Grissom/Lady Heather,Snicker and Greg and Wendy RP

"When you're with me, you gotta love country. Plus, country rocks and I say you can't resist Southern charm," Nick chuckled and then continue singing.
jnick_0712 said:
George grinned slyly. He parked the car somewhere nearby. Then he got out and opened the door for Sara.
Sara smiled as she Looked at Nick "who said all Men are Jerks" she gave him a smirk "oh thats right I did, well thats obviously before You" she Kissed him with passion
onlookers and passersby smiled at them briefly
"Alright...I'll give you some more painkillers," the nurse said, getting a syringe and injecting the liquid into her IV.

Heather knew it would just be a matter of seconds before she fell asleep. She looked at Gil, gave him a small smile, and closed her eyes, more than ready for the painkillers to take effect.
Wendy runs into Greg, in the lab- both of them deciding that it was best not to miss work.
Wendy smiles at him. "So how is work going for you? Are you glad that we decided to come in?" She teases him.
SaraSidleStokes said:
Sara smiled as she Looked at Nick "who said all Men are Jerks" she gave him a smirk "oh thats right I did, well thats obviously before You" she Kissed him with passion
onlookers and passersby smiled at them briefly

Nick blushed. He never blush before. There's something magic about Sara. Nick always thought Sara haw this effect, something like a power towards him.
jnick_0712 said:

Nick blushed. He never blush before. There's something magic about Sara. Nick always thought Sara haw this effect, something like a power towards him.

Sara looked at Nick,she denied her feelings for him for so long and Now she couldnt be happier ,she took His hand as he helped her out of the car "You know the last time we were here we were getting Married" she eyed him it was the most magical night of her life
Nick grinned as he remembered the day. He was shocked and excited at the same time when Sara proposed him at the strip. "I know! You and your crazy but wonderful idea"
she smiles "I know, and I know its usually the Guys tradition to propose to the woman but I wanted to be with you so bad" she smirks "and besides our Baby needs its father"