Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Cooler

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i've chosen no.3. Grissom's birthday is just a number, so if they changed it to fit a story, i'm accepting it. the same thing goes to for example the library owner from Caged and the guy who shot Brass in Bang Bang - both characters were played by the same actor. i accepted that fact and even though it bothered me during the finale, i tried to think it's a different guy. BUT i'm not going to agree to anything that will contradict MAJOR clues over the last seasons. MAJOR in terms of interactions between Grissom and Sara where it was more than obvious that they weren't together. best example: Snakes. i'll never believe they were together before that episode or anywhere before Committed or even S6. so i'm selective with what i accept. besides, we may never know the actual timeline.
sarahvma said:
Little note for the Billyfiles out there - Apparently a CBS promo that was aired tonight confirms that Grissom will be beardless this season.
Grissom without a beard??? AAAAAAAAAA! My mother will be overjoyed, and I will be sad.

Anyways... Poll results for page 7:
1st poll: I voted "other". I think that their relationship will in general be smooth sailing with a few reefs they have to float over (G&S, if you two have problems, you are going to just have to work them out because they will make you a better, happpier couple. do not be like my parents.) Back to the topic.
2nd poll: I voted for "Smooth sailing all the way", like many of you did, because of course we would all love to see the happy couple without problems. It's that simple.

Poll results for page 8:
I picked "other", because I have absolutely no idea what "canon" is, so I would appreciate some help.
I totally agree, beeing them together for such a long time without anyone knowing doésnt make any sence. and btw there has always been that special tension between them but no hints at all that they are already a couple. ther has always been the struggle between admitting that there are feelings involved and the fear of being hurt and doing something horrible wrong, messing up the team spirit and probably even getting fired. Although i have the impression thats more what grissom thinks. Sara would have taken the risk of getting hurt from the beginning, being together with "her" grissom is definitly worth all the trouble. and what the hell is canon, as you know im new in this game, please help some clueless girl out :confused:
PS: i like the beard,makes him even more mysterious and sexy.
csibabe said:
Poll results for page 8:
I picked "other", because I have absolutely no idea what "canon" is, so I would appreciate some help.

Canon is anything at all they present on the show, making it fact. If you see it, and it's there, it's true and it happened, all this makes it so.

So for Sarah's poll, I voted 'Other'. I was torn somewhere between:

I choose selective canon - if things contradict, like Lindsay's age or Grissom's birthday, then I think it's my decision to choose which one to accept

Canon is relative - the writers really have no idea what they're doing one episode to the next. So if they say Grissom and Sara have been together for any period of time, it should be taken with a major grain of salt.

I mean, there are little things, like what Adzix said about the library curator playing the shooter in Bang Bang, Tina being played by the con's girlfriend from Fahrenheit 932, there being two Ellies, and there going to be two different Lindseys, too. Not to mention Sara's ever-changing apartment (painted wall vs. cinder block, and now this seemingly out of place bedroom?). That kinda stuff you just accept as show technicalities - the kinda stuff you run into in producing film and television.

But it's the written, spoken, acted and felt canon moments that I have a hard time rewriting in my head in retrospect. Decisions they make later in the show that contradict the more real moments that the characters have experienced or shared with oneanother, because it is these moments that really make up who they are and where they're at - so much more than any technicality ever would.

It's why I struggle to believe Gris and Sara have been together since Committed. If you take WTG as a standalone episode, and only showed, I dunno, Bite Me, before that (with obviously the large lapses in time to represent where the other episodes were) then sure, I could take that. That progression and those interactions would ring true to me. But from the canon moments we had throughout the rest of S6? I'm sorry, but it's too much of a struggle for me to jump on that bandwagon with y'all.
I went for the selective thing. There's also the whole "should the books be canon" thing but that's another story...usually they aren't, and I have to watch because sometimes I mention book stuff as canon LOL.

I'm still not sure when I think they actually got together. I can see some signs they *weren't* earlier on, S1-3, but it's hard to pick in later season...or maybe it's becuase I still haven't seen every episode yet. I'll get back to you.

When was Gris's birthday switched?

And I definately know about bubbles :) *Points to Smacked thread* If we don't like canon, we just sit in our little bubble and go 'la la la' and refuse to believe what we hear :)
i just hope that they dont act in #7 like the whole g/s thing never had happend. Not that "we drop that because we want to shock the audience and put the shippers down to earth again thing" cause that would simply be cruel for I believe many viewers stick to csi not only because of the thrilling crimes but so see how and where g and sara will end up . I started to watch csi las vegas from the episode on with the famous "pine me down" sequence, because i thought , hey whats going on here??!this could be interesting, because i never imagened csi having a love story involved. I used to be a huge fan of csi míami at first.
Interesting poll but a bit confusing for me. I picked the first option and "other". IMO i think that the show has been hinting us about their relationship since episode 2. I followed the evidence and it led me to believe that they been dating after "Commited" i just go with the flow and whatever i see on the show about GSR i make a theory about it. Thats one of the reasons why i picked option 1.

