Grissom & Sara #24: Since Norman Fell

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congratulations guys for the new thread ;)
very cute the name :D
and my option for the last poll is other :S for my is a mix between option one and third .
Though I do agree with the first one, I imagine that those were not stage directions, but rather what Jorja and Billy chose to do with the scene. So I went with the third. I'm glad we got a breather. Because, as I said before, when there's a bit of a lull, it has to be a bigger scene to kind of justify why we don't see them flirting every scene they're in.

Like the week before when there was no Sara at all, and bam - we had a HUGE ship moment.

So... I think they purposefully gave us a lot of GSR, so that when we get none, we pay attention.

From here on in, I think we're going to have to strap ourselves in for some ship-building and ship-breaking moments, rather than just cute couple scenes.
WoooHOooooo NEw thread COngrats everyone im a bit late but still WooooHooooo!!!

As for the poll i picked the third one too. I mean im not gonna lie i wanted some geek lovin in their scene but is mostly because we've been getting in almost every episode some flirtness that i just wanted some on this one. I found the episode a bit bored though. But it's cool cause next episode looks really really good and i know that Griss and Sara are working together cause thats with the MCSK comes back right?. I just cant wait.
Yay. new thread. And yes, Tom and Norman both look thrilled.

Haha.. nice manip Adzix, I really like it :p

I like the name of the thread. After six seasons, going on seven, and finally knowing they are together, we needed a name that showed the growth that these two have done. And we needed something that made us go 'Awwwwwww!' at because their love has been so evident to us and yet, not to Sara or Grissom.
I picked "it was great" Roger Daltry was fantastic..good acting..guess I'm out of the mix on the new title, and on the "Norman Fell" I realize he's an actor. but what's the correlation relating to Grissom and Sara? please explain..thank's

Wwwwwhhhhhhooooo! New thread!Yay!!! :D. Love the name.
As for the poll I picked the 3rd, I wasnt too mad at the lack of GSR-y scenes but since the MCSK is coming back I am hoping that we will get more GSR-y scenes this Thursday *crosses fingers*.
yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy new thread!!!!!!
love the title, its been a long time coming, but it finally got voted for, thats cool, i need to watch the latest clips from the last ep, i havent had the time, but last weeks was great, although its so obvious their setting the ship up for either a big falling out when he leaves, or a big heart to heart and maybe a kiss. how many eps we got before grissom goes on leave?
desertwind said:
guess I'm out of the mix on the new title, and on the "Norman Fell" I realize he's an actor. but what's the correlation relating to Grissom and Sara? please explain..thank's

No hon, Norman's not an actor. Remember the Geek's first scene ever? Grissom's dropping dummys and Sara comes up behind him? (the picture you posted is from that scene ;) )

GIL GRISSOM: Norman "pushed".

(He takes pictures of the dummy. He turns to snap photos of the second dummy.)

GIL GRISSOM: Norman "jumped".

(GRISSOM takes pictures of the third dummy.)

GIL GRISSOM: Norman "fell".

SARA SIDLE: (o.s.) Wouldn't you if you were married to Mrs. Roper?

(At the sound of her voice, GRISSOM puts the camera down. Behind him, SARA puts
her bag down on the ground, a huge grin on her face.)

GIL GRISSOM: I don't even have to turn around. Sara Sidle.

The dummy's name was Norman, and so we've seen the chemistry between Grissom and Sara "Since Norman Fell" ;)

Hope this helps :)
forensicsgirl said:
desertwind said:
guess I'm out of the mix on the new title, and on the "Norman Fell" I realize he's an actor. but what's the correlation relating to Grissom and Sara? please explain..thank's

No hon, Norman's not an actor. Remember the Geek's first scene ever? Grissom's dropping dummys and Sara comes up behind him? (the picture you posted is from that scene ;) )

GIL GRISSOM: Norman "pushed".

(He takes pictures of the dummy. He turns to snap photos of the second dummy.)

GIL GRISSOM: Norman "jumped".

(GRISSOM takes pictures of the third dummy.)

GIL GRISSOM: Norman "fell".

SARA SIDLE: (o.s.) Wouldn't you if you were married to Mrs. Roper?

(At the sound of her voice, GRISSOM puts the camera down. Behind him, SARA puts
her bag down on the ground, a huge grin on her face.)

GIL GRISSOM: I don't even have to turn around. Sara Sidle.

