Grissom & Sara #11 - WE know what to do about "This"

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It says on the CBS website that Sara got a scholarship to university, which I guess explains how she got there...being that Uni is exspensive etc...




I was just thinking about the whole way the writers planned to hook up G/S in series 6. They were going to suprise us with them in bed together, which looking back on 'bite me' may not make to much sense if Sara was perhaps reluctant to sleep with Grissom straight away.

I would personally like for something far more tame to happen...for example, Catherine asks out Grissom for a friendly dinner, he says he has plans, we see him have dinner with Sara...simple but cute.
This would perhaps later transpire into them being in bed together at some point, but being that the writers are subtle, and like to arc storys over many episodes as to avoid to much personal information being conveyed, G/S will probabaly get it together soon (if the writers go ahead with it) so that there is enough time in the series to show them gradually taking steps and for the audience to be slowly drawn in...

(I mean c'mon it took them 5 season to explain Sara's foster care etc...)
GreyWillFade, I love your subtle dinner idea - that would be lovely to see.

I've always had a hankering to have a scene where Grissom is woken up by his cell phone ringing. It's Cath, calling to tell him about a big case - the whole team is needed. She says she's about to call Sara and he's like "No, it's okay. i'll call her on my way there."

Then he hangs up and rolls over, nudging Sara awake. She groans and opens her eyes and he smiles regretfully at her, saying something like "Duty calls"

- a little less than subtle, but it would be soooooooo cute :)
Then he hangs up and rolls over, nudging Sara awake. She groans and opens her eyes and he smiles regretfully at her, saying something like "Duty calls"

Forensicsgirl, that is just a lovely thought. That made me smile from ear to ear. That is how I see Grissom and Sara being together. I could see him wake her up so kindly.
That would be a great scene! Who cares about subtleness!

BTW-ok this is off topic, but i have been reading a lot (i mean really a lot) of fanfics, and was wondering if you could give me some good authors- cause some stories are good but others are just really out of character!
Just wondering if you could give me some names!
About when Sara went into fostor care. She would have probably gone straight into care as soon as her mother was arrested (whenever that was) & what I gathered from "No Humans Involved," it seemed like she hadn't seen her in years, possibly not even since she was originally sent to prison.

How much do we actually know about Griss & Sara's past? (I mean together at College) What was their relationship really like? Perhaps TPTB could encorporate into an ep something about how exactly they first met.
hey guys * waves* I haven't heard much on the GSR front lately - I'm looking forward to the David Rambo eppy. :D

Also I have started another GSR video, so I'll post it up when I'm done :D
hey you guys thanks i prever teddy bear grissom too but i like him anyway :D but i couldn't find him shirtless at his age anywhere so if they will show grissom shirtless on csi...i will add it :D :devil: but i have drawn him with da hat ;)it's in the drawing section

and btw still looking for a jorja/sara pic to draw it with my wip gsr drawing :)
BTW-ok this is off topic, but i have been reading a lot (i mean really a lot) of fanfics, and was wondering if you could give me some good authors- cause some stories are good but others are just really out of character!
Just wondering if you could give me some names!

First off, it's totally okay to talk about fanfics here - as long as they're GSR fanfics ;) Secondly, CSINut, LSI, Hazelmom, Mossley, Laura Katherine,etc all write fabulous fics. For links to some of my FAVORITE fics, just click on my banner, which will take you to my website. Then go to "Forensicsgirl Recommends - Fanfic Links" - Hope this helps :)
BTW-ok this is off topic, but i have been reading a lot (i mean really a lot) of fanfics, and was wondering if you could give me some good authors- cause some stories are good but others are just really out of character!
Just wondering if you could give me some names!

First off, it's totally okay to talk about fanfics here - as long as they're GSR fanfics ;) Secondly, CSINut, LSI, Hazelmom, Mossley, Laura Katherine,etc all write fabulous fics. For links to some of my FAVORITE fics, just click on my banner, which will take you to my website. Then go to "Forensicsgirl Recommends - Fanfic Links" - Hope this helps :)
I owe you big time!
While we're on the subject of fanfiction, I'd like to remind you all that I don't read that much so forgive me if I'm sort of out of the loop :p Anyways, I also hate it when the characters are, well, out of character. I think it's because I like to imagine how it would actually be like in the story, and if for example Grissom is acting a bit too open about something, then I find it hard to imagine it actually happening. Sometimes it can be a bit of a relief, but usually I don't even bother to read it if the characters are not like they usually are. I know, I'm Miss Picky :rolleyes:

Martini, I'm sure I've said this before but I'll say it again since everyone's commenting on it: Your avi is hot.
While we're on the subject of fanfiction, I'd like to remind you all that I don't read that much so forgive me if I'm sort of out of the loop :p Anyways, I also hate it when the characters are, well, out of character. I think it's because I like to imagine how it would actually be like in the story, and if for example Grissom is acting a bit too open about something, then I find it hard to imagine it actually happening. Sometimes it can be a bit of a relief, but usually I don't even bother to read it if the characters are not like they usually are. I know, I'm Miss Picky :rolleyes:

Martini, I'm sure I've said this before but I'll say it again since everyones commenting on it: Your avi is hot.
I know what you mean it sucks when characters are out of character!It just totally ruins the fanfic(except if it is like a joke sorta of fanfic!)
I heard the coolest thing this morning on the radio: "New London Gutters- get your mind in the gutter." My first thought was of you people :)
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