I picked "Other" because there are some cases where i mixed the show with reality. For example now that we know that Grissom is going beardless i'll probaby say Sara made him do it when in reality we know is because of his play. But of course we dont know how TPTB will play it out or even if they will mention it. Also now that we found out that they're dating and that they been dating for quite a while whenever i see the beginning of this season i see it differently. I dont see Sara and Grissom as just co-workers but as lovers. And that really does change the whole concept of the episode for me. I look for clues and things that i wouldnt even noticed before i do now. So i guess...Canon can mean a lot of things :rolleyes:
My problem is that g/s act a little bit too cool especially grissom, yes here were hints but no scenes where you could say, yes they are a couple but perhaps their strong effort not to look like a couple should have made one suspicious about them. i would like grissom to be more open more relaxed and passionate, what is he waiting for, he is not getting younger (dont get me wrong here, i dont mean he is old yet)and playing the cold as ice guy is not doing any good. I want to see romantic moments and them huging and kissing, for christs sake, do me the favour!!!!!
I wonder if that is why WP is thinner and baby faced? So the age difference is less apparent?

Beards *do* make men look older. I happen to love 'em and am married to beard (with a man attached I might add!)

At least WP is thankfully not IN ANY danger of balding. I have known guys in their early 20's very bald and it makes them look older. They get self consious about it but but cut *trim* is oooohh sexy. Just think of patrick Stewart.....
ziggy I agree actually he look's horrible the worst I've ever seen him- what's with these rumors that he's so much thinner? stunned at his apperance- if this is in fact the way he look's now- :( GAWD---and than there's Jorja- still so amazing and look's the same-hopefully this is in-accurate--


And gsrhappyending I apologize for the mistake of your country- of course I know Austria- by Germany- sorry I read it wrong :(
Canon is anything at all they present on the show, making it fact. If you see it, and it's there, it's true and it happened, all this makes it so.
Ah. Thank you very much.
In that case, I would probably go for
Canon is everything, unless it is contradicted by something in the future. Everything new is established canon and can re-write older canon
just because it makes the most sense to me. Having information from earlier seasons/epis embedded in my mind, then having new information contradictiong the older stuff and trying to remember that "noooooooo, that's incorrect" would probably make my brain implode (a bad thing).

My problem is that g/s act a little bit too cool especially grissom, yes here were hints but no scenes where you could say, yes they are a couple but perhaps their strong effort not to look like a couple should have made one suspicious about them. i would like grissom to be more open more relaxed and passionate, what is he waiting for, he is not getting younger (dont get me wrong here, i dont mean he is old yet)and playing the cold as ice guy is not doing any good. I want to see romantic moments and them huging and kissing, for christs sake, do me the favour!!!!!
I agree. It looks like they are trying too hard to keep it secret, and when you try too hard at something you totally contradict all your efforts. Neither of them are getting younger, and we need our passion, dammit! We need a smooch (god, I love that word!) and maybe a little makeout session, or at least a hug! Why are we seeing no hugs??? Do they just enjoy making our hearts contort with the tension until they end up in a knot??? I don't know.
Okay, done raving. I sometimes try saying something profound at the end of the day, and it usually comes out looking like something squishy, like I'm trying too hard (which fits in with what I said earlier)
Yet another poll.

I know, I know - you all love me endlessly for these and just look forward to them every single day...

Okay - let me clarify. This is NOT about whether or not you think Grissom and Sara could love one-another or could be happy, but whether you believe that everything's just hunky-dory now and that their problems were somehow solved behind the scenes, and whether or not you think that's fair.
You and your effing polls. Lol.

I picked option number one. Call me naive or blind or whatever, but I really do think they're comfortable with each other and they're on the same level now. Not to say that everything from now on is going to be sunshine and puppies and roses (is it really sad that I automatically thought "AWW IMAGINE IF THEY GOT A PUPPY TOGETHER?!"? Lol) but I do think that their troubles from the past are just there - in the past. Just gotta wait for new troubles to arise

Oh come on you guys, you know it's true :p The ship would be boring without the angst.
i comlepetely, fully, definitively agree with theatre on that one. if they wanted to be together, the first thing they had to do was explain everything to each other and have all the troubles behind them. isn't it the most important thing that kept them apart all those years? i think, the fact that they're together AUTOMATICALLY means that they are now happy and very comfortable with each other which we clearly saw in TOYD and WTG and that all the previous issues are resolved between them. i can't see them getting together without it. so i voted no.1 :D
Number one in the poll. You can tell that Sara affects him like no one other has done (didn't WP say that in an article even?). We've seen them togheter. How they act and clearly, enjoy each others company. Like said they probably took the time to sit down adn talk before anything happened (a talk I'd like to see..) and took it from there. If this pairing had happened in S1 I would have thought othervise but Sara grew to sort things out and Griss probably some too.

I hope I'm making sense...
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