Grey's Anatomy

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That is such a cute icon! I love George! :D

myfuturecsi said:
Where did the McDreamey, McSteamey come from?
I think it was Christina who bestowed the name 'McDreamy' apon Derek at the start of season 1.
from a few pages back in the thread-
It's a girl thing- it's because he's good as in, "He's ever so dreamy!"
And McSteamey-
Cristina: McSexy?
Meredith: No.
Izzie: McYummy?
Meredith & Cristina: No.
Meredith: McSteamy.
Cristina: Ah, there it is.
Izzie: Yep.
George: Now...I'll just be choking back some McVomit
Hope that helps answer your question :D
Ohh i love McSteamy and i am so happy when i found out that he will be in ALL of season 3!!!!! Lots of love there

And thank you ThisIsMe you're so kind

I absolutley hated when MG threw out Addisons ju ju that was so cruel!
ThisIsMe, I've edited your post and changed the image link to a url link, please could you not quote the icons, many thanks. :)
Tinkerbell said:
ThisIsMe, I've edited your post and changed the image link to a url link, please could you not quote the icons, many thanks. :)
Sure, no problem, sorry about that :)
Can I ask why it's okay to quote pictures and not icons? Just curious.
ThisIsMe said:
Sure, no problem, sorry about that :)
Can I ask why it's okay to quote pictures and not icons? Just curious.
I don't come across any picture quoting in this particular forum. There is one thread here where a lot of pictures are posted. I admit I've not come across anyone in that thread who has quoted pictures, but if I do, the same would apply, I'd ask not to quote the picture or just to change the image tag. It uses up unnecessary bandwidth. :)
Indeed he does. He was in x men the last stand he was the multi changer dude (Wow there can be billions of Marks!) also Justin Chambers the guy who acts Alex was the muskiteir, the actor who plays Finn was Robin in Batman and Robin movie (My brother has a toy of him) and T.R Night was Zero in CSI in the episode XX and he was also in Sesemee street before.

I was looking at pics of T.R and his hair was blue!! kind of cute actually.
iloveyou said:
Well i thought that this thread could use some McHotness

Prepare 2 Be McTurnedOn Haha

Oh thank you! :D
That was one hot and steamy moment. :p

*sigh* I love this show. One reason that I am getting very annoyed at people who have been bashing it on this board. You can support both CSI and Grey's!
(Awww your banner)

I know i love CSI thats why i came to this site. But if i want to talk about another show that i also love then i can and i dont know why people would be mad at that. They are both great shows and just because it came on at the same day as CSI doesn't make it bad. The Office and My name is Earl also came on that day and i also love those shows!
I like Grey's more than I do CSI, but I also hunker down on Saturday mornings and watch CSI and re-watch New York. Grey's is the better show - I was literally shocked at last week's episode when they showed the tree parts. But it wasn't just the shocking elements that got to me. That episode was so well-written - subtle where it needed to be and laugh-out-loud funny in others. There's a reason why I kept watching this show even when it was on against "Rome" on HBO - which I loved and which, btw, coming back in January and I can't hardly wait!!!
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