Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape!

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Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring

that is one dangerous picture right there! she looks way to much like Jorja from that angle. spooky! I love it!

is that the same acrress who played the woman who was killed in butterfiled? because if theres more than 1 jorja fox look alikes then the world doesnt make sense anymore
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring

I don't think so. It only really looks like Jorja because of the dark hair and the fact that most of her face is obscured by Mr. Petersen's.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring

Okay, I understand everything GSR except the cookies. Please to explain?

Oo, the cookies- the yummiest part of GSR :) Ok, well you know how were sometimes like "Welcome to the gutter" and stuff like that? Well, one day someone said "Welcome to the dark side", and then the next person replied, "We have cookies". So sometimes, we say "Welcome to the dark side, we have cookies" which refers to our little club we have settled here in thread number 10 (btw its an awesome place, very roomy). So yeah, get it? :D

grissly- That's an awesome idea for a banner, except I don't really get the part of where you add the scene from "Invisible Evidence". If you could clear that up a little bit I'll make you a banner if you want.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring

Haha I love the comic, Athena!

Reeble, thanks a lot for offering to make the banner. You know, you are going to spoil me and I'll keep asking you for icons and banners every other day :D

Anyway, I didn't really mean anything important with the IE scene...I just meant that there could be two options: either we could use more than one picture in the banner (one from "pin me down", and then "the kiss" next to it), or we could just use "the kiss". If you wanna make the banner, you can just use whatever feels better to you. :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring

Very sorry about the double post, guys, but the edit time was over and I probably won't be able to post tomorrow till the afternoon, so didn't want Reeble to go without credit for a long time. Check out my new banner ;) Thanks a lot Reeble, you rock!!! :D :D


Apparently Ausiello said this about the hotel scene:

Question: What happened to the Sara-Grissom motel scene that, according to TV Guide's Oct. 1 cover story, was supposed to take place on last Thursday's CSI?! William Peterson wasn't even in the episode! — Jennifer

Ausiello: There's a really good explanation for this, and I'm going to let exec producer Carol Mendelsohn give it to you. "Billy had a death in the family and the script was rewritten to accommodate his absence," she says. "The scene itself was episode-specific, since the case being investigated took place several hours outside of Vegas, which placed Grissom and Sara in a hotel overnight. But stay tuned to see if the story line reemerges in a future episode!" I told you there was a really good explanation.

My comment: I really think they will put it into another episode after this...Probably this will have an effect on Grissom's downfall, it seems like they are really trying to use this particular scene/storyline.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring

Hi, I thought I should write someting in new tread :) EHH I can't wait to see the rest of season, you know it's nice to have something to waiting after hard day at work :( EHHH I hate this job, I don't have CSI to watch...I'm in deppresion :( Comfort me, please :(

I watched 3 ep. of 6 season, too bad it wasn't much GSR, although I like these scene "Where is he going" "It's kind what he does". I like that since 5 season, Sara changed her status. You know in 1 s. she was his student, that shows. In 3rd she became something more, she was kind of equal him, but in 4th she lost all control, Grissom could manipulate her as he wanted, and she knew that. But now, I think, after stuff change, she is something between who was catherine to him (close friend) and the woman whom he cares about. AM I making any sense?? But this is what I think
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring

After reading an earlier posting a thought occurred to me in regards to their first kiss

As it will obviously be a big release for all the pent up sexual frustration

Will the powers that be do what they did for the episode of Butterflied - and put a viewers discretion warning before the episode airs lol
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring

Reeble I just LOVE your GSR Heaven pic - its simply... heavenly :)

Woot! The GSR Constitution!!! How I've missed you!

I, Reeble, firmly believe in the creeds expressed in the GSR Constitution. I will look and analyze all the GSR
moments, look forward to a positive resolution of the relationship between Grissom and Sara, be willing to
defend the ship against any entity, while respecting all other ships, in the progression of GSR.

One for all, all for one--- Hail GSR United!!!

