Grissom/Greg--Someone Who Doesn't Judge Me

Re: Grissom/Greg


Here's Greg and Grissom together in ABRTI2. I thought it was funny how Greg I think was kinda annoyed cause Hodges came in and interrupted when Grissom was talking to him. I think Greg likes Grissom all to himself.
Re: Grissom/Greg

Kimaken, not to be rude, but bemoaning Greg's lack of development/screen-time or whatever is more of a general Vegas thread discussion, rather that a shipper discussion. This thread is to talk about a possible ship between Grissom & Greg - not to speculate on whether or not Greg's going to leave the show (which I am pretty certain will not happen in the forseable future)

Sorry! As a mod, can you please delete all my comments/posts? Thanks!

Now, on the subject of Grissom & Greg, gotta love that subtle innunedo - first we had Grissom saying "skid marks" and Greg giggling about it in ABRTI2, then we had Greg talking about hoping to find a weener in DED - slash fans all over the world squeeed at that line :lol: :devil: Anyone else noticed any more innuendo between the Bugman and his Padawan?

Since I'm about the same age as Grissom, I didn't understand the "skid marks" comment until someone elsewhere explained it--not sure if Grissom got it either.

I missed the "wiener" line--served me right for walking away from the tv for a few minutes. Can you tell me what a "padawan" is?
Re: Grissom/Greg

Sorry! As a mod, can you please delete all my comments/posts? Thanks!
Don't worry, there's no need to remove the comments - it was just so we don't go down the path of discussing that rather than the topic we should be discussing...

Can you tell me what a "padawan" is?

It's a geeky Star Wars reference. You have the Master and his Padawan - it's basically a trainee Jedi, who learns from the Master until he becomes a Jedi Master in his (or her) own right. Yep, told you it was geeky :D
Re: Grissom/Greg

It's a geeky Star Wars reference. You have the Master and his Padawan - it's basically a trainee Jedi, who learns from the Master until he becomes a Jedi Master in his (or her) own right. Yep, told you it was geeky

Thanks! I remember the first 3 Star Wars movies...didn't get into the others. I TOLD you I'm old(er) like Grissom.

New ep coming up next week--hope there are some good Grissom/Greg moments!
Re: Grissom/Greg

Ok, I was just looking through some clips I found at In the episode Big Middle (5.16) there's the scene where Greg gets the big doll over him, and when he's crawling on the bed he tells Sara about a dream he had once, and he says: "But it wasn't in a garage, and Grissom wasn't watching. That was a different dream,"
So I'm just wondering exactly what Grissom was watching in that different dream. ;) :lol:
Re: Grissom/Greg

Ok, I was just looking through some clips I found at In the episode Big Middle (5.16) there's the scene where Greg gets the big doll over him, and when he's crawling on the bed he tells Sara about a dream he had once, and he says: "But it wasn't in a garage, and Grissom wasn't watching. That was a different dream,"
So I'm just wondering exactly what Grissom was watching in that different dream. ;) :lol:

Since it was Greg, Grissom, and Sara in the garage together, I thought what he meant was that in his dream it was Sara who watched. ;)
Re: Grissom/Greg

Ok, I was just looking through some clips I found at In the episode Big Middle (5.16) there's the scene where Greg gets the big doll over him, and when he's crawling on the bed he tells Sara about a dream he had once, and he says: "But it wasn't in a garage, and Grissom wasn't watching. That was a different dream,"
So I'm just wondering exactly what Grissom was watching in that different dream. ;) :lol:

Since it was Greg, Grissom, and Sara in the garage together, I thought what he meant was that in his dream it was Sara who watched. ;)

I like that theory. :lol: Either way Greg has some interesting dreams. ;)
Re: Grissom/Greg

is this thread still active? Or does no boby casr about our guys anymore. Poor Gris & Greg...
Re: Grissom/Greg

I still care about our guys!!! I've just been a little distracted. Here's my (somewhat belated) Christmas gift:



Hope everyone had a happy holiday!
Re: Grissom/Greg

I really thought this thread had died but I am glad to see it hasn't.


"I'll show you mine, if you show me yours" :lol:
Re: Grissom/Greg

Hi all! Just dropping by to say that I luv this ship. I like all the cute banters they have.. they are always awesome together. And sometimes grissom would have this look like he's really proud of greg. I think greg sorta brings out the lighter side of grissom. Ok thats it, just gotta let that out :D
Re: Grissom/Greg

Ok, I was just looking through some clips I found at In the episode Big Middle (5.16) there's the scene where Greg gets the big doll over him, and when he's crawling on the bed he tells Sara about a dream he had once, and he says: "But it wasn't in a garage, and Grissom wasn't watching. That was a different dream,"
So I'm just wondering exactly what Grissom was watching in that different dream. ;) :lol:

Since it was Greg, Grissom, and Sara in the garage together, I thought what he meant was that in his dream it was Sara who watched. ;)

I like that theory. :lol: Either way Greg has some interesting dreams. ;)

Actually, I always thought of it as that Grissom wasn't watching, he was a more ACTIVE participant. But your theories work too, lol.
Re: Grissom/Greg

And sometimes grissom would have this look like he's really proud of greg. I think greg sorta brings out the lighter side of grissom. Ok thats it, just gotta let that out :D

Well, that was Season 5. It's a different story in Season 6; it seems almost as if Grissom is mad at Greg all the time (perhaps they had a serious lovers' quarrel that has yet to be resolved).