Grey's Anatomy

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I agree, friends should win over girlfriends/boyfriends unless you are really close with that person and have known them for as long as you have known your other friends. Too many people start dating someone and forget about the friends that they already had and the people that supported them for so long. That's stupid and sad, no matter what your relationship is (romantic or regular) friends are friends. And to George, Izzie is closer to him then Callie. Callie just has to give it time. They are FAMILY after all.
Really? Wow Grey's never runs out of amazing storylines. I am excited also for the puppy, but I am trying to stay mostly spoiler free so I have no idea when that is going to happen, or even if it really will happen. I like staying spoiler free besides the little things, it makes everything more exciting, you know? Storylines are ok, but actually knowing what is going to happen is too much I think. Anyways, enough with the rambling
Seriously did Callie not just see what happened to Izzie. George and Izzie are best friends and she must have wanted George to be with her instead of anyone else when she heard what Denny said. Plus they are so close that Izzie even got jealous that he was spending to much time with Callie, Callie took away Izzie's George.
Hehe. I am like addicted to saying "Seriously" nnow. It's all thanks to this stupid show!! :lol: (just kidding of course this show is NOT stupid, I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT).

So I have a question csikicksurass , two actually. One, do you have a nick name (haha) and two, do you see Izzie and George actually getting together in a relationship? From my point of view they are just really close friends. Really close friends, but nothing more. I am scared that if they became something more it would change the friendship, you know?
Well for one thing people call me Kicky at this site or my real nick name is Ababo (A bee a boe is how you pronouce it lol)

2) They are REALLY so i agree with you there :D and plus i would love it if they got together and i am not the only one who thinks so :D Katherine Heigl and T.R Knight want George and Izzie to get together alot:

Katherine Heigl: "We're working on it! Come on! Izzie and George! It'd be great!"
Mark is a sleazeball that takes advantage of women in weak moments. He deserves condemnation too. 'Nuff said about that!

I personally would like Izzie and George to get together, but know that TR Knight is out of the closet, it's hard for me to take him seriously playing a straight person. TR is a good actor, and as far as his personal life, it's his own business and I still like the characters he plays and his work. It's just hard for me to suspend disbelief on the characters he plays knowing he's Gay.

It's like Eric McCormack playing Will--he did a great job playing a gay man, but knowing the actor was straight made it harder to believe. Same thing with Anne Heche--after she came out I couldn't take her seriously as Harrison Ford's love interest in Six Days, Seven Nights. Now she's married to a man though, but I don't see that lasting long. At least Kevin Spacey, Richard Simmons and Sean Hayes have kept their personal lives private--it makes it easier for them to play gay or straight without it clouding things up for the audience.
I think that he can pull it off, he is a greay actor so if he's happy then i'm happy for him. I think gay actors can play straight people. Look at Sir Ian Mckellen, he is a amazing actor and he is gay. I just dont think about their personal lifes at all. So i think George should get a girl (Even though i would want it to be Izzie ;))
I didn't say that he couldn't. I'm saying that for me (not necessarily anyone else) it would be hard for me to see the character of George as straight now because of TR Knight. I like the character of George, and I think it would be great if George got with Izzie. I'd just have a hard time buying into what is shown on TV given TR's sexuality.

I don't hate TR. He is a great actor. I don't hate people that are gay. Peoples' private lives are their own business. However, I always thought there was something *off* about Mike Brady on the Brady Bunch and after it came out that Robert Reed was gay, it all made sense. Same thing with Dick Sargent (the second Darrin in Bewitched and the dad on Down to Earth.) There seems to be something *off* about George, too, that I couldn't put my finger on and finding out TR was Gay, it now makes sense.

Ian McKellen is a great actor--he's tremendous in his role as Magneto in the XMen franchise. The thing is, they never focused on Magneto's sexuality in the Movies and someone that hadn't read the comic books would have not given it much thought. Magneto in the comic books is written as straight, but he's always had certain tendencies that some folks would say were Gay on some level, so that actually makes sense to me and it doesn't take away from his portrayal as the Master of Magnetism at all.

Anyway, I don't want to go too far off topic here. George, Cristina and Izzie are my favorite characters on the show and TR's sexuality hasn't changed that for me one bit. It just seems that it's more likely that George is going to "out" himself by the end of the season than have a romance with Izzie now. That's my gut feeling.
I never said you said he couldn't. sorry if i sounded like i did :( really am.

My favorite characters are George (He is to cute) Addison (She is so awesome) and Izzie (She just has so much character) but i really do like Christina and Alex and Mark, and Burke, and Bailey (She kicks ass) and chief i will count in Denny becuase he will always be remembered and he was so sweet!
Denny was great! We finally had a Southern guy portrayed as a nice, gentleman instead of as some ignorant Hick or Redneck like a lot of West Coast based shows like to do these days. I like just about every character on the show except for Meredith Grey--the title character. For some reason, I find her pompous, at times selfish or self-centered, and very, very whiney. UGH!

I used to really hate Alex, especially because of all the crap he gave George unnecessarily. However, he is evolving as a character--he's learned stuff from being in the "Vagina Squad" as he called Ob-Gyn, and actually chose to work on a difficult Ob-Gyn case instead of on the Plastic Case with Mc@$$hole. His late arrival and Mark's attitude towards Alex were very telling and I think Alex is realizing that Mark isn't the right person to have for a hero when it comes to character.
I <3 Denny so much. He is just so funny! I love the scene where they are playing scrabble and talking about "sexual favors" and then Izzie looks down at the board and says
"You put down 'mount' Denny?" and he just laughs. PRICELESS!

I also love Alex. He is amazing...he says the truth like it is, he comes to Izzie's rescue etc. He may seem like a jerk but deep down I really think he is a great wonderful guy. I can ignore his "jerk-ish" actions because the truth is his good actions trump the bad ones and I think the bad ones stem from him trying to figure himself out.

As for Izzie and George...maybe. But I don't think Izz would risk it, she would be too afraid to make something like what happend with Meredith happen. We'll see. (maybe we can try it out in the RP you just joined Kicky!)

Oh and I agree, as much as I don't believe that TRs sexuality chanmges his acting, it does make me veiw his relationships in a different way. It feels a little strange to me even though I still love and support him through and through. But I agree also that he can pull it off because he is truly amazing. ;)
Ok yay lol

I was so on George's side, that ws one of the reasons why i dont like Meredith (But i wont say my hate for her in my RP...Unless you want me to :lol:)
I love all of the characters... but lately Meredith has been pretty whiny. I like Addy more than her now. (Please don't kill me over this) and I actually thought that Addison has really good chemistry with McDreamy. They were really hot together and individually too... :)
Oh i wouldn't want to kill you, i still LOVE McMarrieds just as much as BGL so right on!!!!!!! and plus Addison is awesome, i to like her better then Meredith.
Happy Halloween guys!

I love all the characters too. :D

I really didn't think Addie and Derek would get a divorce. :( I still think they're a hot couple. :D

For the record, I would like Izzie and George to remain friends. :D We saw what happen between George and Mer and I hate to see that with Izzie and George.

How would you feel if Izzie started a relationship with McSteamy? :eek: Good or bad? :rolleyes:

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