Grissom&Sara#22 - Tongues Cost More

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Adzix - "Did you just say what I think you said, Ecklie?"

lol @ No, just work. Anyway - yeah, he's going to be officially gone for sabattical reasons for 2 episodes, but I imagine it'll stretch over the hiatus. Either way, he's not far. BUT Gibby said that recently massive re-writes were done to a couple of episodes, possibly because they got beat by Grey's last week. Either way, everything is subject to change. But at THIS moment, she says she doesn't think GSR has anything to worry about. Though the Doc's appearance is still expected.

Way to hit the nail on the head. That's exactly what it is. I don't want to feel like I'm defending a ship I no longer enjoy, and I'm paranoid that it'll start to go downhill. But you're right, thus far it has been handled very well.

RIGHT. I'm more worried that they're going to mess it up, and that I'm almost... forced? to keep defending it past the point of screw-up. So because of that, every moment we HAVE GSR is a moment for it to be somehow... well, screwed.

The Ecklie moment came dangerously close to being OOC and OTT. They played it JUST inside the lines. I'm only hoping that they don't do that with every character all season, that they just start having them find out or something.
The Ecklie moment came dangerously close to being OOC and OTT. They played it JUST inside the lines. I'm only hoping that they don't do that with every character all season, that they just start having them find out or something.
I have a feeling that scene may have been written slightly OOC/OTT (though of course I don't know this, or know who it was that wrote that particular scene) and that it was Jorja & Billy who pulled it back just far and well enough. I think we can trust those two, no matter what the writing is.
i have a question.

so i re-watched the season two finale, and that stuff about Grissom and his hearing at the end, and i got a bit concerned. i know the lady doc said that she disnt have an answer for how long it would take for him to go deaf & theres no cure (thats what she meant right?)....and i know he had an op or something in season 3, and that greg said something about the surgery paying just wondering if sara knows about it-and the impact that will have on their relationship. for many people, going into a relationship with someone, with big hearing problems..who may and probably will, lose their hearing-it would be too much pressure or something-i dont know how to describe it. if sara knows, and still persued him, and still got in a relationship with him, that says a lot about the strength of her feelings for him.....or did we get more info on it and hes gonna be ok?

and its no coincidence i think that when grissom went to the crime scene from the ladys apartment in that ep, that that song, from a moth to a flame, im drawn to you...etc was playing, the words....he was drawn to the crime scene, she was there, he didnt realise, he was drawn to her regardless of how far apart they were at first. and i liked the ive got a gal named sara bit too. that was cute. he blatently had her on his mind.
Sara_Grissom_Fan, basically -

This is the scene you saw:
DOCTOR: We're both scientists, Mr. Grissom, so let me tell you the science. You've got otosclerosis. Basically, this means a bony growth has begun to form around the base of the stapes. What this does is prevent the stapes from moving and passing vibrations to the inner ear effectively neutralizing sound waves.
GRISSOM: (nods) It's hereditary -- my mother.
DOCTOR: Most doctors think so. But there's no way to know when it's going to show up and there's no way to reverse it once it does.
GRISSOM: Right. How long do you think?
DOCTOR: (shakes her head) I don't have that answer.
Which was, as you say, in the season two finale, The Hunger Artist.

After that, it progresses through Season 3. He has trouble in the court room with his hearing in 3x02 The Accused is Entitled. We see he's taking some lip-reading classes in 3x04 A Little Murder. He has his hearing tested after forcing himself to hand a case over to Nick and Warrick in 3x10 High and Low, and in the same episode we see him secretly researching the condition on his computer. Lady Heather calls him on his hearing problem in 3x15 Lady Heather's Box. I think that's all we get (someone can feel free to correct me here) until we see him looking up an ENT Doctor at the end of 3x22 Play With Fire (just before Sara asks him out) and then in the S3 finale - 3x23 Inside The Box - he goes to see Doc Robbins:

(GRISSOM sits in the chair while ROBBINS finishes looking at his ears.)
ROBBINS: Boy, I wish you'd come to me sooner. Your condition's pretty far along. Why did you wait?
(GRISSOM sighs.)
GRISSOM: I hoped it would go away.
ROBBINS: Doesn't your mother have this condition?
GRISSOM: Yeah. It's hereditary. I know. I wasn't rational.
ROBBINS: Look, Gil, I'm not going to preach to you. You came to me, but ... Doctor to Doctor ... there's a chance the bone deposits have spread into the inner ear, in which case, your hearing loss will eventually be permanent. If I were you, I'd schedule surgery as soon as possible.
Then, of course, at the end of that episode, Grissom goes in to surgery, and by the S4 Premiere his hearing is back to normal (as seen in 4x01 Assume Nothing):

(Off screen, we hear a faint, electronic whirring sound. The camera cuts to CATHERINE'S black bag and kit on the floor off to the side. GRISSOM looks over to her things.)
(CATHERINE turns to answer it.)

