Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

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^Yeah i know but is you . You are like the expert on our Geeks so if is coming out of your mouth (well actually your computer ) i do get worried or at least ME.


Swami knows all.

Sadly Swami does not know all in this instance.

From the promo pictures, we know that Sara and Grissom will be working the miniature case together again, and according to sources, there will be an important scene both tonight and in episode 7x11 after the break. But the tenor of either scene is unknown. I mean, to be honest, when the spoiler gurus looked at the script for Way to Go, they thought the dialogue was angsty. They thought Grissom was saying he wanted to get out of Dodge and Sara was saying she wouldn't follow him if he did. It came off like she wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. Not angsty. So... even if the script seems bad, there's no way of knowing what it'll actually look like till we see the script. To repeat, though - no concept of angst or fluff has been hinted at, just that the scene tonight is important.
I like your Icon IloveBilly but it reminds me of those eyes that watch you from every direction.*shudders* yah...Im not crazy
thanks LOL is kind scary lol
haaaaaa i'm crazy for see episode today!!!! my geeks working together!!! pls good souls pls came here after episode tell what happened ;)!!!
BTW, i'm watching Double-Cross..i see our geek scene nowww!!
Gosh do u belive they don't put DEAR in legends..the more important thing..gosh if i didn't know about..
haaaaa WP is soooo good looking in this episode wow!!! :eek:
Wow, okay, so I'm REALLY REALLY late on noticing there's a new thread, and I'm extremly late on the congratulations.
Sooo, without further delay,
24 is totally my number. =p

Eh-neh-weh, I've got a new topic of discussion.
((Sorry if it's already been discussed, but it's bugging me.))
What are you opinions on the people complaining about there being "too much GSR"?? As some dumbhead said in TV Guide: "Is it possible to go one week without having Sara and Grissom's affair shoved down our throats? The CSI writers need to realize that not every fan is intereste in this fruitless, ratings-killing romance."

Is it or is it not true that there hasn't been a scene like the kick-dummy or vegie-burger one for at least a week or two??? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that's the case.
It's not being shoved down their throats, it's less than 40 seconds, if that, when there is a scene. It's not like every ten seconds they're like "OMFG I LOVE YOU!"

So anyways, I'm just asking what others may think.
Again, please ignore me and accept my appology if it's already been discussed. ^__^
Is GSR being "shoved down our throats"? Definitely not...IMO, anyway. Thus far, over the course of nine episodes -- about six and a half hours of viewing time, after the commercials are taken into account -- we have seen the following truly "shippy" scenes (and by "shippy" I mean an exchange that would clearly indicate a romantic relationship, not necessarily a discussion, like in BTK2 or DC, that could just as well take place between two good friends):

[*]Grissom bringing Sara a veggie burger: 20 seconds
[*]Sara and Grissom exchanging significant looks after Ecklie stalks out of the office: 5-10 seconds
[*]Sara's reminiscence about the first time they met: 25 seconds (trust me, I timed it)
[*]The flirtatious dummy-kicking scene: 20-25 seconds (of flirting, that is...then they go on to discuss the case)
[*]Sara's flirtatious "powers of observation" comment and Grissom's "No, dear": about 20-30 seconds, added together (again, the remainder of the scene consists of religious/case discussion, which could conceivably have happened between Grissom and, say, Catherine or Doc as well as Grissom and Sara)
[*]Sara asking Grissom to go easy on Greg: 15 seconds
[*]The pumpkin/"I won't wait up" scene: 1 minute

That adds up to a little over two and a half minute out of six and a half hours of viewing time -- less than they devoted to Warrick and Tina's relationship last season. Not exactly what I'd call shoving something down somebody's throat...not to mention that the longest of those scenes was one minute long! Granted, Grissom and Sara have interacted with each other quite a bit more than those two and a half minutes over the course of the season, but the rest of the time, as I said before, was spent discussing cases or interacting in ways that could reasonably be construed as other than romantic (although we crazy geek-fans know better, ha ha. ;)) And two out of the nine episodes we've had so far contain no "shippy" scenes whatsoever. the throat-shoving police!

