Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tape!

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Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Exactly, I've always wondered what he was going to say after "let's...". But in the end it's for the better that she left at that point in that scene, because she didn't want to push Grissom into something he's not ready (and apparently he wasn't, the guy looked scared like hell looking in Sara's eyes), and it's good that Grissom saw that she wasn't expecting anything from him any more.

I would prefer that when he finally makes a move/says something about his feelings, it isn't initiated by Sara in any way--not in a conversation that Sara starts or anything.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Squeeeeeeeee - I'm feeling the GSR love in here! You guys rock!

psst, gibbsgirl, try not to double post, okay? Just hit the edit button if you find you have something to add to your post. Many thanks ;)

LadySara, I figured out where the book 'Single After 50' came from - Catherine bought it for him after Sara arrived and she realised that he was probably going to take around 10 years to ask her out. We all know how Cath loves to give him advice about Sara - after all, Grissom told her thats what he missed about her after the teams split - remember in 'King Baby' he told Cath he missed her "tush" - as we all know, that's an anacronym for "Totally Unsolicited Sara Help" :D (and if someone rememebers what fanfic that was in so I can credit it, I'd be much obliged... ;) )

Now, as for this "Let's..." business, I finally figured it out....

Sara and Grissom sit facing one another across his desk.

GRISSOM: Look ... let's, um ...

They lapse into silence. Grissom looks as though he's struggling to find the words...

SARA: It's okay. Okay. You know what, we did our session. Don't forget to document this for Ecklie.

She smiles.


SARA: Thanks.

Sara stands up and goes towards the office door.

GRISSOM: Sara. Wait.

She turns and gives him a questioning look.

GRISSOM: Shut the door.

SARA: Grissom...

GRISSOM: Seriously. Shut the door.

She does so.

GRISSOM: You didn't let me finish what I was going to say.

SARA: I know what you were going to say.

GRISSOM: Really?

SARA: Yeah. You were going to say "Let's forget all about this"

GRISSOM: An amazing CSI you might be, but you're wrong on this one I'm afraid.

SARA: Really?

GRISSOM: Yeah...

He moves across the room to her.

GRISSOM: Let's... get it on.

SARA: What?!

GRISSOM: You heard me.

SARA: You've finally lost your mind, haven't you?

GRISSOM: More like I finally found it. Come on... Let's get it on...

SARA: You're nuts.

She turns to leave. He grabs her hand and pulls her towards him.

GRISSOM: *singing* LEt's get it on...

SARA: Grissom...

He swoops down and kisses her. Leads her to his desk and...

Damn that PG-13-o-meter!!! :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

forensicsgirl, you rock!!! Now I know what song I'm gonna be singing for the rest of the day! :D

Now I've got image stuck in my head, of Sara being in Grissom's apartment, as he saunters through the house with a bucket in his hand, where's he's got champagne on ice, as he's dancing and singing "Let's get it on!" :devil:

Meanwhile Sara is waiting for him in the bedroom on the waterbed...

Oh, no wait! Have I confused it with another show...? ;)
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

haha i would pay big bucks to see that episode mayby we should take over cbs and all the csi production :devil:and get it on already cause we are at apoint were we are all watching old episodes for a little GSR, they just have to write more romance, cause i'm going nuts...ther waiting far too long :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

I am truly feeling the GSR love thanks to forensicsgirl's amazing scenario. "Let's Get It On" Not to mention now I see Grissom on a waterbed with Sara making waves. OMG I am so happy.

Never thought of Cath being the one to give Grissom the Single after 50 book. But you are right she would be the one to know it would take him years to analyze everything and then finally ask Sara out. I like the TUSH meaning as well. Nice. Don't know the fan fic that came from but I would like to read it if anyone does know.

I watched Spark of Life last night and I have Sara's comment when they were in the woody area stuck in my head.

GRISSOM: This area was always a good place for stargazing.

SARA: It's a good make-out spot, too. So I've heard.

(Sara snaps photos. Grissom glances at her.) :devil:
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

OMG thats great! :lol: Now i'm going to have that song stuck in my head for the rest of the day to! ::sighs:: To bad that would NEVER happen of the show and that is what makes it so darn funny! I have this image in my head of Grissom singing "Let's Get It On" in his office WHILE dancing and doing pelvic thrusts :devil:. Yep there I go, right back in the deep end of the gutter again :D! Eh, at least I am in good company : :p.

And thanks for the tip foresicgirl ;).

Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

God if only the conversation in snakes had ended like your scenario forensicsgirl but alas as usual Grissom struggled to find the words and Sara got up and left.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

He quotes everything else, I could see him quoting a song.

Have you ever noticed how the vast majority of the time when he's reciting a quote (opening scene aside) he's talking to Sara? Kind of ties in with him never finding his own words around her.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

I'm surfin' the web...surfin'surfin' and here's what I surfed :

I see the next eps like that: some scenes GSR, one on ep. that shows us they're acting like friend, even we could get the impression, that they have relationship offscren ( eps to 6x04), then next something like triangle ( but I still think that Griss -Sophia will be simple comfort scene, he will touch her, maybe awkward hug, but I don't think so... rather she will be sitting sad, and he will have hand on her soulder- Sara will go in, but I don't think she will make a scene, rather she will say something cold tone 'sorry to interrupt'-or sth like that, but Griss will know or will think that he know what she thinks. After that one scene- he will try to talk(awkward as always), she will change the subject, or will be avoiding him for a while).

Then some eps without them together....Maybe two or three...And GSR blow up...Motel scene in 6x10.
That's like I see it.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Okay guys....thought I'd come and officially admit it. Aggie has sucked me down in to the Gutter...I can't get out :lol: In plain english she's converted me to GSR :) I'll hopefully catch up on everything and chat with you guys more frequently!
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap


I ran into this picture from the episode Organ Grinder that I really love. Sara enjoys being with Grissom, not just for the fact that she really loves him but for the fact that he intellectually challenges her. I think its a turn on for both of them when they get into their work and they have that competitive edge going on. :devil:
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Yay! Welcome to GSRism CSIgal! Its a great religion. We don't pray and stuff but we have cookies, duct tape, and lots of dirty moments. :lol:
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

In plain english she's converted me to GSR

Aggie you go girl. Suck those people into the gutter. Hail GSR!

CSIgal we are so privileged to have you join our fun loving family. I am sure you will catch you and if you have any questions ask away. I will help fill you in all that I can.
Re: Grissom&Sara #10 - Meet Me in the Gutter & bring the Tap

Ahh, my evil plan worked!!! :devil: Oops, did I just say that out loud?

Seriously, WELCOME CSIgal, it's a good thing we got new, bigger Gutter... :D
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