Grissom/Lady Heather,Snicker and Greg and Wendy RP

Wendy broke the kiss, gasping for air. She smiles when she sees Greg doing the same thing. "I really wished that we didn't have to work today. I wish we could just call in sick, and spend the day together...."
Greg smiled but then frowned. "Do you think it would look a little suspicous though?" He said softly, not quite believing what he was turning down.
Wendy thought hard about it. "Well it might be a bit suspicicious...but with everyything going on with other people, i don't think anyone would really notice. Besides we could slways just say that we went out to lunch, and ended up with food poisoning?" Wendy had a thoughful look on her face, thinking of the pros and cons to skipping work.
The nurse came back and gave Grissom some pills and a cup of water. He immediately swallowed the pills dry and put the cup down, falling asleep only moments later.

Heather shifted in her sleep, rolling onto her right side. Dreams danced in her head, but not the usual nightmares; She was very thankful for that.
SaraSidleStokes said:
She smirked "would it be bad if we just said You and I are together and we're going to have a baby?" she smiled "Probably huh we should probably say we want to talk to him"

Nick left a note on Grissom's table and left the room to the break room. They found Warrick and Catherine in the room and started to talk. "Hey Cath, what's new?"
jnick_0712 said:
SaraSidleStokes said:
She smirked "would it be bad if we just said You and I are together and we're going to have a baby?" she smiled "Probably huh we should probably say we want to talk to him"

Nick left a note on Grissom's table and left the room to the break room. They found Warrick and Catherine in the room and started to talk. "Hey Cath, what's new?"

Catherine smiled warmly at Nick and answered him.
"Well, besides the fact that I'm bored out of my mind, nothing's really new. How about you?"
(I hope you don't mind, but I'm gonna jump ahead a little here. :))

As Heather's sleeping medication wore off, she sighed, keeping her eyes closed for a minute longer. Blinking to refocus her vision, she glanced up at the clock hanging above the doorway and saw that she had slept for twelve hours. She glanced over and saw Gil was still sleeping. With a grin, she rested her hand upon his, just wanting to feel closer to him.
(No problem!)

"Hey.." Grissom mumbled, lifting his head up. Wincing, he tried to get a crick out of his neck. "I shouldn't have fallen asleep like that.." he sighed.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to wake you," Heather apologized. "I wondered how in the world you managed to sleep like that," She gestured to the spot he had been resting his head.
Heather nodded. Closing her eyes, but not falling asleep, she leaned back on the bed, into the soft matress. "I can't believe everything that happened," She whispered. She shut her eyes tighter, fighting back the tears.