Grey's Anatomy

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Not sure if I like the sound of all of those spoilers but GA has a way of drawing me in no matter how much I hate what's going on with the characters. Lol.

Winners of the People's Choice Award:

Favorite Television - Drama: Grey's Anatomy

Favorite Male TV: Patrick Dempsey

Congrats to Grey's Anatomy and Patrick Dempsey!!!

I too am psyched, especially after that tantalizing little exchange of interesting looks between Addison and Alex, amongst other things. :)
That scene with George and his dad while they were playing cards was AMAZING. I was totally giggling at the end, it made me feel so good to see them bonding like that. What a great scene.

Ohhhhhh... Alex and Addison... :eek: I'm still intrigued!

Man, I feel so sorry for Meredith's dad. He seems so clueless and sort of lost. Poor guy. I feel for Meredith, but her mother was(is) a bit of a tyrant.

It's been killing me that Izzie hadn't deposited that cheque yet. KILLING me! :lol: But I think we all know where she's going to spend some of it, don't we? ;)

Good episode. This show continues to impress me.
Yes, last night's episode was really good. I was hating the whole Meredith/Derek in bed sequences, but she redeemed herself in those scenes where she had to deal with her issues surrounding her father.

Burke and Christina continue to intrigue me - they clearly still love each other, but are in this ridiculous pissing contest that they will not stop because neither of their egos will allow them to.

Addison and Alex - can't wait for next week!

I wouldn't exactly say that Papa O'Malley doesn't like his other sons, but he has this incredible depth of pride for George and what he has accomplished. But what touched me the most was, post-op, when George takes the moment to prepare his mother and brothers for what to expect when they go into the room but then can't go in there himself... wrenching.

I can't wait until next week. Looks like Izzie gets in trouble with Bailey again -- Bailey working her way back to hero status for telling Callie how to deal with the McEgo.
George's Family has to decide whether they want to pull the plug on george's dad.
I loved that episode but i hated all the scenes with George, i love him and he is so sad and shaking :( but omg amazing acting for T.R and i dont know his name but the guy who acts his dad when they were playing cards.
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