Grissom & Sara #11 - WE know what to do about "This"

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Yeah, there's been too much talk of GSR this season. Even Kristin E! Online said that there will be, as usual, "sexual tension you can cut with the weapon of your choice" between Grissom and Sara this season. TV Guide said something like "a case will put Grissom right where fans have wanted him to be, in Sara's room" for Gum Drops. CBS put a "Jorja on GSR" clip on its website. WP said "he'd like to kiss Sara before the show ends". In the early show Jorja said if, in several episodes, Grissom would come to her and want to start something, she wouldn't kick him out of bed... :eek:

I really think GSR is really acknowledged a lot this season. It can't be all for nothing. It really can't. I am not sure it will be "happily ever after" once they come together, that would be too much of a risk for TPTB to take, but at least we will see some development, I'm hoping. As I said once before, I don't see anyone but Grissom being able to sail "Sara's long-awaited hot air balloon" :D

As for when "the scene" might air, I would think it might be soon, but maybe they'll save it for Feb. sweeps, or the potential London episode. But in that case, they would need to give a major clue that they are together in another, earlier episode, if they have a certain timeline for how things will evolve this season.

Given the comfort level in Gum Drops, TPTB seemed intent on letting viewers in on the relationship, which probably has been going on for a while (hence the towel scene and Grissom's non-reaction), in as early as the 5th episode. So I am thinking we should see a big scene soon. Rambo maybe?
I was watching an episode were grissom was swabing something and then he put the swab in the tube thing ,then back in its box, then he put it into his pocket. For some reason I was totally thinking of Sara walking up to him and saying, "is that evidence in your pocket or are you just happy to see me" then having Grissom say, "both." That would be hillarious.
In the early show Jorja said if, in several episodes, Grissom would come to her and want to start something, she wouldn't kick him out of bed...

I keep hearing snippets of this quote - can someone give me the link to the actual article?
Actually it was an interview with behind the scenes and Jorja said she would not kick Grissom out of her bed. Here is the link to the behind the scenes interview with the Jorja Fox clip in it. You have to watch a bit to get to that part. It aired on The Early Show.

JorjaFox Interview
Tragically my computer has no sound. lol. I was hoping someone had transcribed it, but alas - I'll just wait and watch it on my mom's computer - thanks for the link, though.

Back on semi-topic...

How firm is this Lady Heather spoiler? Because L.H. is always the device they use as the "secret detector" so really, considering the way this season is going, I think there's a strong chance that if this is true, it might not be so bad for GSR.

Of course it could be a total throw-away - Grissom pointedly giving the case to someone else.
shipler! Your art is amazing! Great job!

The LH article came out about a month ago, I think... if I remember correctly, she was slated for a January shoot, so if they finish shooting the finale in early March (guessing using a usual TV show shooting season...), then the ep might be at the tail end of February sweeps even!
I can't really comment on this whole LH thing, because unfortunately I missed LHB (one of the couple of CSI episodes I still haven't seen). :(

I did watch Slaves of Las Vegas though. I guess it would be good to see Sara and LH interact. Sara would probably not warm up to her, considering her line of business.

I guess TPTB might have LH make a comment to Grissom about how he looks like he has feelings for Sara, if she sees the two together. Or maybe they already talked about Grissom's feelings for Sara, and she says "glad to meet you finally" :D Total speculation, of course.

In any case, that episode for sure will have GSR connotations.
See, for me, I'd love Lady Heather to comment on how different Grissom is from the last time she saw him... and it's not just the beard... he looks like a man no longer searching for love... THAT would nail it for me :)
I think i'm OT here, but i just want to know how many time did Grissom hold or touch (arms or hands or...) Sara in the show?
I was thinking that the thing I would totally hate in a possible LH episode is for her to be a catalyst for Grissom admitting his own feelings.A man in his fifties, clever like few and self confident doesnt need a dominatrix to tell him what he feels and needs.This sucks in my brain.
It kind of depressed me to watch an interview of WP(from DVD extras) saying that Grissom found a brother soul or something like that in Lady Heather's character.
Could someone give me a reason to not think this is absurd?

Anyway back to our GSR:
With all this behind the scenes talking about a possible relationship between GS and the missing GD scene possibly coming back,my anticipation is reaching limits.If I dont see anything in the David Rambo episode I so will feel like a kid who didnt get his present this Christmas :(
>goes to fanfic to read positive GSR
IS there by chance any fanfic about Christmas?I loved the thanksgiving fic from forensicgirl,maybe you can write a christmas thing too for us ;)
Elenerm, there is a WIP by Laura Katharine called "Scheme". The plot is that Grissom devises a plan to kiss Sara under the mistletoe. It's fun. :)
I loved the thanksgiving fic from forensicgirl,maybe you can write a christmas thing too for us ;)

Well, Santa tells me you've been very, very good this year, so you might just get such a Christmas present from me ;)

sarahvma, here's the transcript of that interview for you ;)

Early Show: In tonight’s episode (ABRTI2) the sexual tension also continues between Sara and Grissom.

In Season 6 you still kind of have a crush on Grissom…

Jorja Fox: Well, I don’t know that I’d throw him out of my bed (laughs), but I’m certainly not chasing him anymore. I don’t… I think Sara’s done with, sort of, actively trying to pursue Grissom, but uh, I think, I still think that the window is open, if he came to her in several episodes and said that, you know, he wanted to start something, I think she’d certainly not say “No”
Hey lilac welcome to the GSR thread.

I think i'm OT here, but i just want to know how many time did Grissom hold or touch (arms or hands or...) Sara in the show?

The few times I can think of right of hand are in these episodes.

Season One:
Crate and Burial: Touches her neck to ask her if she is alright.
Sex, Lies, Larvare: Touches her cause she is angry and going after a suspect.
Strip Strangler: Touches her when he goes in a supermarket because she is doin a sting for the FBI and he goes in to protect her from a potential suspect.
Boom: She touches his shoulder when they are setting off bombs in an experiment.

Season Two:
Scuba Doobie Doo: The famous chalk scene where Sara wipes "chalk" off Grissoms face.
Altar Boys: Grissom briefly touches Sara's arm.
Anatomy of a Lye: Holds to Sara's arm outside of the department, then later guides her away from a sprinkler at a suspects house.

Season Three:
Abra Cadaver: She touches his shoulder and scares him.
Play With Fire: Touches her hand when she gets hurt in lab explosion.
Season Four:
Bloodlines: Griss gets called to pick her up for a DUI and holds her hand.
Season Five:
Nesting Dolls: Visits her apartment when she is suspended and holds her hand after she talks about the death of her father.
Added to LadySara's list:

1. Sara touches Grissom's shoulder in the "pig scene" in SLL.

2. Grissom grabs Sara's arm in the hallway and asks her for "help with a woman" in Getting Off, Season 4.

3. Well, well...How could we forget this one..."Pin me Down" would be enough, I guess...;)
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