Grissom/Lady Heather,Snicker and Greg and Wendy RP

Sara looked at Nick and smiled, if Catherine werent there she probably would have had her way with him in that hospital room
instead she tried her best to keep her composure "I suppose we should alert the others and let them know you're okay"
"Oh ok." Nick said as he truned his head to Catherine. "Uh, Cath, do you mind to tell the others I'm okay?" He asked again. Actually, he wanted to spend more "quality" time with his wife. I hope I won't look that obvious he thought.
Catherine rolled her eyes playfully. "Well...I SUPPOSE you want me to call them from the hallway, right? I get it." She winked and turned to go down the hallway to call the Lab and tell everyone that Nick was leaving the hospital.
the Minute Catherine Left the room she inched closer to Nick Kissing him on the lips "dont get me wrong I love Cath she's like a Mother to me but *she smirks* I thought she'd never leave" she Kisses Him with Passion again
Nick felt her tongue on his bottom lip begging for entrance. He opened his mouth and immediately felt the rush to just ravish her right there on the bed. There were no sound in the room except for their heavy breath and soft moans. He moved his hand from her waist to her breast and cupped them.
quoth_the_raven said:
Catherinesmyidol said:
quoth_the_raven said:
Grissom just smiled, wrapping his CSI jacket around her shoulders. "The weather here is unpredictable."

Heather grinned. "Thank you," She gazed straight into his blue eyes. "Yes, it is." A crimson blush tinted her cheeks for a moment as she walked along side Gil. Something about him made her blush. She loved that he made her feel that way.

"So...I suppose it's been an overall un-eventful week," Grissom said, walking over to the front door of the restaurant and holding it open for her.

Heather stepped inside the restaurant with a smile. "It has." She pulled Gil's jacket off of her shoulders, as the heat inside the building was enough to keep her warm. Her smile became brighter as she realized just how protected Gil made her feel; And how much she loved feeling that way. "Nothing interesting has been going on at the dominion. Most of the time all sorts of things are. It's been uneventful for you, too?"
"Too bad things won't stay that way," Heather smiled as she glanced around the restaurant. The smell of delicious garlic breadsticks reached her nostrils, making her moisten her lips with intrigue. "Gil," She grinned, "For some reason, this doesn't strike me as a 'Grissom' restaurant." She paused briefly before adding with a giggle, "But have you ever tried their breadsticks?"
"I could too," Heather returned the grin. "Actually, I think that sounds like a plan except instead of the soup, italian dressing. If we ever get a table that is," She glanced around the busy restaurant with a smile.
jnick_0712 said:
Nick felt her tongue on his bottom lip begging for entrance. He opened his mouth and immediately felt the rush to just ravish her right there on the bed. There were no sound in the room except for their heavy breath and soft moans. He moved his hand from her waist to her breast and cupped them.
Sara was enjoying every minute of it,she wasnt sure if her hightened pleasure had to do with her pregnancy or just the mere thought of being alone with Nick for awhile but she was definetly enjoying it, she wouldnt have stopped either Had it been for the Young Nurse clearing her throat looking rather uncomfortable to the pair "I just wanted to let you to know all the paper work is done Mr Stokes you are free to leave"
quoth_the_raven said:
"Right..." Grissom sighed. "I didn't know they'd be so busy."

"It's okay, I don't mind. But I just cannot get over how good those breadsticks smell," Heather laughed quietly for a brief moment. She looked at Gil with a quizzical look on her face. "Is something wrong? You seem... angry," She lowered her eyes to the floor.
Nick blushed and frowned again as he softly mumbled, "good timing Nurse, I was about to make a good use of this time with my wife."
the Nurse left the room as if she didnt want to hear all that
Sara smiled "so shall we continue this in the car" (*smirks* I'm trying my best not to make this R rated)