Grissom & Sara #11 - WE know what to do about "This"

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I saw a mention of blaming the writers for not "getting on" with GSR... and I always have to step up to bat for my favourite people: The producers have the powers. If you were to pull out a list of the power people have on shows, writers are on the bottom rung... so blame the producers for lack of GSR!

I'm actually fairly content with what we've seen thus far. I mean, sure, I want more, but I'm still on a bit of a high after ABRT2 and the cutesyness of my fav duo! It just made me smile to see how they have come full circle... which means they can FINALLY move into a higher field of relationship. ;)

We get Rambo in two weeks, and I am optimistic that even if there is no OVERT GSR, he won't forget us! :)
I also wanna believe that David Rambo, being the shipper he is, will manage to sneak in a scene for us. He himself might be suffering from the seeming lack of GSR this season :D
Alyssa, I have to agree with you I am also still on the ABRT2 GSR high. I can't get Grissom saying "Come on it'll be fun" out of my head. Then Sara making that sweet little smirk. I am so glad to see them back to the level of friendliness and somewhat flirtiness like they had in season one and part of season two. Its so refreshing and I still have very high hopes that the writers will give us all they can this season.
I do hope we'll get a Christmas/New Year's gift in terms of GSR, since the Rambo episode is the last one of the year, I suppose. A kiss would be enough for me :D :p.
Hey guys, been a few days but I'm finally finished with my first piece of GSR fanart! :D

It's done in pencil; I'm not too happy with how Sara came out, but I think Grissom looks pretty good.

Here's the link! :

Haha, Sara looks more like Idina Menzel than Jorja Fox... but hey you can't blame me, I usually draw animals. x)

Anyway, enjoy! :D
I do hope we'll get a Christmas/New Year's gift in terms of GSR, since the Rambo episode is the last one of the year, I suppose. A kiss would be enough for me :D :p.

ya!! thats all we want, just a little kiss, lol, while i am dreaming...:D That would make my Christmas, but unfortunitly it probably won't happen, but they at least should give us a cute moment, a hug maybe? Or just something between them. *sigh* please writers grant my Christmas wish.
Shipler, you did a great job. I can't draw a stick man the less something like that. Keep up the great work. :D

Well, I was just granted the claim to Grissom and Sara on a fanart_100 community... so there will be 99 more where this came from. Hahaha. I'll keep you all updated of course. P:
Great job on the fanart, shipler - the pic is terrific :)

Likewise on the collage, desertwind ;)

About the are they aren't they - I'm still torn. I love the idea that they're already together and we're getting these really subtle hints here and there and we find out they've been together all this time, maybe at the same time as the rest of the team does... :D I also like the idea that they're not 'together' but they are a lot closer, their barriers have come down and they're tentitively making their way towards starting a relationship. In all honesty, I'm more than prepared to go with the flow on this - i'll roll with the punches as TPTB throw them and hope that we get good GSR moments here and there. After all, GSR is finally getting highlighted like never before - it's been mentioned in the past of course, but its seems like every interview with JF focuses on Sara and Grissom, Billy talked about the ship just before the season started (the wanting to kiss Sara interview) and even CM talked about it, so it's definitely heating up not cooling off. GSR is far from dead :)


I'm really looking forward to David Rambo's episode, but I'd love some spoilers about it. Does anyone else find it interesting that GSR spoilers seem to be very closely guarded these days. Its seems like, since the Gum Drops incident (with the huge re-writes due to unforseen circumstances) the spoiler queens are tightlipped with regards to any GSR. We're getting other info, like the casefiles and Kelly Gordon, etc - but no GSR. Now, to me, that either means that there is no visible GSR to report or they're keeping it close to their chests. And after hearing nothing about GSR before ABRTI2, and then getting a lot of squeee-worthy cuteness, I am cautiously hopeful that there is more GSR coming but we're just not being told. Maybe the spoiler queens are worring about getting our hopes up only for them to be dashed in the same way they were with Gum Drops...?

Pure speculation on my part of course - please take with a huge grain of salt - I am not clued in to the spoilers until the Queens release them ;)
GOOD JOB shipler- wow an artist I'm envious I can't draw to save my life- :confused:youve got Girs down good- :pthank's for sharing ;)
spoil OH NO!

forensicsgirl, i havent heard anything. all i know is from here :). but i'm onthe borderline as to spoilers. i got such a high waiting for that scene in Gum Drops, but then nothing, so i was so dissapointed, as was everyone else i'm sure. i hope for next spoilers, they are some hinting as to GSR, and then something unexpected.

did you guys have spoilers as to Nesting Dolls or Committed scene?

Let's see: angst between Sofia and Sara, Lady Heather returning, GSR spoilers carefully under wraps and the endless pre-season promotions? Honestly, even though if it is happening this season they're going about it very soap-opera-y, it definitely sounds like this is our year. Why would they be throwing all of this "distraction" in the way of GSR if they weren't trying to prove a point? They're both cold to Sofia, to whom he used to flirt with and she used to resent. They're flirty and comfortable again, and the Gum Drops scene which (hopefully, hopefully) should air again.

I dunno... I really don't think all of this is just a red herring.
spoil OH NO

sarahvma, i agree completly. they have to have a bit of a distraction so it seems like they dont have anything coming, and then BOOM. they are kisseykissey. note: thats in my head. i have no doubt the gum dorps will air. maybe i'm optimitic to an extreme, but i have faith in the TV Guide artical. they have to deliver.

well, although it would have been great in the GD context, one has to wonder that if they plan this for later... will it be more... obvious? I mean, will the whole atmosphere of the scene change from what sounded like a possible "first time" or at least nervousness to a more comfortable thing?

I mean, let's face it: the only other ship that got this much attention was Cath/Warrick and they came right out and said it.

I dunno... if it doesn't happen it'll be the biggest tease ever. But after the spoilers we received about the GD scene it was FAR less vague than I thought it would be. The exact opposite of the way they advertised the triangle scene, actually. The ABRTI scene sounded far more soap opera and turned out to be far less in the ship department.

Either way, I think it's ridiculous to have all of this evidence of at least the ship itself (even if it doesn't manifest itself this year) and say it's not real. But then again, even after Cath's confession to Warrick, people are still claiming she's in love with other people on the show, so... w/e. I'll enjoy the sweetness and I'll enjoy the angst even if nothing else happens.
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