Grissom/Lady Heather,Snicker and Greg and Wendy RP

Yet again, a moment later, Heahter awoke. Her emerald eyes where glassy and she was breathing slightly heavier than usual, but managed to calm down on her own. "I never can sleep very well in hospitals," She softly said, suddenly very bored. "How about you?"
SaraSidleStokes said:
Sara shrugged "i'm not to worried I mean I"ve seen alot of Lady Heather around I think he's seeing her" she smiles "I Know its kind of bad but maybe we should leave him a note?"

"Thank God there's Lady Heather. I mean Grissom's been in teh office all the time. I'm glad to see that gris does a life outside the lab." Nick said. Nick look up to Grissom just like a father/mentor and he cared about him. He took a piece of paper and pen. "What should we write?"
She smirked "would it be bad if we just said You and I are together and we're going to have a baby?" she smiled "Probably huh we should probably say we want to talk to him"
"That would be fine," Heather replied, pressing the nurse call button on the handrail to her bed. "And if you need to get some sleep, really I'll be fine," She told him as the nurse walked into her room.
"Or maybe I'll just take some of those drugs," Grissom smiled, watching the nurse walk in.

"Is something wrong?" the nurse asked.

"No...we were just hoping to get some sleeping medication," Grissom said, pointing over at Heather.

"Certainly. I'll be right back."
"I'm glad," Grissom smiled. "I try."

The nurse came back into the room and injected Heather's IV with a sedative. "Don't fight it, just let it take you.." the nurse told her.
Heather nodded, her eyes threatening to close almost immediatley. She glanced at Gil one last time before the sedative took effect, pushing her into a very deep sleep.
At first, Heather could still hear the voices of the other people in the room. But as the seconds passed their voices faded and she was in the deepest sleep she ever had been.
The nurse came back and gave Grissom some pills and a cup of water. He immediately swallowed the pills dry and put the cup down, falling asleep only moments later.
Greg smiled as their lips met again in another hot passionate kiss. He could kiss her all day they were so intoxicating!
Wendy smiled as the kiss went deeper, with both of their tongues dueling for control. She slowly moved her hands down Greg's back, and when she reached the hem of his shirt, she put her hands under it, searching for his soft skin.