Lab Technician
sorry, i'm in a hurry so no time to post pics, but
a la Cart , or Dead Doll ?![]()
Hmmmm, both episodes are filled with great GSR moments. In Dead Doll we could see how frantic Grissom was becoming with Sara's abduction. In A la Cart we caught a glimpse into how happy they are together.
But for my favourite, it would have to be A la Cart. I loved how everyone reacted to the relationship's "outing" And how Gris and Sara said different things to Ecklie, taking his question in different ways :lol: And of course, a look into their past history again while sitting in the car :adore:
My fave here would be Toe Tags. I love how they play and tease each other with the saws. Gil's reaction when she lowered the saw toward him :guffaw:
Which scene?
CC (Cool Change) or C&B (Crate & Burial)
And SA_Kate_937 you haven't been a bad fan honey, you've been busy. Don't worry about it :bolian: