Grissom&Sara#22 - Tongues Cost More

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Congratulation on the new thread.

O/T Don't killed me with this, I'm not going to bash or anything. I heard that Jorja re-sign, along with George and Marg.

Back on Topic, I don't want Grissom to leave, if Sara is staying, how they going to do that? Will Grissom leave Sara behind or what?
*canons awayyy*
w00t w00t for our uh-mazing canon ship!!!
And YAYYYYY for #22!!!!
And OMGasdfkashdg for there being 12 hours and 50 minutes until the Season 7 premiere!!!

Eh-neh-weh, back on topic. If Grissom leaves, I shall surely cry. But I will also surely get over it. Just s'long as he comes back once in a while, like to visit and stuffs. Otherwise, I'd like...die. Haha. But I dunno. I personally think ratings would go down if Billy AND Jorja left, and even if just Billy left for that matter(but maybe not as drasticly). But I hope Billy doesn't leave and then they make another season or two. When he leaves, if he does, I hope it concludes the show and it's over, except for re-runs. That, I think, would be a better way to do it rather than Grissom leaving in the middle of a season, and then continuing on with another season or two.
Congrats on the new thread everybody! YAY!

first of all, i don't think he'll leave comletely in S8. i think he'll just be away for a little more than 2 eps in that season. maybe 5,6? other than that, i think he'll stay.
I went with other, cause I really don't want to make decisions this far in advance. It depends on how the storyline progresses and what happens to lead us to that final moment of Grissomlessdom, so I'm gonna hold off on thoughts for now
i VERY much agree. didn't i tell ya'll that i hate the topic of someone leaving etc, when it's so uncertain and far away? no? so i'm saying it now.
O/T Don't killed me with this, I'm not going to bash or anything. I heard that Jorja re-sign, along with George and Marg.
...???... anybody eager to explain this, please?
Of course. Are we then, to assume, that subjects such as Cincoflex may have been restrained during their "sessions", thus leading to a surprising fetish of a combination of Billy and bondage?
i'm afraid the psychological profile of this particular person requires a more descriptive analysis and a throughout research. although, if i was to take an educated guess, i would lean towards a posistive answer to your question.
I'm sorry Adzix, I didn't explained it better, what I meant, like I said, don't hurt me, instead killed me (killed is not very nice word.) what I'm saying, I heard someone saying on other board, I don't know which one, said Jorja has re-sign for eight season. I hope that help.
sarah and her polls, you go girl- and I'm such a romantic- I chose "riding off into the sunset" can't help it- if he leaves what would she do? and where would she go?who would she be with?-- :( and HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAXSULLIVAN cheers, "clinks' champagne" glass, or Diet coke if your underage :lol:

TV Guide question? Which character will be the first to discover Grissom and Sara's hidden romance?
Petersen--Sara and Grissom are not going to let people fnd out!! which makes it even more intense. I don't know who would find out, or how they'd react. I do know there are several actors dying to be the one who finds out (laughs) Paul Guifoyle has already gone to the writers saying, "I'm the one who knows"
I'm sorry Adzix, I didn't explained it better, what I meant, like I said, don't hurt me, instead killed me (killed is not very nice word.) what I'm saying, I heard someone saying on other board, I don't know which one, said Jorja has re-sign for eight season. I hope that help.
okey, i'm still confused. did you mean that they signed a contract for 8th season and WILL be there next year, or that they resigned and they will be gone after S7??

oh and Happy B - Day saraXsullivan :D
They resigned for 8th, just Jorja, George and Marg. I forgot to said something else, it's a rumor I heard, they resigned for 8th season. They will probably return next years or whatever CBS decided to bring CSI back next years for 8th season or not.
Wonderful to see we have a new thread!

Thanks to the glorious gglovebug from CSI:, who posts at YTDAW, I just got to see the "ET" behind the scenes report covering our dynamic duo. There was nothing really spoilery, but I have watched it a thousand times just to see the glances tossed between the two characters. I won't say anything more, but I am definitely ready for tmra night. It's the only thing on my calendar for the day!
Adzix said:
I'm sorry Adzix, I didn't explained it better, what I meant, like I said, don't hurt me, instead killed me (killed is not very nice word.) what I'm saying, I heard someone saying on other board, I don't know which one, said Jorja has re-sign for eight season. I hope that help.
okey, i'm still confused. did you mean that they signed a contract for 8th season and WILL be there next year, or that they resigned and they will be gone after S7??

