Grissom/Lady Heather,Snicker and Greg and Wendy RP

Heather sighed, nodding slowly. "I know." She sighed again. "Whe-Where would you like me to start?" Truth be told, she wanted to talk about what had happened. Not talking about it was making her feel as if something were eating away at her.
"He followed me. I wasn't sure who it was at first, but after a few moments it was very clear." Heather took a minute to compose herself. She didn't want to cry in front of Gil; Not again. "Then he pulled me into the house. I was passed out for a while. When I came to, I called you. He stopped whatever he had been doing to come to the living room and... the rest I think you know." Covering her face with her hands, she began softly crying as the nightmare that had happened filled her mind once again.
SaraSidleStokes said:
Sara smiled "I just hope we're around when he reads it I'm curious to know how he'll take it"
she turned to Catherine "for the first time in a long time I"m actually happy" she smiled lovingly to Nick

After work, they went back home and settled for breakfast. After breakfast, Nick didn't feel like to sleep yet because their last shift was quite rather boring. They only did paperwork. Nick sat on the couch while Sara was still in the Kitchen doing their dish. "Honey, what do you want to do?"
She smiled as she came out of the kitchen "You want to go walk along the strip?" it wasnt the most romantic place to be but for her and Nick it was, they had spent so many times walking the strip as friends and as lovers, it was different for them they didnt need to worry about the cares of the world all they needed was eachother
Grissom slowly reached for Heather's hand, taking it in his and squeezing it softly. "It's okay, Heather...he's not going to do it're safe now."