Ahaha BURN on Grissom with the "See how it feels?" line. It was cute, though. He got the message, wasn't angry, and Sara's expression was adorable. I am certain it was only about Grissom's usual epiphany/exit thing, though, not a jab at anything to do with Williams. That would be way too cruel, and not really Sara's style [anymore? she's made jabs back in the 'dark ages' I think]. At least not considering how in good spirits she was. If she'd been negative about the "See how it feels" without the cute smile and lip purse, I mighta bought that, but since it was there? No way. Definitely just a little teasing burn about The Geekmeister's exits. Hee.
In the scene with Cath in Grissom's office, when Sara walked in and he made the evolutionary/"too bad" comment, you could tell (or, well, I could tell) with Sara's little glance to Cath, that she wanted to say something like "Are you okay, baby?" but held back, 'cause Catherine was there. I'm sure they talked later.
Naww, I just want to give Grissom huggles now. But I'll leave Sara to do that job. She can probably do 'em better than me (for him) ..and naked.
Seriously, though, all kidding and sex aside - Grissom needs a hug, especially after the suicide scene, too. Poor Gilly
For all those who are wondering about, if it was a clip, who sent the email 'cause Ernie was dead by the time it happened (can't imagine the SWAT cop going "Ooh, unsent mail. I'll just finish this up for him..." lol) I was under the impression that it was a live, streaming video. I mean, Ernie sent the email, Grissom opened it straight away, and he started confessing. I know with some email programs you can be alerted when the person you've emailed opens your message, so perhaps he was waiting for that to happen to begin his speech?
Of course he wasn't to know A] Grissom was there in his office, and B] The SWAT team were infiltrating his humble abode, but hey.
But of course, TPTB could have just taken creative license to do the cutting back and forth and the whole thing COULD have happened earlier in the evening, BUT - Certainly if that was the case, Grissom would have got the call almost immediately to alert him about the death as soon as that cop found Ernie's body (as seen in the video), no?
So, hm. Ah well.
Catherine's laughing throughout the episode was great, though, I've gotta say. Did it sound to anyone else, though, that Marg had a cold?
I missed a decent chunk of the episode, though, so that's really all I can comment on.
Oh, also - I actually felt really bad for Ernie in the suicide scene. His line "spend any amount of time around people - you get your heart broke" I really empathised with. Poor guy

I'm not saying the guy's without sin, but I know how he feels there to a certain extent. Not the full extent - jeebers, I'm not that jaded or out for blood - but I get it.