Grissom&Sara#21 - Cuz Dating Secretly is SO Much Cooler

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i wonder what can happen that would make the secret ... no longer a secret. i would actually like to post a poll on that, if it's ok (i know sarah just posted one but i can't help myslef, and besides, this idea will fly away from my head tommorow).
Much as I'd rather it be the first option - them coming clean about it and just sort of saying "Here's what's going on, we've made a decision and it's going to be fine", I think Option 6 is most likely.

Especially with the sound of the doctor's speech, and Grissom's sabatical
All scenerios are possible-but I picked #4- but who knows- and "other" :lol: what could that possibly be?-- funny :lol:-and than maybe nothing for a while- you know how the writers never follow through on story lines- :(

i picked number 4, that they will act differently and people will be "suspicious."

to provide backbone, i was recently watching an episode of The Office, USA edition (i have a point i promise), and in the 2nd season, dwight and angela begin dating. they try to keep it a secret, but they are so bad at being discrete that 3 more people find out. and besides, it's not like it can be a secret forever. when two people are as actteracted to eachother as they are, it's hard not to act different around eachother.
I'd say possibly number four but not sure.

I hope everyone will be happy...Greg might be a little disappointed 'cause he had the crush on Sara...and I also wish Ecklie wasn't around 'cause he would not be happy. I can imagine the team telling each other to keep quiet so he won't find out.
i actually voted no.2. i think that TPTB will not want to make a major deal out of it, b/c they know a big number of people didn't want romance on the show at all. on the other hand i can't really see them not using the present situation to make a very good Butterflied-ish episode. i can only say that it would be a HIT and if it would, it will say that actually most of the people like the two of them together and will still watch the show. so i think the second option that i marked is very possible, but it DOESN'T exclude ANY other option. Cath can for example figure it out her way, and than something might happen that everybody would know, and it won't be influenced by Cath telling everybody (coz i think if she figured it out alone, she would keep it a secret. i'm not even sure if she would talk about it with either of them. well ... yeah, maybe she would. but they wouldn't have to ask her to keep her mouth shut :lol: she would know)
I can see 2 being the most likely event on a comedy show, or a show that just simply spends more time on the characters, but I think that devoting an entire sub-plot to "Warrick/Nick/Greg/Brass/Doc/Catherine walk in on Grissom and Sara doing it on his desk" (And I know that's not what you meant, but it would be a very Chandler/Monica-style sitcom thing to do) and that's more 3, but anyway - I think you're referring to more like a verbal oops or an "ah-ha" moment...

This is a very long way of saying that while possible, I don't think it's likely that a sub-plot of an episode will be devoted to that kind of thing.

However, if it were to deal with a case (if a lawyer says that they would be working together, conspiring) then I could see that happeneing because of course while it IS about GSR, it's still about the case as well.

Sorry - it's my day off and I'm not making a lot of sense.
congrats on the new thread guys!!I made something 4 this thread:D

about the poll I choose #4..I don't think there is gonna be big OOPPSS moment..
I LOVE the artwork!

A couple of links for you guys:

Firstly, a cooking class that the cast attended with Eric Szamanda - I don't know how long ago this was, but Billy still has the beard so... I did hear about it a few weeks ago, I think in an interview with Eric, but either way, it's cute:

The Cooking Class

And then yet ANOTHER article that deals with people arguing over the GSR finale, with some interesting insight from the medium itself (the newspaper):

More Romance, Less Science! More Science Less Romance!
wow CSI_Mania, I looove it.

lol, interesting Cooking Class. How come my cooking classes are never like that? :p

I like how Billy and Jorja are beside each other here and here and couples usually sit across from eachother, right?, aaaaand they just can't seem to stay away from eachother.

And those are my captions. lol. Sorry, I got bored :p

About the article,

Grissom has never given any indication of being interested in Sara. The two characters share no chemistry.

*ahem* *cough* *ahem* Where were you when butterflied was on TV? *cough*

And, the chemistry radiates off the screen dude! :lol:
I dont know if here the riht place to ask it but here i go... in the season 6final ... where u think they are?? In a hotel?in grissom house?in sara house? it was real or just a dream???It will continue in 7th season... that makes me very curious and i wannna knew more opinions!
I like how Billy and Jorja are beside each other here and here and couples usually sit across from eachother, right?, aaaaand they just can't seem to stay away from eachother.

Except that his wife is on the other side of him in those shots. lol.

But it would be cool if someone turned those into avatars. Like: Geeks in their Domestic Habitat.

I dont know if here the riht place to ask it but here i go... in the season 6final ... where u think they are?? In a hotel?in grissom house?in sara house? it was real or just a dream???It will continue in 7th season... that makes me very curious and i wannna knew more opinions!

I think the most likely answer is that it's one of their bedrooms and the other has begun moving their stuff into it, or that they are officially living together, because there's too much of a mish-mosh of stuff he would have and things she would have.
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