Grey's Anatomy

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Happy Halows eve!!!!!

Izzie and Mcsteamy would be a shocker, but i would want Mark to myself thank you very much :lol:

I am going to miss Addison and Derek ALOT they were so sweet together well they were more then sweet together they were perfect, thats just my point of view.

I would definetly NOT want George and Izzie to not be friends, that is on the bottom of my list but George is a sweety pie if they ever get together and if the break up i think George woudn't want a silly break up to ruin that and i think Izzie would feel the same way.
Yay, Izzie returns tonight!!

BTW, Entertainment Tonight will have Patrick and Ellen's sexy photo shoot. Looks sizzling hot! :p I know most of you have a problem with Mer, but, I think McDreamy and Meredith are a cute couple. :D Looking forward to the pics tonight. :)

I am a McMarried person, i think they are really cute no matter what happens but i guess M/D are good (Dont tell my sister :lol:) but i also love:

Here's the matches I've liked:

Okay, nobody shoot me, but I don't like George/Izzy. It just doesn't work for me. I did like George/Callie until about the last few episodes... I've still got hope that they might work things out.
I can understand why people don't care for George/Izzie--and I wouldn't shoot anyone for disagreeing with me if it's done respectfully, like you did! ;) Some see them as brother and sister, and that's fine. I just think that, at times, they have some Chemistry. I remember the party where Izzie and Cristina were dancing on the table with George making an O'Malley sandwich and I thought "Hmmm!"
:lol: Thanks, Hankster. I just think they have such an amazing friendship, and I'd hate to see that change.
I would like Izzie and George to remain best friends. No more.

Mer/Der: Just because . . . I can't say why I love these two together. Maybe it's because they are the lead actor/actress of the show. :p

Addie/Derek: A hot couple despite the fact they're divorced now. Who knows they could still work it out. :D

McSteamy/Addie: I'm not sure about these two. :rolleyes:

Izzie/Alex: Again, I'm not sure. I do miss Denny. :(

Cristina/Burke: Hmmm at the moment I'm not too crazy about their relationship. :rolleyes:

Hankster said:
Here's the matches I've liked:


That is pretty much mine :lol: i forgot Mer/Finn, i miss Finn and Denny!!!!! i loved them both<3
Just a few thoughts on the episode....

I'm liking Alex's new attitude.

Yay for the fiance coming back and still caring about both babies. I like happy endings :p :D

"We'd like you to meet old creepy dude" or whatever the quote was :lol:

I wish Burke would just fess up already!! Not only is he putting his career in jeopardy, but Cristina's, and most important, his patient's lives!!

Meredith and George being "Cristina" and "Izzy" for eachother was funny! :D

looks like something between Meredith and McSteamy might be coming......
I thought that when meredith and george was being cristina and izzy was hilarious.


great episode.
Given what's happened with Bailey, and how Cristina and Burke's actions have made Bailey feel, they need to fess up and quick. I did enjoy George and Meredith acting like Cristina and Izzie. It had me rolling on the floor laughing.

George is being told to sh*t or get off the pot by Callie--good for her.

It looks like Alex misses Ob/Gyn more than he thought. He helped save the second baby's life though. And after seeing what went down with Mark and Callie, I think he has a blackmail item to get back into plastics if he so Chooses. Mark is proving to be a MAJOR @$$hole--and that's why I call him Mc@$$hole. Making Alex get his drivers' License is NOT part of the job description of an intern. I can't believe I am saying this, but Alex did right as a doctor and Mark needs to get smacked upside the head!!!
Hankster said:
I'm saying that for me (not necessarily anyone else) it would be hard for me to see the character of George as straight now because of TR Knight. I like the character of George, and I think it would be great if George got with Izzie. I'd just have a hard time buying into what is shown on TV given TR's sexuality.
So you didn't have any prob to see George as heterosexual before you found out that T.R. Knight was homosexual and now you have prob...That's kinda hypocritical.

In my case I don't have any prob,one thing are the actors' private lives and another thing are the characters they portrait.T.R. Knight is perfect playing a heterosexual.
So we meet one of Derek's sister Nancy. Of course she didn't like Mer. :eek:
So why is it ok to accept Addison (married at the time) for sleeping with Mark and not ok for Meredith (single) who had no idea McDreamy was married to sleep with him?
Hmmm .... I don't get that??? :rolleyes:

My God, did Nancy sleep with McSteamy?? :eek:

How long is Burke and Cristina keeping his secret? I think Bailey is catching on after seeing Yang writing on the board. I was hoping Cristina would tell Mer in the locker room. They both need to fess up already!! :mad:

So what did you think of Izzie's first day back at work. And she had to be Meredith's shadow. Or she I call her a ghost. :lol: I'm glad she spoke up and knew the burned victim did it on purpose. :D

Kudos to Alex for talking sports in the OR. He helped save the little girl's life. That was sweet. :D

Man, Mark was an ass once again. :mad: I'm glad Callie turned him down.

Now George knows what it's like to be ignored. After all he did that to Meredith. Right? :rolleyes: And calling Callie a pig just made me laugh. :lol: I know he didn't mean it that way. But it was funny. :lol: Ham and eggs.

Awww Richard and his button. I thought it was so damn cute watching him sew his button like he was operating on a patient. :lol:
In the end, Derek had to finish up. Cute. :D

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