GRISSOM: I think your cell phone's vibrating.
CATHERINE: (turns back to look at GRISSOM) You heard that?
(GRISSOM goes back to looking at the wallet.)
GRISSOM: Mm-hmm.
(CATHERINE reaches for her phone and smiles at GRISSOM.)
CATHERINE: You're back.
(Distracted, GRISSOM doesn't hear her.)
(CATHERINE smiles as she answers her phone. GRISSOM squints ... or winks at her.)
There are of course other moments throughout the season where his hearing goes on and off, but that^'s your basic timeline. I'm pretty sure it wasn't mentioned again until Greg's line in 6x19 Spellbound:

GREG: You heard about the strip club?
GRISSOM: I hear about everything, Greg.
GREG: Then that ear surgery paid off.
Which, I think, was somewhat confusing to all of us, including Grissom :p (as to how he knew, when apparently noone did back at the time it was around - except Cath and Al who don't seem like the type to tell).

ANYWAY - From all of that, and the fact it hasn't posed itself as a problem since...I gathered that had Grissom not had the surgery and the bone had found its way all the way into the inner ear (as Robbins mentioned it was in danger of doing) then there would be no way of reversing it, and he'd have been screwed. However, it seems Grissom had the surgery to remove the bone mass just in time, and so his hearing has remained fine since then. Whether the bone is going to grow back or not, remains to be seen. I'm not familiar enough with the condition to be able to say if that's possible/probable/whatever.

So that's as much as I can say as to how much it'll affect Grissom in the future. I'd say Mama G wasn't so lucky in that medicine may not have advanced far enough for her to have been so lucky, either that or she just didn't get it checked out in time, hence her becoming permanently deaf.

As far as Sara knowing about his condition? I'd say if Greg knows, she knows :p Plus everyone on the team seemed to notice something was wrong in the TAIE courtroom scene. But yeah - as to whether Grissom and Sara have spoken about it together really depends on how far along in their relationship they are. If Grissom's been able to speak openly about what he'd like his death (and pre-death) to be like, however, I'd say chances are pretty high that they have (not that we've seen it onscreen, anyway).

Sara's picked up on a few 'secret' things we/he may not have realised anyway. Like her obvious allusion to Lady Heather in 6x24 Way To Go when they were talking about corsets - as she'd never had anything to do with Lady Heather, none of us really knew how clued-in Sara was on the whole thing. She's a smart lady, though - and I'd say she knew exactly what she was getting herself into when she got into a relationship with Grissom - and I think we all know of and can agree on the large strength of her feelings for him.

But yes, back full circle to Hunger Artist - the "moth to a flame" and "I've got a gal named Sara" moments, not to mention their symmetry in movement below the billboard (soon after the MtaF bit) makes that it an excellent GSR episode. We do love it so :)
oh right. thankyou so much for explaining that, in so much depth, that really helps. im so glad he'll probably be ok, cause i was thinking after that ep, that would probably be how he'd exit at the end of season 7, or at the end of 8 if he stays, which is looking good so far. he'd eventually become so hard to hearing he'd have to leave, and sara would leave with him. thats how i thought it might happen, but thats good he'll probably be ok. cause i got teary eyed when i watched the end, cause he looked so...he looked like he needed a hug.

i agree though, such a cute GSR ep. hey, i noticed grissom walks a little weird. im not meaning to be rude, i was just wondering, is that how WP walks or is it a character thing? it sounds a stupid question, even as a type it, but i keep noticing.
It's difficult to come to this late, isn't it Sara Grissom Fan? I did too, January this year when I booked to go to Vegas in the summer. Now I'm addicted to GSR and this site! :lol:

The folks on here are very informed and I learn a LOT abut the ship and their takes on the GSR episodes before the end of Series 6. It's quite scary... the depth of their knowledge at times... but sweet as well! :D

Go Guys! Long live GSR!
haha totally it is. but to me, it was never a big show with tons of publicity here, like lost, or DH's or whatever, the cast and storylines are always in the press, the cast became big stars. you dont really hear about csi or the cast. i guess thats how it slipped under the rador for me, i feel like i have more questions than answers and comments, the timeline of everything (especially GSR) confuses me too because i watched season 5 by accident first. but im watching in order now, and i think that will help me understand. but yes, i like it here cause people are tons of help and answer youre questions nice and thoughtfully and in depth, not just a sentence and thats it.

what's youre fav GSR scene?
Sorry but what does mean OTT? I know OOC means out of character, but OTT?

