Grissom & Sara #11 - WE know what to do about "This"

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Ahh, I was so happy when I read that about GSR being compared to MSR! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE! Mulder and Scully have formed a huge part of television history and it was their relationship that spurned so many others! So to have Grissom and Sara regarded in the same way in terms of the relationship is simply brilliant! CSI wouldn't exist without GSR! :D


To quote Mulder: I've been saying this for years! :p

btw, forensicsgirl I love your banner, I'm really starting to get into Geekmas, I mean Christmas spirit! :D
now, just popping by to ask. how did it turn out for mulder and scully? i missed out of the X-Files, it wasn't a part of my bringing up as CSI is.
now, just popping by to ask. how did it turn out for mulder and scully? i missed out of the X-Files, it wasn't a part of my bringing up as CSI is.

Well, she got pregnant with his son, the baby turned out to have some freaky alien DNA in the mix, the supersoldiers chased after the baby and she ended up having to give him up to protect him. Mulder came back a few times (I think, I missed a lot of seasons 8 and 9) but in the very last episode (when Mulder was on trial for murder) it was made very plain that M and S were in love and planning to stay together (Scully insisted on going with him to further his quest for the truth...)

Alyssa, you're much more XF knowledgable that I am these days, so you can fill in any important details I've missed :D

So there you have it - very last ep of CSI, Sara will follow Grissom on his quest to find more interesting bugs to study :D
mmm maybe she'll be pregnent with his bug baby and then grissom will *maim* someone cougheckliepleasecoughcough. i'd watch that episode. because they have to profess their undying love for eachother before *that* happens
Basically, the end of season 7 looked promising. Scully wasn't feeling well, and there was this GREAT cuddle scene between the of them, and the way he watched her play with a baby. It was love, pure love.

Anyways, at the end of the ep, he dissapeared (abducted) and Scully had to tell Skinner that she was pregnant (Great move on the part of CC for telling Gillian Anderson RIGHT before they shot the scene what she had to say... helped keep it from leaking out).

Anyways, Season 8 was a pain because there was little Mulder. We found out through flashback that Scully had tried invitro with Mulder as the father, and that didn't work... I think CC was trying to give an alternative reasoning for how the baby came to be, though they never really cleared it up that it was "their baby" that she eventually had (William).

Mulder was there for the birth of his son, end of Season 8, and he kissed her, baby in his arms, as they finally acknowledged, yes, we are in love. It was SOO cool and so touching.

Enter season 9 (keep in mind, I didn't watch most of 8 or 9, but I kept up with the MSR ;))... Mulder "dissapeared" again, this time of his own volition. While he was gone, Scully decided to give up the alien baby for its own protection. William ended up with a very loving family, but it was one of the hardest things she had to do.

When Mulder came back in the Season 9 finale, they kissed when they first saw each other, but he was charged with murder... so Scully and a bunch of the other regulars broke him out of prison, basically. He and Scully ran off together, with their final conversation showing that they basically believed the same things (while he was playing with her cross necklace - VERY Symbolic to the show... if you want to know more, let me know ;))... and then they cuddled as it faded to black.

There are talks of a X-Files movie in the mix... but, basically, in the end Mulder and Scully got through the mess of the world, and ran away together. :)

Teehee. I am a Geek. I was head of the Fowley Assasination Association, though, so there you go. ;)

Back to GSR: I wasn't especially pleased with the ending to M/S, so I hope that there's a movie to finish it up, but GSR deserves a little more love. Unfortunatley, but the 8th season, CC and Mr. Duchovny were not getting along, so I don't think it was treated as gently or as tastefully as it could have been... Hopefully the CSI TPTB will give us something a little more satisfying, as I doubt there will be any CSI movies... (then again, I thought the same thing of X-Files).
GOING WAAAAY BACK-do you all rmember S/1 where I believe the term 'CITE YOUR SOURCE" started in "Unfriendly Skies'" when they were inspecting the bathroom-that's when I saw their incredible chemistry- so cute the banter betwwen them-

"High altitude enhances the entire sexual expierence, increasing the euphoria" Grissom to Sara
Sara "Cite your source" and on an on- so cute-
Thanks for that, Alyssa - man, i really want to buy the boxset so I can catch up on all the eps of XF I missed - anyone want to lend me £200? :D :lol:

Anyway, back on topic...

Given that we're almost half-way through the 6th season, i thought it might be a good time to gauge peoples opinion on a very important matter...
Hmm, I voted number 2, and that is definitely happening, although they might already be in the early stages of a relationship, so they might not be 'doing it', but doing something else for sure!

Ahh, forensicsgirl, it was my dream to have all the DVD boxsets of XF, but I was buying the video ones, when they were first coming out, so I don't really need the boxset now... :(

But I do have my CSI up to date, so that makes me a happy bunny! :)
Just watched "Too Tough To Die" again... the first ep I believe with Sara watching Gris through the reflective glass. ;) And why don't they bring up her singing again!? Ms. Fox has a great voice, she probably wouldn't have any problem with it! I'm not saying that Sara should start a band or anything, but if we ever did get those dropped Gum Drops scenes, Sara should be singing in the shower. ;)
Sara singing in the shower! Now that's an idea! :devil: What would she be singing though?
How about... "Hot Stuff"? :D <don't ask>
Aggie, is there any chance you said "Hot Stuff" because you watched Kestin Stewart's video of Billy to that song? :D

Well if you didn't watch that, you should. It is "hot" indeed. It is at
He He, Grisslybear, you read my mind, cause I watched the video "Hot Stuff" and thought the same thing about Aggie's post. That video just melts me everytime I watch it. :D
He He, Grisslybear, you read my mind, cause I watched the video "Hot Stuff" and thought the same thing about Aggie's post. That vidoe just melts me everytime I watch it. :D

"Gutter minds think alike", I guess :D
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