RE: The cookies - they're for me :D :lol:

Thanks for posting that spoiler, Grissly - lets hope that CM isn't teasing us and that something will show up soon...

zakleta_w_sokola , that totally makes sense. Sara really has developed over the years, not just as a character, but in her relationship with Grissom. It's no longer teacher and student - it's grown to a marriage of equals, they're friends, she trusts him, he trusts her.

A big turning point for them, IMO, was that scene in Compulsion when Sara comes off with something brilliant in the case (as she always does) and Grissom turns to her, as though seeing her for the first time, and the look of admiration and awe on his face when he said 'Well done' blew me away. I think that Nesting Dolls cleared a hell of a lot of the air between them, and now on this footing of equals, Grissom is finally able to 'see' Sara the way he hasn't in a long time - he'd been neglecting her, ignoring her, avoiding her due to his feelings and 'this' between them, and now he was able to look once more - and it was more than obvious that he liked what he saw...

Edit: I almost forgot. When posting pics guys, make sure they don't add up to more than 60k in one post. Some of the high resolution pics are big in memory size, even if they aren't that big in terms of their dimensions *cough*Reeble's comics on the last page*cough* So check the memory size of your pics before you post and if they add up to more than 60k, either adapt them to be a lower resolution or post them as links. Many thanks ;)
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring

Oo, the cookies- the yummiest part of GSR Ok, well you know how were sometimes like "Welcome to the gutter" and stuff like that? Well, one day someone said "Welcome to the dark side", and then the next person replied, "We have cookies". So sometimes, we say "Welcome to the dark side, we have cookies" which refers to our little club we have settled here in thread number 10 (btw its an awesome place, very roomy). So yeah, get it?

Thank you. I just didn't want to think there was some secret, deeper GSR meaning I was missing out on.

As people have said, CM has never been all that supportive of GSR, so I think it says a lot that she's saying it will possibly reappear somewhere else. It says to me, at least, that the writers may be working on it, and why would she say it if they weren't at least considering it?

A big turning point for them, IMO, was that scene in Compulsion when Sara comes off with something brilliant in the case (as she always does) and Grissom turns to her, as though seeing her for the first time, and the look of admiration and awe on his face when he said 'Well done' blew me away.

Yeah... boy if that wasn't one hell of a sexually charged scene for that split-second. That was almost weirdly 180-degree spin. And then, of course, there's the line where he asks if he's seen her in a while and she responds, "You see me every day"...

And the fact that only a certain someone received a Christmas gift.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring

well we can't have everything i hope they show us some more GSR soon, can;t wait ;):)
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring

And then, of course, there's the line where he asks if he's seen her in a while and she responds, "You see me every day"...

Oh, that is one of my FAVORITE moments although it's so small and subtle. Things like this preserve my hope in GSR. I mean, he was totally gazing at her after a while (while she was talking) and she was like "What?" and he said "I haven't seen you in a while, have I?". Why would you say something like this, and more than that, why would the writers put this line in the show? It's obvious that Grissom has feelings for her...And hopefully he'll finally act on them this season. :)

CM being so open about GSR makes me a little bit worried. This motel thing, if it happens (and I think it is very likely that it will happen), probably has another purpose. It can't be just about developing some romantic moment between the two. It will probably have a lot of repercussions, and of course more and more angst. Still, better than nothing. After all, we GSR people sort of feed on angst :D
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring

Good news about the potential motel scene :D I say potential cuz I'm not getting my hopes up again... I'll just kind of float here in neutral "it could happen/it won't happen" territory :)
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring

Hey guys! I'm new to the site but have been a fan of GSR since day one, or at least two anyway. I think it's great that I have found a thread with people as crazy as I am on it so I just had to join!

I am looking forward to this season and I am hoping that the GSR relationship will make some progress. From what i have read, and I am not getting my hopes up mind you, the potential motel scene will be a turning point, be it good or bad.

Oh and as the new girl I have come bearing cookies,brownies and duct tape. ;-)

Happy shipping!

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