Regarding Grissom's surgery i agree with theatre. If Greg knows is a news that is in common knowledge, so even Sara knows. I also agree regarding the corsets question in Way to Go. I have always had the feeling that Sara knows and understands Grissom more than he and we realize. At least this my idea of Sara and her relationship with Grissom.
I would feel special, but it just hurts me, Adz. It cuts real deep. *wail* heh.
hmmm .. i just got an idea i'll put it as my avie. some sort of revenge for bold TH, puffins, dolls and all the others.
Adzix - "Did you just say what I think you said, Ecklie?"
yeah right, you just rewrote it from ts' post.
Sorry but what does mean OTT? I know OOC means out of character, but OTT?
OTT means over the top, in other words - overdone.
I have a feeling that scene may have been written slightly OOC/OTT (though of course I don't know this, or know who it was that wrote that particular scene) and that it was Jorja & Billy who pulled it back just far and well enough. I think we can trust those two, no matter what the writing is.
naah, i don't think it was either OTT or OOC. i mean, we've never seen them in a relationship earlier (like, for real), so we can't say "that was OOC". i think the basis for those kind of assumptions we're getting right now. and please don't forget that grissom was singing in the morgue to a dead body in that episode.

great analysis ts. i gotta say i agree that sara knows. if greg does - she does. or maybe it should've been in the opposite way? if we're saying that in Spellbound they're likely to already be together, Sara could've known about it from Grissom. i believe sometime during one of the investigations, Catherine and Sara were talking about some hearing conditions, and Grissom's problem somehow got into their conversation. Greg possibly overheard that, being in the same room, or also being a part of the conversation.
when does everyone think they got together anyways?

i keep hearing people saying commited was the turning point, i probably agree, thats when he maybe started to think-he was ready to risk it all for her...

i was looking at this place and its really great cause when you go through the seasons like a timeline, it has the big scenes between them and the pics documented. its really really cute. i think there was something going on, during the entire season maybe.

and you know that Bite Me scene. where grissom says 'Or maybe they were suffocating each other and he couldn’t breathe'. as to why they could be sleeping in seperate beds, and sara looks majorly pissed with his answer. do you think hes referring to sara there, that hes feeling suffocated and cant breath or just the case and she hasnt liked the answer? maybe they were in the early stages of dating there, and wernt sleeping together, cause she does say after, that you dont have to sleep in the same bed to get it on. hm. all very confusing.
I have a feeling that scene may have been written slightly OOC/OTT (though of course I don't know this, or know who it was that wrote that particular scene) and that it was Jorja & Billy who pulled it back just far and well enough. I think we can trust those two, no matter what the writing is.

I meant more Ecklie in the sense of OOC. OTT was definitely reeled in by Jorja and Billy given their reactions to it. Less OMGZ! and more "Should we be worried?". Either way - would Ecklie EVER attempt to get Sara on his side? I just mean, with their history, even if it WAS to usurp Grissom, I have a hard time believing he'd ask for her opinion.

But perhaps, and maybe Marc Vann didn't capture it (even though I love him) it was supposed to feel like he was buttering up to Sara to get her to agree with him so he could do it, and then just that frustration of "Frigging EVERYONE sides with Grissom. Pout. I'm off to hatch evil."

The only good I see coming of that scene is that perhaps Ecklie is finally willing to trade back his white hat for the black one.

Which, I think, was somewhat confusing to all of us, including Grissom (as to how he knew, when apparently noone did back at the time it was around - except Cath and Al who don't seem like the type to tell).

WELLL... the thing is that it only takes on person to tell the next, so on and so forth. For all we know it was just a canon slip by the writer who forgot that the whole team wouldn't necessarily be privvy, but... his ear surgery kind of reminded me of when you go in for a test or I had a friend who went in for Canadian Idol and told NO ONE. And it's partially because if it fails, you don't want everyone to know. If it fails, he'd have to tell everyone about his hearing problem anyway.

