Grissom/Lady Heather,Snicker and Greg and Wendy RP

Minutes later, Heather awoke with a quiet gasp. She studied the man next to her bed for a moment. "Need fresh coffee?" She inquired, covering her mouth to hide a yawn.
"Shockingly, yes. You'd think after twelve hours of sleep I'd be okay but..." Another yawn escaped her mouth and she glanced at Gil before falling back asleep.
iluvEricSzmanda said:
Catherine smiled warmly at Nick and answered him.
"Well, besides the fact that I'm bored out of my mind, nothing's really new. How about you?"

Nick looked at Sara and said, "Yeah, I told him about us and the baby. It's now or never." Then he looked back at Catherine, "So, no case today huh? Nice.... Me? I've never been better!" He smiled widely as he puts his hand on his wife's waist.
Sara smiled "I just hope we're around when he reads it I'm curious to know how he'll take it"
she turned to Catherine "for the first time in a long time I"m actually happy" she smiled lovingly to Nick
Grissom laughed quietly, making sure not to wake her again as he saw a nurse walking by the room. "Excuse me...could you get me another cup of coffee? I...don't want to leave her," he said, motioning to Heather with a small smile. The nurse just nodded and walked off.
Still sleeping, Heather raised her right hand and began scratching at her neck where the bandaged cuts were. Her fingernails caught on the white gauze, threatening to pull it completely off of her skin.
Heather attempted to pull her arm away but didn't have enough energy. "What... Oh," She opened her eyes and realized what she had been doing. "I didn't even know I was itching at it," She whispered.
Heather closed her eyes again, a small smile appeared on her face. "Still waiting on your fresh coffee I see." She noticed her mood changed each time she woke up. One moment she was happy, the next incredibly sad; It was a very odd feeling.
"I suppose," Grissom said. "Though I have a feeling the nurse just walked off giving me some feign hope that she would actually get it for me," he smiled.