Grey's Anatomy

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Springmoon said:
Hey, Hankster, love the promo, but we're not allowed to link directly to videos from this site - copyright laws and somesuch.
Linking to You Tube is fine.

However if you are linking to a CSI clip, you must ensure that the clip has been offered by CBS, we wish to be extra careful where CSI is concern. However as we rarely post anything to do with CSI in this particular forum, it is a little less of a concern. ;)
WillowsWannaBe said:
Which episode is it mentioned on exactly?

In case you're wondering still......

The ep was called "Break On Through" where Izzie mentions her daughter Sarah age 11. :D

I can't wait for January 11th. :)

GEORGE: Oh! Dr. Bailey I can see the top of his head! (Addison grins) He’s got a lot of hair. Oh he’s cute.
DR. BAILEY: O’Malley?
DR. BAILEY: Stop looking at my va-jay-jay!
GEORGE: Yes ma’am
No! Not Addison and Alex :( I loved Addison, and Alex is kinda ok, but not together! Addison is actually my favourite character on the show. I would love it iff Addison and Cuddy from House would be in an episode together, but I guess that is out of the question :p
Thanks! :D

That GA ep is by far my favorite. :D

"The End Of The World" Part 1
As We Know It" Part 2

My god, I still jump a little every time that bomb goes off. :lol:

DYLAN: Meredith I want you to look at me. (She is staring at Burke) Look at me. (She turns her gaze to Dylan who is standing directly in front of her) I know this is mad. And I know that I’m this ass who’s been yelling at you all day. So you pretend that I’m not. You pretend that I’m someone you like. Whatever you need. But you need to listen to me.
Omg that was the best episode.!
There was this one part on an episode
when dr. bailey was doing a procedure and then
she was like stop kicking me and then george did something
and then dr. bailey was like O'Malley are u kicking me under the table and i just loved the way George said "NO"
WPR! BWA HA HA HA HA! For some reason, I had a dream where it was Catherine giving birth and Greg was the one being told to stop looking at her Va-jay-jay!!!
^^^ There are young users on the board, that is over the PG13 line. It doesn't matter at all if it is in slang or not. Please keep it within the PG13 guide. Thank you. :)
I really hope Addison and Alex don't get together. I wholeheartedly support the Alex/Izzie ship, and while I'm not a big fan of McSteamy I like him and Addy together. I really don't see anything between Alex and Addison, besides the snark and reluctant mentor thing. That's always good fodder for friendship, but not for romance. Alex and Izzie have so much more chemistry, at least in my book. I keep hoping for Izzie to get over Denny this season...
Tinkerbell said:
^^^ There are young users on the board, that is over the PG13 line. It doesn't matter at all if it is in slang or not. Please keep it within the PG13 guide. Thank you. :)

Forgive me, I wasn't thinking of the PG13 guide when I posted the quote. :(
To me, a quote is just a quote. :)
I'll remember next time. :D

I had a strange dream last night that I was watching GA, and in it,
Addison got pregnant by Alex, she was acting all miffed, and Alex was mad because he felt like she thought men/fathers couldn't be nurturers or know how to take care of a baby! BWA HA HA HAHAHAAAA!!!! I know that's not from a preview, but still... I could see it happening!!!
2007 Screen Actors Guild Nomination:



Congrats to Chandra and the Whole cast!!!!

Good luck GA! :D

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