Grey's Anatomy

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ThumpyG said:Alex and Addison. Whoo talk about chemistry, WOW. Those two need to get it on and soon! :lol:
:lol: I agree!! On Oprah Kate Walsh said she wants to see Addison with Alex, so hopefully they'll go that route. I think if Izzie sees that, it may make her want Alex back...oh, another love triangle may be brewing!!

I agree with the others who said they're happy the secret finally came out. Burke should have told the Chief himself, but he didn't seem to be close to doing that anytime soon, so I'm glad Cristina took the bull by the horns and did it.
On a side note, was I the only one watching the continuity of blood spatter on Cristina's face mask? :lol: The did well, it only changed once :p

Can't wait for next weeks! I wanna know what's in that room! :D
Guys did you hear, no Grey's Anatomy for an entire month! What are we going to do??!

As for Addisex (Alex and Addie) I am not really into this idea. I just love Alex with Izzie...oh well :rolleyes:

Oh and George? I am mad at him. He doesn't get a hug until he is nicer to people...acting like that to Izzie when he knows how much she is hurt? When Meredith's mom was in the hospital she didn't go around yelling at everyone. She walked around in a daze but she wasn't flat out MEAN.
Meredith is a robot :lol:

George is just stressed, his brothers are treating him like crap, his mom keeps asking him if he's dating someone, Burke (Was) hiding something from him, and he is just all around scared. A new side of George.

And i heard about that, there also ins't any CSI or House or Standoff, (For House it's again) :mad:
I don't why but i'm kinda tired of Meredith/McDreamy storyline: it's getting boring, there is no real action actually. Will they have sex or not? do we really care? :lol:
I'm more interested on Burke/Cristina/George issue : i kinda like the new side of George, he is bitter but god they deserve it!! except Izzie, i thought it was terribly inappropriate. But the others deserve it.

PS: no grey's or House for a month? :cries:
Yes i do love the B/C/G issue. Because they have such a up and down relationship (Burke and Cristina that is) and i just hope that it is always up.
I don't why but i'm kinda tired of Meredith/McDreamy storyline: it's getting boring, there is no real action actually. Will they have sex or not? do we really care?
I'm more interested on Burke/Cristina/George issue : i kinda like the new side of George, he is bitter but god they deserve it!! except Izzie, i thought it was terribly inappropriate. But the others deserve it.

Seriously no new GA for a month???? :eek:

That's fine with me, seriously. :lol:
It's the holidays and I'm way too busy. I think it's great to have a break and for the Actors too. :D

I could never get tired of Mer/Der's relationship. Nope. Not me. :D

Last week's ep was great.

It was interesting to hear Cristina's voice than Meredith. Gee, George was an ass in this ep. :(
Betrayal. Amazing, how it affects everyone. :eek:

Tomorrow everyone :D

I feel kind of like a traitor having Grey's avatars and siggys on this board, so I haven't really yet...a lot of people hate the show here! I find that really rude, others insulting it just to protect their beloved CSI. It is possible to support two shows people!
^^^ I know what you mean. I personally love Grays but on a way different level than CSI, Grays is more of a soap-opera-y type show and CSI is much simpler(for lack of a better word)show.

Tomorrow. Weeeee. And since CSI is a rerun I can actually watch Grays at its normal time.
Agreed we all have shows we love and watch and yes there is other shows other than CSI (yes I said it). That is why there is TIVO and DVR and VCR.
Well guys if people are rude with you because you love Grey, just ignore them ;) you don't have to apologize because you like this TVshow; we all have our preference and you aren't a traitor if you prefer Grey to CSI: they both had excellent episodes and others execrable so just love it and don't pay attention to the others :D

I'm really excited about tonight episode!!! :D
Shady Lane said:
I feel kind of like a traitor having Grey's avatars and siggys on this board, so I haven't really yet...a lot of people hate the show here! I find that really rude, others insulting it just to protect their beloved CSI. It is possible to support two shows people!

I agree with sissi, I really do. Personally I don't watch Grey's Anatomy - only because I don't have the time, but it's a very popular program and there are even some CSI fans that prefer Grey's Anatomy to CSI, and there's nothing wrong with that at all. Both programs are very different, and it's your own preference. You shouldn't be made to feel like a traitor for watching it, you should be commended for expanding your mind beyond CSI. ;)

Anyway, that's my 2 cents! :lol:
I agree with sissi and Tink there. Everyone loves what they love. There's nothing you can change about that. Grey's and CSI are both very different indeed. Grey's is very character-centered, but CSI, on the other side, is pretty case-centered.
I love 'em both and that's why I have the Dish Network DVR!

A lot of my fave shows (Grey's, Lost, Jericho, Heroes, etc) are either on hiatus or are going on hiatus until next year. However, I guess I'll just spend more time with my kids during the holidays as a result of it, so it's all good! :D
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