Grissom & Sara #11 - WE know what to do about "This"

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Yes, I remember last December we only got one new episode. So yes, I would say we won't get episode 11 until January either. Makes sense to me to have part of the episodes in one year the other in the new year. They have to spread stuff out until May for us here in the states.

I just hope we get a few spoilers on Still Life eventually but maybe its better to not get them and be surprised like we were in ABRTI2.
Whadya know, I aced the GSR quiz. :)

Supposed to do a VO thing for a student film today.. but my stupid taste buds decided to burst.. I'm actually grateful. More time to take GSR quizzes! :)

A lot of people seem dissapointed about the GSR this season, but I'm comfortable with it, I really am, because at least it's not the angst-fest "I don't know what to do about this", uncomfortable silences of last season. There's a comfort there this season that I just adore. It feels oldschool, and I love it!
This season isn´t uncomfurtable, but sometimes we learn lot´s of things with angst!( not that i like it! I think this flirty sort of stuff is much better!)
Well let´s just hope the rambo ep is good!He hasn´t dissapointed us so far!
mystery over at YTDAW made a really interesting observation about how Grissom sees Sara...

mystery wrote:
Sometimes, I think Grissom has Sara on such a pedestal, that she isn't quite human to him. She's someone and/or something that is unattainable, and that's one reason why, when she exhibits base needs and desires, Grissom is thrown so completely off-kilter. There are other factors, to be sure, but I think he has elevated Sara, in his mind, to such an unattainable status (even if this is born more of self-denial), that in doing so he has somewhat dehumanized her. What's so ironic is that she is without a doubt, in my mind, the most vivid and compelling expression of humanity on CSI.

I think that was very very true up until last season. His surprise when she shows her flaws, when she shows a real human need like her relationship with Hank or when she lost her temper with the suspect in SLL... he's genuinely surprised. And he set such high standards for her as compared to the other memebers of the team. Everyone else can mess up repeatedly, but he doesn't seem to want her to - hence him reprimanding her in front of everyone in IE, him getting mad at her in LtSB when she was late getting to a scene on her day off, and of course the promotion issue...

I think that his eyes were well and truly opened in season 5 - probably initially in Snakes, but mostly in Nesting Dolls - he finally saw her as a real, hurting, flesh and blood woman, not this demi-goddess who is unattainable. After she reveals her past to him, their relationship definitely shifts. He starts to *notice* her again - Committed is a prime example - he gives her that look of uptmost admiration that we didn't really see since seasons 1 and 2 - she amazes him, but in a much more real, human way now.

So, if she's no longer on the pedestal, if she is now an attainable person, not a creature of myth and wonder, then Grissom will hopefully allow himself to attain her :)
100. oh joyness. i'm not dedicated, i'm single minded to the point of recklesness. thats right.

so the pedestal view. i like it. but i dont know if sara was ever really on a pedestal. i think grissom paied special attention to her, beacause she was wither hurt, or emotional or the like. and in nesting dolls, i think he might have seen how short life is, and is debating on asking her out/together/dinner. he should ask her out already. they've worked together long enough...
Wow, lots of creativity lately! I always love reading or seeing things people make here in the gutter.

shipler- Fantastic drawing. Really nice shading, and Grissom is really well drawn. Great job, I'll be sure to post a comment on your DA account.

desertwind- I love your collage. They look so great together. Keep it up.

forensicsgirl- Can't wait for your Christmas fanfiction. A nice present, I'll be sure to put something under the tree.

*looks at the Christmas tree in the gutter* I think we're going to need to decorate it soon :p

I can't wait for Rambo's episode. He's never failed to deliver us great episode, and not to mention GSR. December 8, yay.

And a shameless plug...

I made my first music video! It's not GSR, but it has Grissom and Sara in it. Its an action video to the song "Rollin'" by Limp Bizkit. Check it out!
Tee hee, well speaking of a Christmas tree in the gutter we know what to decorate the tree with...duct tape rolls, mini rocking chairs, cookies, bugs. It will be our special GSR tree. :D
Hmm... I'm not really sure whether or not I agree with Mystery's theory. In some senses I do - in the sense that he essentially dehumanized her so he could assure himself that these feelings shouldn't be acted on, but as far as elevating her to a super-status... he respects and admires her, but I think it's more of a keeping at a distance thing than a putting her up on a pedestal thing.

After all, he thinks a lot of both of the Blonde Ones that he asked to dinner... I think Sara is a culmination of one too many things: a subordinate, much younger, he was her mentor... and all of Sara's advances happened with very bad timing.