But she got into Canadian Idol and then told EVERYONE. So... as private as Grissom is, he may have even given Catherine the okay to say something while he was recooperating.


Or perhaps Grissom underestimated his team of trained investigators and Catherine was the only one willing to step forward about it at the time.

It's difficult to come to this late, isn't it Sara Grissom Fan? I did too, January this year when I booked to go to Vegas in the summer. Now I'm addicted to GSR and this site!

The folks on here are very informed and I learn a LOT abut the ship and their takes on the GSR episodes before the end of Series 6. It's quite scary... the depth of their knowledge at times... but sweet as well!

Go Guys! Long live GSR!

Ironically it was really easy to come into it this time last year when I joined. Because we had the Gum Drops rumors, the TV Guide spread, but nothing had actually HAPPENED yet. So everyone was willing to speculate about old stuff like crazy - now it seems, for once, that we're only focused on the future.

Sara's picked up on a few 'secret' things we/he may not have realised anyway. Like her obvious allusion to Lady Heather in 6x24 Way To Go when they were talking about corsets - as she'd never had anything to do with Lady Heather, none of us really knew how clued-in Sara was on the whole thing. She's a smart lady, though - and I'd say she knew exactly what she was getting herself into when she got into a relationship with Grissom - and I think we all know of and can agree on the large strength of her feelings for him.

Yeah, I think there's a strong possibility that between Greg's comment in Spellbound and Sara's in the finale, that we were just supposed to get the sense that Grissom REALLY isn't as private as he'd like to believe.

haha totally it is. but to me, it was never a big show with tons of publicity here, like lost, or DH's or whatever, the cast and storylines are always in the press, the cast became big stars.

Well, when WP was casting the show, because he helped cast the mains, it's very possible that he wanted to weed out any drama queens or spotlight-stars. Most of these people also have backgrounds in music or theater, which may have been another thing he was going for, and traditionally those who have backgrounds in either of those or both know the value of working as a group, hence why I don't believe we've ever heard of divas on the set, as Gary Dourdan said.

And also, it wouldn't work for the show's dynamic to make up all kinds of rumors, which is what I lot of that is. I'm not bragging, this just happens to be true, but my mom worked PR for Paramount, and 99% of that "Eva Longoria makes out with Darth Vader" stuff? Made up because the PR firm owns both stars and is just trying to get them in the headlines.

yeah right, you just rewrote it from ts' post.

Sorry - I didn't see TS's post.

naah, i don't think it was either OTT or OOC. i mean, we've never seen them in a relationship earlier (like, for real), so we can't say "that was OOC". i think the basis for those kind of assumptions we're getting right now. and please don't forget that grissom was singing in the morgue to a dead body in that episode.

For me, though, it wasn't them - it was Ecklie.

Anyway - as for the singing... there was an episode in the early seasons where Grissom jokingly head-bobbed to Greg's rock music, and let's not forget the maniacal giggle when he had his birthday present for Lindsey. I don't think it's so much OOC as a return to character.
i meant it wasnt a big show over here, in the uk, i know it is very big in america etc. i meant in terms of publicity, on both the stars and the show over here, i never see it-and still dont, lost. dh's etc, totally different-always in the press in the uk-lots of hype-but i think thats worked for CSI not against. people get bored eventually with all the press-it becomes over-exposured-and like WP said, you make big storylines, have them happen soon to draw big audiences-and then bang-what material have you got for other seasons? what storylines between the characters are left to work with?.

and can someone explain the Bite Me scene please. :) where grissom says 'Or maybe they were suffocating each other and he couldn’t breathe'. as to why they could be sleeping in seperate beds, and sara looks majorly pissed with his answer. do you think hes referring to sara there, that hes feeling suffocated and cant breath or just the case and she hasnt liked the answer? maybe they were in the early stages of dating there, and wernt sleeping together, cause she does say after, that you dont have to sleep in the same bed to get it on. hm. all very confusing. anyone?

oh and as for the 'now it seems, for once, that we're only focused on the future'. remark, thats not what i am focused on, i am focused on new eps and scenes between the two, dont get me wrong, but im still speculating and discussing old stuff too. thats probably because all those scenes are new to me, and where others have discussed them into the ground here, and had them explained tons-i havent.
Sorry - I didn't see TS's post.
just messin', lol.
For me, though, it wasn't them - it was Ecklie.
well ... maaaybe ... hmmm ... naaaah, lol.

