Grissom & Sara #11 - WE know what to do about "This"

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brandie!! I so happy for you! Send my best wishes to your new baby.

Woozy, Woozy, Woozy..Happy birthday!! How does it feel to be one year older?

Anyways, here's a picture of the gruesome twesome (did I even spell that right? Lame, I know :p).

Sara: Grissom, do we really have to watch our video? I was there, I don't need to see it again

Grissom: Shhh, just watch

Hey Woozy! Happy Birthday!!!!

Aggie, that book looks terrific. We'll have to get an extra copy and put it to one side for Grissom and Sara's first pupa :D

Spoilers for tonight

Pretty sure there's no visible GSR tonight - Sara's working with Nicky (and hopefully pinning him down and removing the monstrosity from his upper lip...) and Gris and Cath are working the death by food case.

As for next week's David Rambo episode, I haven't heard much except that Grissom is effected by the case (but not as much as he was going to be in Gum Drops...) It being a Rambo script, I'm hoping for a little subtle GSR interaction, but I haven't seen any spoilers for that yet...
It being a Rambo script, I'm hoping for a little subtle GSR interaction, but I haven't seen any spoilers for that yet...

sure you havent because they want make a big surprise to the GSR shipper :rolleyes: i was wondering: what episode did rambo write? any big gsr episode? :confused:
Well, David Rambo's first ever episode was 'Butterflied', and he's also written 'Swap Meet', '4x4' and 'Who Shot Sherlock'. He was interviewed by members of YTDAW, and he's very much a GSR shipper... Here's a few things he's said:

I think Grissom’s yearning for Sara is real – but the job, and his self-doubts always get in the way. Most crimes are committed between people who already have a close relationship. It’s would be impossible to spend every day investigating those relationships and not think about your own. I try to depict this obliquely, rather than head-on, which I think is more interesting and involving for the viewer. For instance, in Swap Meet, on the bench in the hallway at LVPD, Grissom brings Sara a cup of tea. That he knows she drinks tea says something. The brief conversation that follows is at the same time highly professional and confessionally intimate: they wonder if the husband and wife they’ve just interrogated are truly happy. The next step would be for Grissom and Sara to talk about their own ideas of love and happiness – but Grissom’s phone rings. Once again, work intrudes. I suspect it always will… but you never know.

Upon being asked how he'd like GSR to evolve:
I’m not going to tell you if it’s ever going to be consummated or not. I don’t know, and I don’t think any of us really knows. This is an example of what a privilege it is to work with actors of intelligence and generosity such as William Petersen and Jorja Fox. What they bring to Grissom and Sara each week continues to surprise and inform us. By paying attention to where they’re going with the characters, and what they do with what we ask them to play, we’ll get a sense of if and how anything develops. Right now, it’s terra incognito, and I rather like that.
ohhhhhhhhh :eek:thanks forensicgirl.... i didnt know that :eek: i guess i can hope some gsr now on the david rambo's episode:lol:
to bad that there isn't gonna be any gsr tonight, i can't wait till next week 'cause time flies by ;)before we know they are married, have a white picked fence, a dog and 2.4 children :D o and lots of bugs :rolleyes:
david rambo rocks!! and keep the faith were only half way threw the season :D
Happy Birthday!

and some spoiler help for episode 6x10

Catherine is heading the case, but the episode is not Catherine-centered.

Just got finished watching Dog Eat Dog. Great episode. Lot of funny parts. Lot's of Sara. She looked great as always. Of course we pretty much knew there was no GSR expected. But we have the next episode to look forward too, although I know this next Thursday we have a repeat. So we got two weeks until Still Life. :eek:
Hey guys! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

I noticed something when I was watching Anatomy of a Lye. Grissom was holding on to Sara's arm before the car was even in site. I was pleasantly surprised. Oh, and I love the part where he puts his hand on her back and directs her away from the sprinklers. And last but not least his ever-so-charming line "You really can light up a room." Or something to that affect. Anyway, best wishes to everyone!
Hey Future, great to see you around posting again. I never noticed that he had her arm before the car came into view on the road. I will have to check that clip out again. Anatomy of a Lye is no dout, one of the best GSR episodes I love to watch. :D

Edited to Add: Future was right he had her arm well before the car came into view. Here is the pictured I found. Sharp eyes girl.


Before Car he has her arm here.

Still before car and he has her arm still.

First time they both acknowledge the car.

Forensicsgirl..Thankful was so beautiful. I had to whip out the kleenex there at the end. That story finished off a perfect Thanksgiving day for me.
Yeah, that scene in AOAL is one of my favorites, since it is such an obvious gesture from him to hold her arm. Grissom isn't exactly a touchy-feely person. Probably he couldn't help himself there :D
spoiler maybe

I was really sad that there wasn't a single scene between griss and sara last night. it did seem that sofia was a little short with sara. sara didn't even seem to notice. maybe because she knows she and grissom are good and she has nothing to worry about.
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