Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape!

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Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

I just noticed something interesting. I know before someone pointed out Sara has a spider hanging abover her desk just like the one Grissom has in his office. Well look what else interesting I noticed.


Note on top of Sara's desk near her bookself there is a hand that is made out of wood I guess. Note in the next picture Grissom has one just like it as well on his table by his couch in his townhouse. Hmmmm...


Note the hands are the same. Oh and they both alos have similar art books in their apartments as well.
Ok, dumb question I know, But is there a rule strictly against co workers dating there bosses? I cant remember if this is real or pure fan fiction..

(Funny how it can confuse you like that)
Seriously! I always have to take a second and think 'did that really happen in the show or did it just read that somewhere?' As far as we know it seems that there is no rule saying that dating is forbidden, it's just a big no-no and is frowned upon. Which makes me wonder, Grissom never gave a damn about politics in the past, why the hell would he now? The only thing I can think of is that he doesn't want to hurt Sara. hmmm... I don't know though.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

it would still be hilarious if Ecklie would walk into the break room and all he finds is a thong, and he goes on a scavenger hunt :lol:

Oh, don't's called "CSI- Crime scene investigation", and I don't think break romm is a crime scene.....why would Ecklie need scavenger?? :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

The reason why I choose to be cautious about CM's comment is that there is no way there will be a "Grissom went to Sara's room, they slept together and now happily ever after" for our geeks. This scene will both give us a great GSR moment but will also bring on angst. Which we have to admit we like. So things are OK :D

What I am really curious about is some stuff Jorja said in her interview. She gave some potentially conflicting info. When asked about Sara, she said "the hot air baloon that she has been waiting for is gonna sail this season". Well that's pretty big. It means that there will be something major happening to make her happy. And honestly, I don't see Sara completely happy when the thing with Grissom is going as it has been going for the past 5 years. It is hard to imagine a Sara on a hot air baloon with the romance side of her life completely out of the picture. This leads us to two possibilities: she finally realizes that Grissom is crazy about her, which makes her happy, OR, she has a new relationship in her life. Of course I'd love the first option, but a happy Sara means a happy GSR in this case, and I am just not sure that that will be happening this season (and she also said "who knows how long till it's all over", although that might just be something she deliberately said not to give away too much)...So I'm somewhat scared...I don't know, what are your thoughts about this?

Edit: Re: the "hand" in Sara's apartment, LadySara, that's a very good observation. It's just more evidence of the symmetry between our geeks. They really are MEANT to be.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

I just watched "nesting dolls" - a great GSR ep. when grissom goes to sara's apartment, during their conversation he makes a reference about sex and that made me so HOT just to see grissom and sara in her apartment and grissom just bringing up the word "sex" in a conversation with going nutz

is it me or is everyone else desperate for some GSR action this season. I know its early but I cant wait! :devil: :devil: :devil:
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

she said "the hot air baloon that she has been waiting for is gonna sail this season".

Yeah, she also said "The ball is at Grissom's court"....Which implied that Sara won't have any move this season, she waits....or she becomes the observor in control....after all, with times past, Grissom becomes more and more anxious and inpatience.....not just only his relationship, but all the stuff in his life.....more and more twisted. :)
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

That's true ancienttomb - Jorja did say that the ball is in grissom's court. This may just mean that finally Sara will get the "upper hand" in "this"....and maybe it will be Grissom sulking and jonesing for Sara - This would make any girl's head swim once she knows that the man she's been pinning for finally notices her and wants her too.

This would be so cool!

BTW: remember when grissom asked Sara if she basically had a hobby or something else other than work - maybe Sara has finally found a hobby or another "release" other than work which gives her confidence and Grissom senses that and it makes him more easy going around her.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

BTW: remember when grissom asked Sara if she basically had a hobby or something else other than work - maybe Sara has finally found a hobby or another "release" other than work which gives her confidence and Grissom senses that and it makes him more easy going around her.

Another boyfriend?.... :lol:

I was kidding, spiritual person like Sara is not easy to find a rabbits?.....hapoon whale?...I do agree that Grissom and Sara are suffocating each other: whenever Sara finds a diversion, Grissom is not happy and drags her back to reality....but when sara is depressed, Grissom seems a little regret, loose his grip....don't you think? ;)
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

YES!! They are making each other CRAYZEE! But - isnt that what True Love does to people? They are SO meant for each other!!
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

I just rewatched 'Nesting Dolls' and OMG Grissom really should have hugged Sara. Same with 'Committed'. You do not just hold a woman's hand while she cries, Grissom! Jeez!

I'm sure y'all were thinking the same thing! Hopefully, anyway...
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Lol, it's true love but if some man wanna do the same thing to me, I'll sedate him before he suffocate me...and run without trace :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

u so funny!!!!! tee hee hee.....

Catherinesmyidol: this is very true - he should have hugged her but i think if that he did he wouldnt stop there....ohh..hi ho hi ho deeper in the gutter i go!!!
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

but i think if that he did he wouldnt stop there....ohh..hi ho hi ho deeper in the gutter i go!!!

That's what we would all like I think. Although it wouldn't be a good thing if it was only out of guilt or sorrow. I for one would like it to last so I wouldn't want it to only be a "help me through the night" thing. Yet if it was a catalyst for something more than... eeee!
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

First of all thanks for the warm welcome! I just know I am going to love it here! Seems like everyone's mind is just where mine the gutter! :p

Now on to GSR. I think the thing that makes GSR so great is all the UST and angst. You constantly root for them to get together and you just can't help but squeal when a very shippy scene happens, then giggle insanly when they touch, in the process scaring the life out of your husband, making your dogs run and hide and non-CSi fans think you are crazy! Hmm I'm rambling aren't I? Sorry back on topic. It's the dynamic that makes this ship so great. That is why this season is going to be great, hopefully the realtionship will make some progress, and we will see some fireworks, whether it be some hot lovin' :devil: or Ecklie making a big deal out of the relationship and being his usual smarmy self as he has in the past :mad:.

And yes I have been a shipper since Sara showed up on the second episode of the first season when Sara showed up at the crime scene where Gris was throwing a dummy off a roof. I may not be able to remember the name of episodes but I can darn sure remember the details. :D

Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

gibbsgirl a warm welcome to you to this great GSR family and its so fun in the gutter. Just to answer your question..the name of the episode where Sara first comes on the scene while Grissom is having dummies thrown off the roof is called Cool Changes. :D
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