Because the above clarification really didn't, uh...clarify things, lol, I'm going to go ahead and say she means that Jorja, Marg and George have all signed contracts to pull them through to season 8, and not that they have resigned in the quitting sense :p

Happy birthday SXS!
Billy and Jorja were on ET tonite- and both funny- Jorja said "they'd be naked all the time, and be really good in bed!!! are working out to look good, and Billy said, to Jan Carl, about the "affair " that it's not an affair if you talk about it", and Jan said "you mean it's an affair? and he goes" of some sort" he's so coy

To view this video clip- go to and click on "NEWS" and then click on GSR and wa-la- their both in such great moods- she's adorable and funny- and he's such a "scamp" and funny as well :p
Gilbert said:
They resigned for 8th, just Jorja, George and Marg. I forgot to said something else, it's a rumor I heard, they resigned for 8th season. They will probably return next years or whatever CBS decided to bring CSI back next years for 8th season or not.

Sorry, I just had to post this but I'm guessing you actually meant to write re-signed. Because if you look up the definition of resigned it can mean to quit or give up a position ie you resign from your job when you are leaving.

Anyhow, I haven't heard anything yet about who's going to be there in season 8 and quite frankly I'm not sure I want to know because at the moment I want to live in my day dream of Grissom and Sara riding off into the sunset. They are together and I want them to stay together forever... no affairs or divorces but happy in CSI land. Plus they aren't real characters so I don't have to project real life onto them.

However having said all that, WP might be able to do a few eps in season 8, to work in with his theatre so Grissom could still be around (explained by maybe teaching or as a consult to the lab) and Sara can keep working as a CSI. And I should probably mention that I would like little geek babies!
Because the above clarification really didn't, uh...clarify things, lol, I'm going to go ahead and say she means that Jorja, Marg and George have all signed contracts to pull them through to season 8, and not that they have resigned in the quitting sense :p
ts, i freakin' love you. thanks for that.

and i think Alyssa and des have in mind the same thing, i'm gonna tell ya'll that even though i have a bunch of homework to do for tommorow, i'm downloading this clip right now. and i'm SO gonna watch it 30 times today.
ts, i freakin' love you.
Of course you do, everyone does ;)

As for the ET segment, damn. That was awesome. That opening shot of GSR was brilliant, and man...I love Jorja so much.

"We'll be naked every other episode" "Everybody's working out, y'know, makin' sure that we're *suggestive stumble* y'know, in top shape" "We're gonna learn that I'm fantastic in bed" - hahah. That woman is my hero.
She's freakin' adorable, and the clips they have of Grissom and Sara together (a look exchanged near the beginning, and the one where Sar reaches for her phone) are seriously cute. I even made an icon outta one of them...


(It's a bit dark and the colour's a bit off, but it's the best I could do with the quality of the promo. Just wait 'til the actual episode ;))

Anyway, does anyone else think Jan Carl kinda sounds/looks like Marg (but with shorter, styled hair) when she says "I'm thinkin something's going on"?

But yeah, I can't wait for season 7 now :D *ignores the fact it won't air here til Feb* Consensual Sex among Investigators. Heh.
WWooHooO!...New thread COngrats everyone!!!

So, i read some of WP Q&A in the article and it sounded as if he was going to continue with season 8 but that he will still be in the theater and doing other things...or so thats how i interperted. Which brings me to the poll...i picked "No..." because i was kind of "OMG the show is going to suck w/o WP and is not going to be the same and blah blah blah" and i kind of accepted that he will be gone but Jorja oh No i cant watch it without both of them! I mean i LOVE all the main actors and everything but w/o Jorja and Billy i dont think im going to be able to or i wont be all that interested...i'll still watch it though
*opens champagne bottle* Yeeeeeeees!!!! New thread, I am so happy happy happy.... Hello and welcome back in our little cosy gsr world, so honoured to be part of it. I loved reading the things about sara and grissom getting in shape for the real dirty stuff. :devil: Hopefully we get to see if the bodywork was worth it. Please, let us see at least a tiny bit of their workout... :eek:
Regarding the poll I voted for for the 3rd option. Because i am pretty sure that there will be no 9th season and therefor the only thing I care about is s and g are staying togehter no matter if he is leaving or staying or both leave or stay. For me its important that there is no breaking up and no cheating! I want them to be happy no matter what. I dont think that the writers will ruin everything by letting something terrible happen to them. We just got to know that they are a couple and its not just an affair cause grissom wouldnt risk his job and everything for just having sex, he could have had that without all the trouble, you know. So I am sure that their relationship will last till the end of the show and two seasons arent a long time.
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