but i can see what you mean by OTT for Sara and Grissom. consider this though: they are in a relationship for long now, the possibility that someone finally noticed something is rising. it's like when you're 12 and you break a window. when someone says he's thirsty and needs a glass of water you get over-suspicious and nervous how much this person really knows. it's completely irrational, but that's how dirty conscience works (and how lie detectors do their job). so i mean, in the beggining they weren't so afraid someone will notice something cause they were very secret about it. but with time, it gets harder and harder to hide it. you get used to do and say certain things to this person, and it happens that you sometimes forget you're at work and a gesture or a word just slips. so i think they are getting a bit nervous, cause they might've uncounciously said something one time, and people start suspect something. after all they work with people who notice those things for living.
Anyway - as for the singing... there was an episode in the early seasons where Grissom jokingly head-bobbed to Greg's rock music, and let's not forget the maniacal giggle when he had his birthday present for Lindsey. I don't think it's so much OOC as a return to character.
excelent point (but wasn't it Doc's music?). he's coming back to the happy Grissom from earlier seasons. i don't want to see the overhappy-pilot-Grissom though. too out of character. but the change we're presently witnessing is very telling. i like it :D
Ad - I love those icons, You did a great job with them!

How come everytime I come in here, yall are picking on Sarah? lol.

How long are they supposed to have been in a relationship, anyways?

Hiya TS, Reebs, Grissly, and Sarah, Fogi (if she's around) :D
just messin', lol.

Bursts into tears.

but i can see what you mean by OTT for Sara and Grissom. consider this though: they are in a relationship for long now, the possibility that someone finally noticed something is rising.

Oh for sure - and like I said, JF and WP totally roped it in nicely. That small moment of panic, followed by Sara just kind of going, 'Nah...?'

It was done really well.

). so i mean, in the beggining they weren't so afraid someone will notice something cause they were very secret about it. but with time, it gets harder and harder to hide it. you get used to do and say certain things to this person, and it happens that you sometimes forget you're at work and a gesture or a word just slips. so i think they are getting a bit nervous, cause they might've uncounciously said something one time, and people start suspect something. after all they work with people who notice those things for living.

Especially since Grissom quite clearly had a hard-on at the end of Time of Your Death. So... there's that.


Kidding, kidding...

anyway - good point.

They were good about making their conversations quiet (Bite Me) but I think more and more they were, unfortunately, airing stuff out in public (Thermite, Grey Hair)

And perhaps afterwards they took a step back and went, "Oops" - most likely what their looks were in Time of Your Death when Caprice announces that they like each other. They were good enough at hiding it so that Caprice didn't know they already were dating, but not good enough so that he couldn't tell there were no feelings.

Which is why the Good Doctor's appearance has me kind of jazzed - the whole team already pretty much knows that they have feelings for one-another, but no one knows that they're actually together. And it does take an outsider's POV. Again, I hope they use this guy and he doesn't get cut again, so we're most likely looking at Burnout for his appearance. But yeah - the whole point of that speech is that Grissom pretty much tells him he's wrong at the end of it in a little act of defiance, so... I don't think he'll shake GSR's foundation, but it will open Grissom's eyes to the fact that they're never going to be able to permanently hide this.

excelent point (but wasn't it Doc's music?). he's coming back to the happy Grissom from earlier seasons. i don't want to see the overhappy-pilot-Grissom though. too out of character. but the change we're presently witnessing is very telling. i like it

There's an episode where Doc does air guitar, but there's also a scene where Greg is blasting his music and Catherine and Grissom come in a side door and Grissom does a strange head-bob to it. I think it was Season 2.

Either way - OOC or not, I just LIKE when they do things for the hell of it, like they did back then. It didn't make sense, it sometimes came off as WTF, but hey - that's life.

I don't want very first episode Grissom either, and I don't think he could fully be that guy anymore anyhow - like his deep sigh to Sara when she asks what their next move was (I loved her saying 'us' by the way) RIGHT after he'd cracked a light-hearted joke.

I think that's kind of making it clear that this won't be old Grissom and it won't be Season 5 Grissom, but rather a nice balance of a man happily in a relationship AND facing the possible end of his prized career.


Sorry, IheartNickCath - I didn't see your post! Welcome back to the fold!
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