Head of the Day Shift
THank's MissMurder and are you writing the fan-fiction? we need that right now, waiting for them to return together. From the onset of this fabulous show, Jorja was brought in as Grissom's 'love interest' it was always going to be her, they both went a bit off track him going for 'drinks' with Terri Miller, she bailed on him, and that was that:thumbsup: and his fascination with Lady Heather, which we all know now was just that. He went to her to ask advice when he was so low and so sad. And her going out with the skank Hank, only because Grissom was too wraped up in his CSI crime scenes, to make a forever commitment to her, which I think and may have stated this before, was first 'Butterlfied" and then took it to the next level in "Nesting Dolls' after he heard her sad tale and realized he needed and wanted only her. He's a totally different guy ourside the lab.
and I love the fact, that Billy and TPTB kept this love story going and we all know how it ended for now. And if he returns with her I do belive they'll be married with wedding bands on their fingers. And the team will be so happy for them and embrace their happiness.
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