The dummy's name was Norman, and so we've seen the chemistry between Grissom and Sara "Since Norman Fell" ;)

Hope this helps :)

Thank'd FG I appreciate that.. but Norman Fell is an actor (IMDB} from the old days.. and that's what was confusing me.. I'll bet Grissom knew that "he fell from grace" his career went in the dumpster.. and beings Grissom is from the old school. that had to be the connection.. ;)

Thank'd FG I appreciate that.. but Norman Fell is an actor (IMDB} from the old days.. and that's what was confusing me.. I'll bet Grissom knew that "he fell from grace" his career went in the dumpster.. and beings Grissom is from the old school. that had to be the connection.. ;)

See, this is what happens when a person leaves America for the backwater that is Belfast when she's a child - because I totally didn't make the connection between the actor and the reference. I KNEW the Mrs. Roper comment was about 'Three's Company' (I have a very dim recollection of watching the show when I was six or seven) but I guess I just assumed that Mr. Roper's name was Norman, not the actor who played him. *sigh* So many layers...

I forgot about the poll earlier. I went with the third option. I'm totally cool with not getting GSR every single week. Remember last year when we went for large stretches of the seasons with no geek interaction AT ALL? This year, we've had tons, so I see no harm in taking a break now and then - otherwise we'll be completely spoiled.

With the potential for DOOOOOOOOOOOOM looming, its only right that we have a little break in the geek festivities. *weeps at thought of DOOOOOOOOOM*
*drool* nice piccie!
Adzix, yummy manip. Hopefully we'll get a real one of those one day so we won't have to rely on dreams anymore...
Haha.. nice manip Adzix, I really like it
aw, thanks guys <3
Another thing I found in my photobucket:
yeah fogi, i noticed the spiders there too, and i always wondered how did she get them. it seriously looks like she got them from Grissom at some point. you know the thing with the Christmas present from him, the enthomology book, makes me think that there really could've been something more between them that we've seen. i'm not talking about them being a couple yet, but there is a possibility they were already in the stage of "more than friends" - confirmed by Grissom, not only Sara. also her boldness in Snakes suggests he showed her he cared off-screen (but nothing really happened yet).

on the poll i voted no.3, b/c Living Legend was packed with other stuff and if he had GSR in it, it would look a little forced. besides i agree with what everyone here is saying, i don't need GSR in every ep, b/c i'm happily waiting for something huge to come.

anyways, i wanted to really celebrate this thread and make 24 GSR icons, but i managed to do only 10. it still took me a while, cuz i have non of those fancy graphic programs that all fanart people have.


check out the rest here

i'm gonna go and watch Fur and Loathing now. peace, yo.
Adzix, I'm stealing your artisticness, because I'm so jealous. And I'm also stealing the icon in my icon-place. Cause its the most amazing thing in the world. :D

Why are we talking about Christmas presents? Yeesh.. I mean, most of her stuff isn't from just Christmas, Grissom probably gave it to her on her Birthdays, Easters, Thanksgivings, and other other holiday upon which Grissom would be able to use such excuse to give her a present. Because he likes giving her things.

And wow, you could totally take the last thing I said the wrong way.. and now I made it sound dirty.. but I know you all were thinking it.

btw, Adzix, you are credited in my Bio thing. : )
I LOL :lol: when reading your response. "the backwater that's known as Belfast" Hey I slightly remember him in "Three's Company" as the handy man.. not a favorite show..but anyway..hell I forget stuff too.. :(and I live in the Vegas town :lol:

Yay for our new home! I love it, it is très awesome. I'm so glad "Since Norman Fell" is the new thread title. It's about time! *high fives Fogi*

And of course, my welcome gift:


I like cozy new threads.

theatrsporter said:
At least Tom is very pleased with our new home:

*shudders* Tom Selleck should be shunned from this thread, Sporter. You hear me? SHUNNED!

Forensicsgirl said:
I was going through my photobucket and found an old GSR strip i did a long ways back, based on GSR's very first scene together:

I remember that, Fogs. So cute. I love how in the second picture Sara looks like she's about to sack him. :lol: I too was looking through my Photobucket and I found one of the greatest GSR pictures ever. I think most of you will remember it.

GRISSOM: Hey baby, so I guess I'll pick you up at 7?
SARA: My my, suh, I'm pretty busy tonight but...I guess I can make some time for *swoon* you.

Yes, I know that was lame.

I'll post later with my choices to the polls and such. But for now, I'm off to play Dance Dance Revolution.
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