fact that referring to her like she's his wife is a norm for them.

Plus it was the usual WP ad-lib, which makes it all the better.

Adzix, you just put up a bad link and now you're trying to defend it, aren't you?

I am a little computer stupid, and I have not figured out how to make a spoiler box, So I will let all you spoiler addicts know that ytdaw has a great new gsr spoiler out about episode 7x18. To me it has been the best to date!!!
Sorry I was unable to give it to you directly, but hey I am learning.

[ spoiler*=title of spoiler ] Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler [ /spoiler* ]

Just push the [ brackets ] together.
Obviously remove the *'s as well, but I want to say that you do actually have to type spoiler in these spots.
You know, I've thought about why I'm so addicted to GSR, and I still don't think i have a definite answer. I guess it's not the same as in the OC for example, where the show is all about the relationships. I like it, that by season 4 ("Butterflied"), most of the viewers weren't sure if anything was happening between the two at all (although I was, heehee). And even now, when we KNOW it's there, it's still interesting to find out how each of them behaves in a reationship.

It's very amusing with Grissom - he's always so unfamiliar with that stuff, no very sure of himself. I think that contrasts his professional life, because he's like the most confident guy there, always has the right answer...

Anyway, didn't want to get carried away. I shut up now.
omgggg , a hug i wait so much for that and a hug in break room. Omg, poor Sara ..we will win ansgt again Sara's angst..strong episode omg...someone scared about what can they do in season finale? i am
OH MY GOD! A victim dies in Sara's arm. After being stabbed (Sara's daaaad, anyone?). And then, Grissom hugs her int he breakroom. The breakroom whcih is at work. Where people can walk in and see. See him HUGGING her.
SnowAngel58 said:
OH MY GOD! A victim dies in Sara's arm. After being stabbed (Sara's daaaad, anyone?). And then, Grissom hugs her int he breakroom. The breakroom whcih is at work. Where people can walk in and see. See him HUGGING her.
omg omg omg :eek: is the perfect moment for the gsr kiss :rolleyes: poor sara, but she is in the arms of the MAN :D i want gsr kiss in the breakroom is the perfect situation ;) only i hope that this scene is not cuted :rolleyes: , 7x17 shave & bathroom.. omg two amazings episodes :p
Adzix, you just put up a bad link and now you're trying to defend it, aren't you?
oh shut up. lol
You know, I've thought about why I'm so addicted to GSR, and I still don't think i have a definite answer. I guess it's not the same as in the OC for example, where the show is all about the relationships.
yeah on CSI it's the lack of OCC-ness that makes you want more of it.
It's very amusing with Grissom - he's always so unfamiliar with that stuff, no very sure of himself. I think that contrasts his professional life, because he's like the most confident guy there, always has the right answer...
yeah, good point nameless. i love that in him. when he gets to talk personally he's becoming unsure of himself, and shy, and it's sooooooooo cute, yo. and then there is the scientist cuteness.

i like all those smilies in the boxes. they make my spoiler-free spirit happy. Yay
oh shut up. lol


Wanna know the other victory, Adzix? Do you? Huh? TEAM BEARDED WINS! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.

Sara shaves it off. Which will never, ever be aired. I think it was just WP going, "Damn. I should probably shave this." and the writers were like "IDEA!"
Wanna know the other victory, Adzix? Do you? Huh? TEAM BEARDED WINS! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.
NO!!!!!!! No!!!!! nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *cries*


*goes back to study Econ and wipes tears on a sleeve of the tennis sweat-shirt*

this. is. not. happening.


or are you just messing with me? AGAIN?

The picture is technically a spoiler as it comes from an upcoming episode, but it doesn't really contain any spoiler information.

Just the proof of our win.

other than the fact that obviously WP himself came back with a beard, the fact that it's so overgrown might just be trying to show his "change". So I get the symbolism of her removing the beard, but it's still a fucking ridiculous scenario.
i am of the team bifacial cause without beard is more young but without beard he is too much attractive is a big dilemma :) no doub bifacial ;)

the gift of grissom is a butterfly or another similar bug?
7x17 :p perfect episode for the bifacial people :rolleyes:
sarahvma said:
other than the fact that obviously WP himself came back with a beard, the fact that it's so overgrown might just be trying to show his "change". So I get the symbolism of her removing the beard, but it's still a fucking ridiculous scenario.

good. so i'm not the only one who thinks that Sara shaving off Grissom's beard is so OOC it's unexplainable. I just don't see it happening. Ever. Like - ever ever.

Yay! Team Bearded!

Does anyone notice that he kinda looks like Santa Claus in that picture? The beard is really... white. Not grey. Bring back the grey-ness!

Adzix said:

or are you just messing with me? AGAIN?

You would think that, wouldn't you? But - sarah has strong forensic proof to suggest that Grissom likes Team Bearded more than you.


mwa hahaha.

We win.

I'll stop now.
i saw it, i had to. and i don't like that beard. BOOOOOOOOOOOO!

*mourns* GSR with the beard is so much worse for me, i'm jumping the ship, damnit. Sandles here i come!


no, that wasn't for real. but i still don't like it. i'm gonna have a shitty day b/c of this, lol.
I'm of the team Bearded, cause he just looks so... rrr.
Although on this picture it's too... long, don't you think?
Im sorry but from that pic Billy reminds me of Santa in the off season! haha. Hes so adorable though.

I am still hopeful for the shaving scene. Seeing that beard now makes me want tthat scene even more. I wonder the kind of comments he is going to get from his fellow co-workers about it. Maybe Nick will make some snarky remark about Grissom and his gf breaking up. haha. As for the spoilers for 7x18, how could any rewrites of this episode not end with the ending they have set up. I mean come on, its perfect.
*tangos into the thread, squeeing*

CSI season 7 starts airing here tonight!!! In 45 minutes, in fact. AND it's a double episode. Could I BE more excited!?!? Vegeburger, baby!!!

Yay for the beard! I get to indulge in some serious bifacialness this season, what with the pre-sabbatical no-beard, post-sabbatical beardedness. :D

If ep 17 comes off as we've heard. Bifacial overload, people!

All I can say is... OH HOLY F***! Angstball, romanceball, and yummy yummy goodness and sorrow all at once. *whimpers for the Sara-trauma* *squees for the hug* My emotions on this one have given me split-personalities. Can't wait til it airs. And since we don't have any ridiculously long breaks in between new episodes over here, and we're getting a double tonight, it'll be only about 16 weeks before episode 18 airs here. Four months!... OH BOLLOCKS! I might be in France when it airs! *whimpers* TS, can we postpone the holiday? *puppy dog eyes*

Oh, before I forget, welcome to all the newbies. Pull up a comfy chair, help yourself to cookies, duct tape and vegeburgers and enjoy ;)


Now... GoScaRs. As with all the GoScaR polls, you can vote right up until Valentine's Day, so if you haven't voted yet on the last two polls, there's still plenty of time.

Previous Polls:

Best GSR Scene with only One Geek Present ( Redrum (45%) and Butterflied (58%) are currently in the lead)

Best Use of Subtlety in a GSR Moment (The Vegiburger Scene is narrowly in the lead with 33%)

And now today's poll...
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