Grissom/Lady Heather,Snicker and Greg and Wendy RP

Wendy is extremely bored. She has managed to get all the testing that she had to do done, and with no new cases, she has nothing to do. So she decides to wander the halls, and see who she runs into.
jnick_0712 said:
Nick grinned evilly and said, "sure..."
Sara Smiles at him
they spend a long while having thier way with eachother in the Parking lot before they Decide to leave,Sara's just enjoying their moment of bliss when the cell phone rings she answers it for Nick "Hello" , Warrick looks confused as he stares at his phone thinking he had called Nick but getting the voice of Sara on the other end "Uh Sara? I was looking for Nick" she smiled "Yeah he's here hang on one sec" she looks at Nick "Hey baby *forgetting that Warrick could hear her* Its Warrick" she hands him the phone so they could talk
Warrick eyes his phone in confusion "I was checking up on you making sure you're okay" He raises an eyebrow "but from the looks of things I guess so *clears his throat* so exactly what is going on between you and Sara" as Nick is on the phone with Warrick Sara takes his free hand and seductively sucks on his fingers
Nick gasps, he unconciously let out a very soft moan. "Ummm..." Nick cleared his throat before continuing. "Well, let's just say that we kept ourselves busy..." Nick looked at Sara desperately telling her to stop but she pretended not to listen and continue sucking. Oh God! Nick thought. If only he could just ravish her right there, right now on the parking spot.
Warrick raised an eyebrow "so the rumors are true You two are dating" he Mocks a pout "quite frankly I'm a little hurt that you didnt tell me about it I am your bestfriend"
Sara could hear a little bit of the conversation she smirked a little thinking wait till he finds out we got married and I'm Pregnant ,Seeing how much she's turning Nick on she continues with the Finger sucking
Nick chuckled, "I was going to tell ya'll later but things got in a way." Nick couldn't help it anymore cos at the rate of what's Sara doing, him and "Little Nicky" is definitely enjoying and eager more. So, he decided to stop his conversation with Warrick. "Hey man, I got to go now," he said nervously and gulped when he felt Sara's hand slightly brushed over his front pants. "Jesus!" he said out loud.
Catherinesmyidol said:
quoth_the_raven said:
"Right..." Grissom sighed. "I didn't know they'd be so busy."

"It's okay, I don't mind. But I just cannot get over how good those breadsticks smell," Heather laughed quietly for a brief moment. She looked at Gil with a quizzical look on her face. "Is something wrong? You seem... angry," She lowered her eyes to the floor.

"Huh? No, I'm not angry at all."
jnick_0712 said:
Nick chuckled, "I was going to tell ya'll later but things got in a way." Nick couldn't help it anymore cos at the rate of what's Sara doing, him and "Little Nicky" is definitely enjoying and eager more. So, he decided to stop his conversation with Warrick. "Hey man, I got to go now," he said nervously and gulped when he felt Sara's hand slightly brushed over his front pants. "Jesus!" he said out loud.
Sara smiled "I'm sorry Nicky but I really Need you and well considering the fact that they are expecting us back in an hour I figured Now's the only time till well after shift which could be awhile"
quoth_the_raven said:
Catherinesmyidol said:
quoth_the_raven said:
"Right..." Grissom sighed. "I didn't know they'd be so busy."

"It's okay, I don't mind. But I just cannot get over how good those breadsticks smell," Heather laughed quietly for a brief moment. She looked at Gil with a quizzical look on her face. "Is something wrong? You seem... angry," She lowered her eyes to the floor.

"Huh? No, I'm not angry at all."

Heather blinked several times, her eyes still on the tiled floor. "Oh, sorry. You just seem," She paused for a moment," I don't know... different today." Heather looked up at Gil with a weak smile. "Probably just my imagination; I apologize."
"Lately I feel like I've been getting the wrong impressions about people," Heather grinned before continuing. "I remember a few years ago when you called me an anthropologist. I suppose that little quirk had faded with the years," She sighed.