Grissom and Sara;#34 GSR...Back With A Passion

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sorry, i'm in a hurry so no time to post pics, but

a la Cart , or Dead Doll ? ;)

Hmmmm, both episodes are filled with great GSR moments. In Dead Doll we could see how frantic Grissom was becoming with Sara's abduction. In A la Cart we caught a glimpse into how happy they are together.

But for my favourite, it would have to be A la Cart. I loved how everyone reacted to the relationship's "outing" And how Gris and Sara said different things to Ecklie, taking his question in different ways :lol: And of course, a look into their past history again while sitting in the car :adore:

here's two :thumbsup:



My fave here would be Toe Tags. I love how they play and tease each other with the saws. Gil's reaction when she lowered the saw toward him :guffaw:

Which scene?

CC (Cool Change) or C&B (Crate & Burial)

And SA_Kate_937 you haven't been a bad fan honey, you've been busy. Don't worry about it :bolian:
HI EVERYONE:bolian: hope your all well, it's raining cats and dogs here, whatever that means. If I see a kitty or doggie fall from the sky I'll rescue it:eek: and it's cool that all you fans are involved in this, it's fun, and keeps this thread going. And on GSR they've never been great communicators, with 'each other' but the love was so strong it took that part of them over:) I loved "Crate & Burial" I was just going to post that one.. and I'll put all their special moments at the end of this post so, maybe it'll help refresh the episodes!

And I just came across this little remark from Billy
On Jorja Fox "I'd like to kiss her before I leave Galaxie Mag. 2005 Well he sure did! BIG TIME


from "BTK" Grissom bringing Sara a "Veggie Burger" Warrick "Where's mine"?:lol:
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I loved "Crate & Burial" I was just going to post that one..

Oh sorry Desert, did I post your idea? It went with the whole season one theme I'm doing with the choices I'm giving at the moment :)


from "BTK" Grissom bringing Sara a "Veggie Burger" Warrick "Where's mine"?:lol:

Both moments are fabulous. In SDD, Sara was so sly in her excuse for caressing his face. She just wanted to calm her man down, and she certainly did.
BTK was great too. Grissom bringing her lunch/dinner, he clearly wanted to eat with her but Warrick kind of spoiled that party :lol:

My favourite out of these two would have to be BTK though. The glances between them during this scene win it for me. Though SDD rates high on my list as well.

Which scene?

Sex, Lies & Larvae or Unfriendly Skies
WOW> good ones, I loved the banter between them, that airplane bathroom scene, in "Unfriendly Skies" her questioning him about 'cite your source' on the magazine, and his darling side grin:pbut the "SLL" and covering him with the blanket, so motherly but so caring. This women loved him for so long, so I'll pick that one
for your next choice!

TURN OF THE SCREW working so close on that rollar coaster, and so in tune!

SUCKERS the fake Oriental collection, and checking out all the evidence together, with Nick's and Brass's help:)
Hello Everyone,:thumbsup:

I am very sorry not be here soon but my nan died before xmas and i trouble coming term with it at moment.:( Anyway i need cheering up just watch LOATR (9x05) i did like until the last part when LH close the door was a cheap Hollywood shot/stunt:brickwall:. My mum watch it she dont if Gil/LH did or not, as me 95% believe didnt but 5% he did stupid channel 5 voice-over woman says" it go happen soon or later":rolleyes:. Anyone from the UK watch it any thoughts? I need a GSR hugs please.
AHHH, minnyanne prayers go out to you and yours, that's so sad, remember the good times with her...:( so you haven't seen the finale? and here's your hug
LH actually was a life saver/hero, she encouraged him to go to Sara, wow you have missed alot. so do you want to see the last scene from "ONE TO GO" or wait? let us know?

AHHH, minnyanne prayers go out to you and yours, that's so sad, remember the good times with her...:( so you haven't seen the finale? and here's your hug
LH actually was a life saver/hero, she encouraged him to go to Sara, wow you have missed alot. so do you want to see the last scene from "ONE TO GO" or wait? let us know?


Thank you Desertwind:thumbsup:. I know GSR get there happy ending in 9x10 just at this moment see long way to go. I wonder do you think might GSR again before the series finish i want to know if married or not that bug the hell out me at this minute? Plus if GSR not in 200th we will get some hints what both be up to?:drool: Any thoughts on that would need put in a spoiler boxes or not.
awe Minnyanne, my thoughts go out to you, that's horrible..but the heart heals =)
CSI is an amazing distraction, i've learned that for myself, especially the happy GSR ones :thumbsup:
i sure hope that GSR scenes will be plopped into the 200th ep..i mean it's a milestone for CSI, and won't Billy still be an Exec. Producer on the show? which means DR or CM will for surely talk to him about the possibility.. however i'm sure the episode has already been filmed so there's nothing we can change.
all that's left is to wait...

