Grey's Anatomy

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^^ Lilly is addicted to it :lol:(and had gotten plenty of sideways glances :rolleyes:).
Saw the promo looks gruesome, but good. Awesome magazine covers.
Kate has decided to join in on the fun of speaking in third person. Kate is also sad because she can't watch 'Grey's Anotomy' because she lives in Africa and does not have the right TV channel. Kate also has a random question about the song being played in the background of the promo on

Link: LivingTV: Greys'

Yay! *runs around in circles*

I really love this song and would really like to know which song it is! Please help poor little old me. *puppy eyes*

EDIT: Thank you Shady Lane! I didn't want to spam, so I put my thanks in my old post.
Guys we aren't that far away from starting a new thread! Any ideas what it should be called?

Personally I love using the "Slogan Generator" because it's soo much fun to see the random things it comes up with. (If you haven't heard of this before this is how it works: Just go to this site and type in a word and click "sloganize" and instantly you get a phrase with your word in it. )

Here are a few ideas:

-> Grey's Anatomy, Take Me Away.
-> Keep That Grey's Anatomy Complexion.
-> 151 Countries, One Grey's Anatomy.
-> There's Always Room For Grey's Anatomy.
-> Grey's Anatomy Tested, Mother Approved. :)lol:)


EDIT: SA_Kate_937 that's, Chasing Cars, by Snow Patrol
I loved last night's episode. I spent the entire thing thinking *something bad's going to happen, something bad's going to happen...* and I was so waiting for someone to die.
That's all I've got for now. I'll have more later.
Oh, and the McThread name... too many Mc's. It would drive me crazy. I vote no on that one. Sorry.
I loved last night's episode. I spent the entire thing thinking *something bad's going to happen, something bad's going to happen...* and I was so waiting for someone to die

Me too. It was a depressing episode though. Christina betrayed Burke, his hand tremor thing came to light and George was snapping at everyone. But i was having a completely blonde moment cuz it took me about 40 minutes to realize that it was Christina/Sandra narrating the story. :lol:
I actually missed the very beginning. Was she narrating then too? I came in just in time to see Cristina kick McDreamy out of Merideth's room... which I quite enjoyed, btw.
I loved last nights episode, everything about it actually. A new side to George that i loved, i didn't like that be brought up Denny but he's scared and Izzie knows that and still she steals his spigetti ;)

Burke and Cristina had some great moments that made me wanna tear up, i jumped when the blood just jumped from the girls heart.

I loved how annyoed Alex was that he didn't get to do any surgeries

Derek was Derek and Meredith was Meredith, thats all i have to say.

Callie just got F'd in the A by George.
Oh my GOSH so much happened in that episode! I can't believe that Christina went and turned them in. That really suprised me. I HATE that Burke shut the door on her! No! they're supposed to be the cute couple that has no problems! They're supposed to love each other! I really really hope that they make up and get back together because I really think that they have chemestry and I love those two together. As for George and Izzie, I knew that as soon as she said all those things to George's parents, that she was going to get found out. And I knew that George was going to flip out too.

On the other hand, I think Alex and Addison have some chemestry. She showed that she really respects him, and I really hope that Alex goes into OYB/GYN. I think plastics just isn't right for him. Plus, McSteamy, as steamy as he is, is an ass to him. I think Addison should take him under her wing again, I liked him there.

Let's see, what else. Oh yes, George and Callie. You know, right when I start to like two characters together, they split up. I think that Callie really wants to get back together with him, and I think George does too, but George can't handle it right now and I don't really think that Callie understands that, but I have hope for them.

Okay, so this whole Christina and Burke storyline kinda ended. But all endings have new beginnings, right? So is Burke still going to be Cheif? Is Burke even allowed to operate still? Who's going to do George's father's operation? So many questions they left us with, which I think is a good way to leave a viewer. The writers are doing a really good job making everything believable and right now, I'm hooked on this show, even if I do tape it and watch it an hour after it airs lol.
Last nights episode kept me riveted! :lol: I for one am glad that Christina turned both her and Burke in to the Chief. The whole senario was getting out of control and needed to be brought out in the open. But, I was very saddened by Burke's closing the door on Christina. :(

I loved George in this ep.! He was great! I especially liked how he dealt with Callie, telling her that he wasn't able to handle things at that point. To me it was such a real emotion and for some reason, Callie just isn't getting it. I would like to see the two of them together, but who knows :confused:

Alex and Addison. Whoo talk about chemistry, WOW. Those two need to get it on and soon! :lol:

I am very anxious to see next week
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