OK, rant aside...I picked the second option in the latest poll. I don't doubt we'll get some angst along the way to happily ever after, but in the end they will live happily ever after, of course...because I want them to. ;) Seriously, though, I'm not letting myself worry too much. Our beloved geeks have waited way too long not to give this relationship all they have. They'll make it work...and besides, what's the point of ending it now, before sweeps? ;) Fear not...LOVE shall conquer all! :D

-- geekprincess
gregoooofan I liked your letter. good job..I do think however they want something a bit shorter.. but maybe if they select yours they'll condense it!!! and this is just one persons the TV Guide.. :( and who cares what she think's or says!!! and on the poll I picked "nah" everything will be fine.. the haven't led up down the garden path up to S/6 to have something go awry now :(

Thank's Ilovebilly for the link... fantastic.. and sarah wow I'm scared of you!!! :D yours is in there..good job!!!! I subcribe to this but guess one has to re-register to , or, for them to print our letters!!! you go fans.. very cool :pmaybe they'll print one of these in the next issue ;)
Yeah, I wrote some stuff about tonight, but now I'm all confused about it, so I'm editing it out.

I think next year is going to be interesting for us Geek Lovers.

I'm not sure if it was just a jab at Gris for his "I'll let you know" way of rushing out with an idea, or if they had talked about Williams and she was jabbing at him, but either way, his reaction was freakin' priceless.

The end.
"See how it feels." lol. that was cute how she smiled when she walked away. This episode surprised me. I assumed there would be more actual GSR in it. Oh well, it was really really good nonetheless.

I felt the same way! I was expecting a little more, I guess. I mean, what we got was unbelieveably adorable. I guess I was just expecting more DOOOOOOM than what we got. I was really nervous about tonight, but after that, I'm relaxed, and not really worried anymore for LLV. I guess I should be cautiously optimistic, but right now, I'm just sorta calm about it all. Loved how she totally owned him, and he knew it. I mean, the expressions on his face? Only his dearest love (name that movie!) could bring that out of him!
You know, I think I expected a lot more out of this episode than we actually got. I liked the subtle GSR with Sara's major BURN to Grissom. That was a good one...

But just because Im selfish, i wanted MORE! If people actually want to say that GSR is being stuffed down our throats I wish they would atleast give us something for people to talk about.

I mean I never really liked angst, but I am almost begging for some to get something other than a one liner with a smirk (although it is adorable).

Get what Im saying?

Oh and my perverted mind was working overtime when Grissom was just staring off into space while he was standing on the edge of his desk right before he got the email......never mind... haha
Ahaha BURN on Grissom with the "See how it feels?" line. It was cute, though. He got the message, wasn't angry, and Sara's expression was adorable. I am certain it was only about Grissom's usual epiphany/exit thing, though, not a jab at anything to do with Williams. That would be way too cruel, and not really Sara's style [anymore? she's made jabs back in the 'dark ages' I think]. At least not considering how in good spirits she was. If she'd been negative about the "See how it feels" without the cute smile and lip purse, I mighta bought that, but since it was there? No way. Definitely just a little teasing burn about The Geekmeister's exits. Hee.

In the scene with Cath in Grissom's office, when Sara walked in and he made the evolutionary/"too bad" comment, you could tell (or, well, I could tell) with Sara's little glance to Cath, that she wanted to say something like "Are you okay, baby?" but held back, 'cause Catherine was there. I'm sure they talked later.

Naww, I just want to give Grissom huggles now. But I'll leave Sara to do that job. She can probably do 'em better than me (for him) ..and naked.

Seriously, though, all kidding and sex aside - Grissom needs a hug, especially after the suicide scene, too. Poor Gilly :(

For all those who are wondering about, if it was a clip, who sent the email 'cause Ernie was dead by the time it happened (can't imagine the SWAT cop going "Ooh, unsent mail. I'll just finish this up for him..." lol) I was under the impression that it was a live, streaming video. I mean, Ernie sent the email, Grissom opened it straight away, and he started confessing. I know with some email programs you can be alerted when the person you've emailed opens your message, so perhaps he was waiting for that to happen to begin his speech?