P.S. Desert, i absolutely love that pic you put in your last post, Jorja and Billy both look amazing in it, veeery flattering. :adore:
Minnyanne, my sincere condolences my dear. But the pain will fade, it will just take time.

I hope the 200th ep will give us more insight into GSR. But it is a waiting game for the moment.

Desert I have to say Turn of the Screw is my favourite out of those 2 choices. I love how they work together and their closeness in this ep.

Which scene?

Strip Strangler or Play with Fire
I will predict with almost certainy that they will both be in ep. 200, it has to happen, married of course, and the team hugging and congratulating them and the new guy Dr. Langston, will kinda of be odd man out, but will catch up and it will be the first time he and Sara meet:thumbsup: and MissMurder difficult one, I like the strong caring he showed in both eps. "Strip Strangler" he said 'NO" but she went ahead and did it anyway, regardless, cause' she wanted too, showing her stubborness and doing what she wanted to do.. to catch this low-life..and in "Play with Fire" the lab explosion, and calling her "honey" and once again so concerned for her well being, so I call these equal:thumbsup:


"GENTLE GENTLE" the baby who died so tragically and them both examining evidence!


"OVERLOAD" the pickle experiment:eek:
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Yay! It's GSR overload here, thanks for being active. So sorry for being absent, life has been crazy (still is ;)).
Anyhow, who is keeping the tally by the way? And are we talking about picture, scenes or episodes? :lol: Well, I'm just gonna pick mine at random from those that i missed.

Absolutely "Butterflied". It was the time when we saw Grissom's feelings caught unguarded. With all that speech and behind those wall she has witnessed the unspoken love. :adore::adore:
from "BTK" Grissom bringing Sara a "Veggie Burger" Warrick "Where's mine"?
From that "Veggie Burger" scene look, it seems similar to me with the "I won't wait up" in Happenstance. Their eyes are talking and their lips are all smirk and grin, so flirty... :lol:

I'm gonna borrow yours...*i guess it'll be my pick* ;)

Grissom: Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to do nothing.

GRISSOM: You never get a second chance to make a first impression.
----- Think outside the box.
Ok, here's mine to share.
<< === 'the first blush' OR

'Are your volunteering?' ===>>

And btw,

Hey X3nity is this also another choice?
The answer is Yes, yes.. "One Way To Go" :cool:
Desert I have to say Gentle Gentle would be my choice here. I love the flirty smile they share while analyzing the printers.

X3nity I love the Fannysmackin' scene. So playful. The look on Grissom's face was priceless :lol:

On the "One Way To Go" ;) choice, I love both scenes. I don't think I could pick which one I prefer.

Which scene?

Double Cross or Leaving Las Vegas
Hi everyone, hope your all well;) and on the last two "Double Cross" the way they once again worked so well and were so in tune on this case, the rosary beads, and the flirty comments between them both, but "LLV" when he had to go away with his fumbling geeky, not knowing how or what to say to her, was classic Grissom. "I'll miss you" and her sly grin, she was OK with that, she's knows him well, like no one else


ENDING HAPPY Gil:: "Sex without love makes one unhappy" Sara:: "I don't think I make you unhappy" Gil:: No, you make me happy":)

LEAPIN' LIZARDS them watching the old 'Godzilla" movie, in bed at their condo, with Hank, and her finding his love letter:p
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Hmmm, I enjoy Ending Happy I love the teasing from Sara. And of course Grissom's reason. We find out the true extent of their relationship in this episode. Leapin Lizards, I love how much they look like a married couple in this scene, in bed watching a movie together. But for my favourite here, it would have to be Ending Happy

Which scene?

The Happy Place "Let's take a trip"


One To Go Kiss in the Costa Rican Jungle

BTW: We're nearly at the point where we can discuss new thread names. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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Which scene?

The Happy Place "Let's take a trip"


One To Go Kiss in the Costa Rican Jungle

BTW: We're nearly at the point where we can discuss new thread names. Does anyone have any suggestions?

eee , i think i'm the first official post for discussing thread names :) however i have nothing to offer...i'll leave it up to the alumni's of this thread :thumbsup:

sorry i haven't posted in a while :( but i've been having fun , i was actually off playing with the Honors Band of Alberta which was really cool, and definitely a great experience :D

MissMurder, i would say that 99.9% i liked the One To Go Kiss =) i love how the name is similar to Way To Go as well..
but i think it was sort of the conclusion to The Happy Place in a way, and even though the kiss was longer than the others, it's still short but it made me happy :bolian:

P.S. Desert i love your avatar :luvlove:
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