Grissom/Lady Heather,Snicker and Greg and Wendy RP

Cath glanced down at Sara's stomach and she could tell that Sara was expecting. "Well, I've seen it all! Congrats you two!" She hugged them both again. She was really happy for Nick and Sara
Sara smiled as she fiddled with her wedding ring then she walked closer whispering to Cath "just so you know we did get Married to" she walked back to Nick "I'm so glad you're okay baby"
"I'm glad I'm the one who's been hit. I nearly asked you to drive to the wine shop. It could've been you and what if soemthing happen to you and jr.? You know I can't live without you Sara. I love you too much." and with that he leaned and kissed her. And again, he sorta forgot Catherine was still in the room, he intensify the kiss.
Sara smiled Kissing him back then realized Catherine was still in the room "I couldnt live without you either Nicky,When You were Buried alive and we didnt think you'd make it I almost lost it" she looked at him reminding them both that ,that particular awful sitaution is what made them both realize they loved eachother "and You dont ever have to worry about us we'll do fine" she rubbed her stomach and grinned "Baby Girl Stokes and I"
Catherine rolled her eyes after watching the two lovebirds practically make out in front of her.
"Well, I'm sure whatever it is, this baby's gonna be adorable!"
quoth_the_raven said:
Grissom couldn't help but grin. "You're too polite, I know I must be boring you with all this talk about insects. Luckily we're at the restaurant now."

"No, I don't mind the insect talk. You seem happy when talking about the many bugs of your life," Heather unfastened her seat belt and opened her car door. Stepping out, the cold wind startled her but she quickly recovered. "It seems like we haven't talk in ages," She said with a grin as she walked toward Gil.
"Mm-hmm," Heather replied. She folded her arms in front of her chest and her teeth chattered quietly. "It's weird. I don't remember it ever being this cold in Vegas!"
Wendy was getting really nervous. She has not heard from anyone yet, She decides to call Greg to seee what he knows. She reaches for her cell, and dials Greg's number. He anwsers after teh third ring. "Hey Greg. It's endy. I heard that Nick was in an accident, and I was wondering if you heard how he is? How seriously was he injured? Is he going to be ok?"
"Hey beautiful. He's okay, just a few cuts and bruises Sara said. He's going to fine" Greg said with a relieved smile.
Sara Just smiled as she knew Catherines words were true, she Looked back at Nick "when I talked to the doctor earlier he said You should be checked out of here shortly"