Of course he wasn't to know A] Grissom was there in his office, and B] The SWAT team were infiltrating his humble abode, but hey.

But of course, TPTB could have just taken creative license to do the cutting back and forth and the whole thing COULD have happened earlier in the evening, BUT - Certainly if that was the case, Grissom would have got the call almost immediately to alert him about the death as soon as that cop found Ernie's body (as seen in the video), no?

So, hm. Ah well.

Catherine's laughing throughout the episode was great, though, I've gotta say. Did it sound to anyone else, though, that Marg had a cold?

I missed a decent chunk of the episode, though, so that's really all I can comment on.

Oh, also - I actually felt really bad for Ernie in the suicide scene. His line "spend any amount of time around people - you get your heart broke" I really empathised with. Poor guy :( I'm not saying the guy's without sin, but I know how he feels there to a certain extent. Not the full extent - jeebers, I'm not that jaded or out for blood - but I get it.
Hay that was a pretty good epie.
I liked the whole cath laughing thing, It was funny in a sick, sad, you-feel-bad-about-laughing way.
That scene after Ernie killed himself I feel so bad for Griss :(

But I missed part of the ep cuz my mom lied to my dad saying it was a rerun and by the time i convinced my dad it wasnt a rerun(and he had to use the "channel" arrow instead of just hitting the "7" button so it took forever) it was a good way into the show. Soo what is the whole "see how it feels" line about(I would watch it on the web site but i dont have the Flash Player and am forbidin to download it.)
Ahhh sucky day, actually not really, the snow caused every thing to close, whoooo no teachers today. :D
I thought Sara's "See how it feels" was an answer for how, in the first couple of seasons, she would go, "Okay - are we heading out to the scene?" and Grissom would go, "You go... I'll stay"

So I think Sara just liked being the one to sort of go off in the middle of an investigation for once.

But the thing was - she was definitely flirting with him. So if she does know about Williams, either she's not mad, or she's at the point now where she can joke about it (so maybe 'him going off' is tied to it).

In truth, though -

I don't think we're supposed to know if she knows yet. Because in 7x11 there's a scene where Nick tells her Grissom is leaving, and the script says that her reaction is ambiguous as to whether she's shocked by the news, or pretending because she knows already.

I thought the episode was decent. The writing was fantastic - a lot of great lines, but ultimately the whole package fell flat.

CSI has GOT to stop infusing the stories we actually want to see - Grave Danger aftermath, the MCSK's possible death - with B stories.

They had enough to do with the MCSK not to have to worry with that other one, as funny as it was.

Plus they really could've spent more time working on the connection between the victims, talked about why Ernie was a candidate other than his molds...

Because I know he's NOT the MCSK. So if they had at least tried to make it feel as though the case were wrapped, or on the other side of the coin left us with a definite "OR IS IT??" feel, it would've been fine. But it really just came off as "And the end" like with Daddy's Little Girl and Nick.

Plus I thought that while it was funny in the abstract for a fictional character, if I was Catherine, I wouldn't have laughed at his daughter getting run over, and I was glad to see that Grissom didn't find that portion funny either.

The part where Sara comes in is a little odd, though. Does she know he's tired and is just confused by his speech, or does she not know he's been thrown into the tailspin again? After all, she was gone for most of the episode investigating the cell phone.
thanks des, for complimenting on my letter! i was kinda bored, so i thought, let's send a letter to them! ;)
about last nights eppie, i loved it. i already liked the story line of the miniature killer, this guy was just FREAKY!! but i loooved the 'see how it feels' scene. sara was like: look, this is what you always do with me, so NOW, i'm doing the same thing to you, being really dreamy and walking out with: i'll let you know..' :p did you guys see his face before she said it?? he was like: 'okay, did MY sara just said: 'i'll let you know' and walk out?? omg...'
and then, after sara's 'see how it feels', the look on his face was really funny. he was making that typical billy-lip, kinda pulling it to the right side.. soo cute! :devil: he was like: 'okay, she IS kinda right, i always do that.. she got me there..' :p
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