Grey's Anatomy

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I thought that botton thing was cute :lol:

I did love Alex before but he was just awesome on yesterdays episode.

George was THE best calling Callie the pig :lol: if i were with George i would gladly be a pig, i also liked George's mimic of Crisina.

Poor Bailey that was so sad :(

Well i dont like Derek but Patrick does have a sexxy bod, now all we need is to see Mcsteamys again.
csikicksurass said:

Well i dont like Derek but Patrick does have a sexxy bod, now all we need is to see Mcsteamys again.

OMG I forgot about the bod scene. :eek: :eek:
How rude of me. :lol:

I love McDreamy.
I'd take him any day over McSteamy. Even though McSteamy is just as hot. :p

that was a great episode. I loved the chief doing surgery on his shirt :lol:
Yay for Izzy coming back. Must be so hard for her. It will be interesting to see who she has to shadow next. I have a feeling Baily may put her with Cristina, as she seems to be catching on to what's happening.
Oh, and I liked Nancy. Though I must say, having read no spoilers, and seeing a comercial for the ep once, it was fairly obvious that the mystery girl in Dereks bed was going to be his sister.
Loved the ham and eggs analogy.
Yeah, another humdinger of an episode, although I do worry about overkill with the whole "freaky case of the week" thing. But whatever, I was totally eating up that whole two uteruses case(or "uteri"- heh heh- Nice one George! :lol: ).

Didn't mind Meredith and McDreamy this week- a nice understatedness there this episode that I think was needed to keep them from annoying the fans.

Yay Alex! Saved the day. There's still hope for him yet. :)

Glad Izzie's back and performing up to her usual style. I was worried they might try to make her reticent about her position or something, so I'm glad they kept her keen.

Lots of great little moments as usual- the button scene, etc. Oh, and poor Bailey!

Anyhow, good episode all round. This show continues to keep me wanting more. :)
Alex was just a sweet as George in this episode, what he said to the baby was my favorite Alex scene ever!

OMG Justin Chambers looks just like my older brother Alan, Alex/Alan cawincedence (Oy my spelling is awful) i think not :lol:
Seriously! it is freaky i cant believe he doesn't notice, my mom doesn't even notice but when she say Alex on tv she was like "He looks like Alan doesn't he?" :lol:

OMG i cant stop saying seriously like seriously :lol:
*slides in on the discussion*

Hi all, I am taking a break from CSI NY and coming over here to discuss my other favorite show, Grey's Anatomy.

Now, I am just finishing the last leg of season two right now, and I have watched a few episodes of season three and all of season one so I hope that I am kind of caught up!

My favorite character is either George or Christina. Strange, I know. :lol: they both just make me laugh and I just adore how sweet and goofy George has been. I just finished watching the George and Meredith thing and he was so upset I wanted to cry! :lol:

As for favorite couples, I really like Meredith and McDreamy. They have such good chemistry together and it works for them, never mind the fact that Meredith is the slutty intern, I like them together.

I also just see George and Izzie as a brother/sister kind of relationship. Plus, I just loved Izzie with Denny :(

I can't stand McSteamy, he is such an a$$. He needs his butt kicked back to New York, IMO.

Last weeks episode was great, I am excited as always for more :D
Who didn't love Denny and Izzie together, that was love! i dont even want to remember Denny or Finn, it's to sad :(

McMarrieds are teh shiznit :lol: they are my favorite Greys couple (After BGL ;)) even when they aren't together i still love them together, they are pure love! for me i can just forget the slutty intern (Aka Mer) :lol: no offence to Mer fans

I still love Mark, he is such a ass but it just gives him more character, i wouldn't want another new Mc guy and be nice becuase we already had that and Mcvet is gone :( what a sweety he was! i can no longer say Finn because i miss him just as much as Denny :( :lol:
ThumpyG said:

As for favorite couples, I really like Meredith and McDreamy. They have such good chemistry together and it works for them, never mind the fact that Meredith is the slutty intern, I like them together.

Last weeks episode was great, I am excited as always for more :D

Slide in anytime Thumpy :D
Yay, you like Mer/Der!!

There's just something about those two that I just love. :D

I take it that Mer and Der aren't a popular couple here? :lol: I also like Addison, I think that she is a strong character and a damn good doctor. Yes, she cheated on Der with Mark, actually had a relationship with him, but she has maintained (for the most part) real dignity and grace, esp with Meredith here.

Also, Meredith is the slutty intern, that has been established, but one of my favorite scenes from season two is one between her and Derek when he was judging her after the George thing. :lol: She told him exactly where to go and that he didn't have any say in what she did. She reminded Der that he was the one who did not tell Meredith that he was married when she was already in love with him. He is at fault there.
I am a McMarried fan all the way :lol:

Addison rocks, she is a damn good doctor and she is times :lol:

George is just a sweetie pie through and through so i love him :D
I heard on the news this morning that someone went to a filming of Grey's Anatomy and apparently someone on the show is going to die!!!! Has anyone heard about this or heard anything about who is dying? It was on the news this morning and I really want to know who it is!
OMG i dont want anyone to die :( i would hate it if anyone did the show wouldn't be the same! maybe they just made it so that a chatacter dies but it's not one of the doctors OMG what if it's George's dad :( he is going to be in danger! i dont want anyone to die...well maybe 2 people but if they did then who would i hate!
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