Grissom & Sara #11 - WE know what to do about "This"

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Was just on YTDAW; Mystery there said that people will be talking about the upcoming David Rambo episode "Still Life" for a long time.

Just thought I'd pass that on as an Advent gift. ;)
I saw that too...Something tells me it can't just be about the case...And it's Rambo, so I am excited. I wonder if we'll get a clue about them being together already.
thanks forensicgirl for the applause, but I shy away from writing GSR fic. :) I used to write a LOT of Alias fic back in the day, and even a little Voyager, but I don't feel confident enough with the voices of the characters to make it believable with GSR... I do have a few orphan ideas, though... I have a freakin' crazy season finale in my mind... teehee. I come up with scenarios well, but for some reason, I can't grab onto the voices of the characters with this show...

Anyways, read what mystery wrote at YTDaW. It's not really spoilery. She just said that this ep (Still Life) would be one of the most talked about in recent history, or something to that effect... which excites me to no end. I can't wait to see the present Rambo has prepared for us! ;)
Ahh, I read that too and now bye-bye sleep! :D

Seriously, though, can it be any more enigmatic? Of course, that it's gotta be GSR-related, come on, it's David Rambo, hello? I honestly don't want to speculate, but I think it might be something really angsty for some reason, but of course, we know that angsty means serious, in a way that's significant for the Geeks!

Maybe their relationship (whatever that may mean at the moment) will be out in the open, or the case affects them in some way?

Damn, 4 more days! GRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! :mad: :eek:
Again putting myself into detective mode, I am thinking that if there was something so huge regarding the case, Mystery would have told that right from the start. That sort of makes me think that she has some new info regarding the presence of a GSR scene that will make this such a significant episode. Hopefully!!!

Really, we haven't had any overt GSR this season except maybe for the bedroom scene in Bite Me, and it doesn't look like we will have in 6X11,12,and 13, so I am thinking this episode needs to contain some good stuff for us. I hope David doesn't disappoint us. In all the episodes that he's written there has been unmistakable GSR, so I am hopeful (even in 4X4, Grissom's look in the Sara-Greg shower convo was great for me).
Oh, I agree, Grisslybear, I am hoping all this hush, hush means a GSR moment for us as well. That 4X4 scene was great. I mean the look on Grissom's face was unmistakeable. He was no doubt bothered by the fact that Greg got to shower with Sara maybe before he did. One of my favorite Grissom moments.
WARNING - Pure Spoiler Speculation Ahead...

Well, I am happy to apply my previous theory regarding ABRTI2 to SL - Mystery held back just about everything regarding ABRTI2 - she wasn't allowed to say anything and I think it was also partly because she didn't want to risk disappointing us after what happened with Gum Drops. And what did we get? A solid episode with some really lovely Grissom/Sara moments - they were at ease, they smiled a lot, she called him "Gris" twice, she checked out his butt, he said stuff like "Come on, it'll be fun" ... A real gem of an ep.

Now the pattern is being repeated. The basic case file has leaked, but absolutely NO GSR spoilers - which is a shocker considering its a Rambo ep - it was what all of us were expecting to be talking about all along. But we've heard nada. And now Mystery is saying it's an ep that will be hugely discussed - suggesting its going to have a lot to talk about...

Now, I have a lot of respect for Mystery, enough to be comfortable in assuming that, given how much GSR anticipation is surrounding this ep, she wouldn't come out with a statement like that without clarification, unless she was, a least in part, talking about GSR. Otherwise, i sincerely believe she would have said something like: "It's going to be the most talked about ep in a long time because of the case file - but there's not a lot of visible GSR"

I'm pretty sure that she doesn't want to get our hopes up, in case things get changed and the finished ep doesn't turn out the way it was on the page. We're gonna just have to wait and see - and i know how you hate when I say that :p - but I feel good about the lack of spoilers now. It feels pretty encouraging...
Yes, perhaps from a GSR POV, but wasn't someone saying that this case might parallel Grissom's childhood? Therefore perhaps he REALLY gets to freak out, or else something happens that's semi-case related, semi-Grissom related.

Of course I'm crossing my fingers for GSR, but I'm pleased that there's this much buzz about what looks like a Grissom-heavy episode. I want to see some character development, damnit! I mean, for the lead on the show, we don't really know much about him, do we?

Also, right before a long break, shows do tend to bring out the "big guns" to make sure they still have an audience at the end of it. Whatever the episode secret is, I'm getting kind of jazzed.
More Spoiler Speculation

You know what i'd be hugely happy to see? I'd love to see Grissom affected by the case - plenty of juicy character development from him. Maybe he doesn't have any really scenes with Sara throughout the ep - but I would like one brief look from Sara that tells us she knows he's having a hard time.

Then, at the end of the ep, maybe Cath, maybe one of the guys, askes Gris if he's alright, if he maybe wants to get some breakfast. And he says "No. Maybe someother time." Then we cut to the inside of a door - we hear a knock and Sara opens her front door and Grissom's standing on the doorstep. And she lets him in, closes the door - roll credits...

Then we get to agonise over the entire Christmas break whether he was there for comfort or for *comfort* :D :devil:

Forensicsgirl, all this speculation is making me want to squee and is surely giving me hope for Still Life. Maybe this is the chance for TPTB to give us back the Gum Drop scene that got cut. I think if this case really takes a toll on Grissom and we learn more about him and he is really upset and Sara sees this...its the perfect eppy, like you said, to reintroduce the "comfort scene". Or, I would just love that little piece of bone thrown out that lets us know a little more surely that they are together. Either way I am really looking forward to Thursday night. I will be sure to report in with spoilers when it airs.
All I want is lights off, heavy breathing, towel in the morning...OK, OK...I know that won't happen. But you know what's crazy? Writing that sentence above, I realized once again that it is so outrageous, something we never thought we would get, it could be totally a shipper's naive and unlikely dream, and it was actually written and was going to air... :eek:

Something is definitely up this season (*minds off the gutter, people :D*), and I think this eppy might well give us a hint. As for Grissom being super-affected, I remember Mystery saying that he isn't nearly as affected as he was supposed to be in GDrops, but I'm not sure.
Grisslybear, I think you are right, the effect on Grissom is not supposed to be as severe, but heck any emotion from Grissom or backgroud info is cool with me. Tee Hee. Now all I can think about is the sentence you wrote..which has plunged my thoughts back into the deeper realms of the GSR gutter. :devil:
Spoilers for Still Life


Okay, Mystery has clarified this much - this ep will not feature the return of the Gum Drops scene we all long for - however, she didn't rule out GSR happening in this ep. She still being cagey - she's not allowed to say to much because of the source she's protecting and (I think) again because she doesn't want to get our hopes up, just in case... She's also offered her interpretation of what the title means -

mystery @ YTDAW wrote:
This is just a personal opinion, and honestly I think there will be more than one correct interpretation of the title once the episode airs, but I also think it could be something like, "all this has happened, but it's still (my) life" - if that makes sense to anyone other than me.

There is also the feeling that this will be an ep that delves in (at least a little) to Grissom's backstory/emotions - so on that score alone, I am mucho excited! Emotional Bugman is ALWAYS a good thing :D
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