I do, however, agree that it was a shock to see her start to crumble, but again, I think that stemmed more from the dehumanizing factor. If you really like someone, but sort of make them an object rather than a person, you can convince yourself that they couldn't really like you back. It's a subject of a lot of the GSR fanfics and the episode Butterflied that he fears this is only an "older-man syndrome" crush and that if they got involved, she would eventually leave him.
Sarahvma, I guess I partly agree with both you and Mystery/Forensicsgirl. I think he certainly does have a high opinion of her, he admired her passion for the work (I tend to think that is one of the reasons he was attracted to her in the first place), but the main reason behind his behavior is his own insecurities, probably. He has done everything to push her away, and for not having to think about "this". I guess that's also partly the reason why she is always subject to harsher criticism than anyone and doesn't get away with stuff. It's almost like he likes to hurt her on some level, because she threatens him in so many ways that he almost tries to alienate her with a motive of protecting himself, sometimes using the job. But it doesn't work, of course.

While I agree that he certainly admires Sara, this probably was more true in the early part of their relationship. I think his own insecurities were the more dominant reason in his pushing her away, but of course the main reason for the insecurities might be her being so "admirable" in the first place. Well, I know that was confusing. I did confuse myself...

OT: Reeble I'm DL'ing your video now...
Wow! so much analysis...even Freud would envy us. :lol:
Seriously I dont think the TPTB really think it over so hard like us that's why imo we have inconsistencies in characters.I admit they do their best, it's not an easy job.Not to forget there are different writers everytime.

But if I would like to get into Grissom's head(that's a fun game isnt it? :D)I would say that he was afraid to get involved with Sara until last season mainly for 2 reasons:
1.she is too young hence he feels insecure for her future feelings
2.she is emotional and vulnerable which means it would demand too much of his energy to work a relationship with her(and we know how much that scares men off ;))
Now it seems to me Grissom is much more relaxed with her because both reasons are not so strong anymore.First they work together for 5 years and she still has feelings for him although he pushed her away and hurt her and second, after the counselling she took and nesting dolls+committed she is much more a stronger and stable person.

ok I threw out my theory, just have to wait for the TPTB to have it disproved :D
While I agree that he certainly admires Sara, this probably was more true in the early part of their relationship. I think his own insecurities were the more dominant reason in his pushing her away, but of course the main reason for the insecurities might be her being so "admirable" in the first place. Well, I know that was confusing. I did confuse myself...

You know I also read on YTDAW that somebody said Grissom somewhat doesn't treat Sara as human, he treats her like one of his best field kit----an forensics kit :lol:

Or at least he doesn't treat her as woman...., I'm not sure if Grissom likes being challenged (IMO, he likes people challeng him, remember his grin in secrets and files when he smirked at the jack-ass entomologist??), but I'm sure both of them (Grissom and Sara) like competition, so I can say that one of the most important reason that Grissom is attacted to her is she likes challenge him.....and of course most of the time she fails :lol:

Grissom doesn't like being defeated....remember Paul Millander??...but he enjoys the competitive feeling and eventually he wins-------most men likes this kind of girl. ;)
I think sometimes Grissom is so totally in awe of how smart she is - I was watching 'Bad Words' last night after I went to bed and when she does the math in her head of how many possible combinations you could have with the 6 letter tiles they found in the vic's stomach, he had this "wow, how does she do that" look on his face. Then there's the look of awe when she came up with the blue teflon evidence in SLL (less latin *smirk* ) and that look he gave her when she worked out exactly where Jessie was using his cell phone in Compulsion. I think her brains (as well as her beauty) constantly amaze him. Which is probably INCREDIBLY intimidating for him.

And yet, Sara still looks to him for guidance and knowledge - I loved how, in 'Bad Words' when he asked her what the vic's word meant...

SARA: So I ran it through ESDA. Adam played "exvin." Everything but the "S," 60 points.

GRISSOM: What's an "exvin"?

SARA: You know, I was kind of hoping you'd know. It's not in the OED.

So cute :)
I think sometimes Grissom is so totally in awe of how smart she is - I was watching 'Bad Words' last night after I went to bed and when she does the math in her head of how many possible combinations you could have with the 6 letter tiles they found in the vic's stomach, he had this "wow, how does she do that" look on his face.

:lol:, you know the formula is quite easy----6 letter tiles permutation, that is 6!...= 6x5x4x3x2x1=720...I'm just curious that how could she calculated within 1 second :lol:
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