Grey's Anatomy

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Spoilers (just in case)

I know! The end to that storyline :( :(
Katherine did such a good job these past 2 episodes. When she was like "What about me?!" in the first epi and then her with Denny at the end :(

Didn't end with as big of cliffhanger as I thought...Just Meredith's decision....

I'm glad Cristina went back to Burke at the end.

How funny were they when they had to plan the prom? Alex whining and George with "Are you having a seizure?" Just his delivery of the line :lol:

ETA: I keep thinking of more things to add :p

Alex has been so pissy this season, but I loved him talking to the Cheif about no matter if you hate your team, they're your team. And then at the end with Izzie.
I am shaking. Literally. OMG...OMG I swear I was saying this the entire time I watched the last half hour of that. Must I say more? :eek:
Did any one see the Finale last night. It was on for two hours. I missed the first hour ( had to watch an episode of CSI I hadn't seen~King Baby, gotta get my Grissom fix :)
then I watched the rest of Grey's Anatomy.
Love the Izzy/Denny story.
I won't give it all away for those who haven't seen the finale
I love Merideth, and Dr. McDreamy. Seattle Grace's version of Grissom. :) The actress who plays his wife Addison was in a CSI episode I saw recently also.
Alex is a jerk, but last night he proved he can have a heart since I think he still wants Izzy and is pissed when she started to like Denny.
And I like the disfunction of Burke and Chang. She is rude and nasty and a straight shooter, and he still loves her..
Remind you of someone else.. (Sara)

I just wanted to check to see if anyone else saw the Finale last night.
^^^ Read the posts above you. ;)

Man, I was so bummed after last night. First the dog and then Denny! Man oh man. And quite frankly, after all that happening, I couldn't give a shit about Meredith seemingly having to choose between Derrick and Finn. I know, I know- the show is called "Grey's Anatomy" so technically she's the focal point, but by that stage, her little fling with Derrick suddenly seemed insignificant. I wish they hadn't ended with that particular scene.

Great finale though- I was riveted! :eek: And crying like a baby at points too! :lol:
Really?? They can't do that!!!
but back on topic of the season finale! OMG...i was like crying!!! Poor Doc, and Denny!! And Meredith and Derek...wasn't expecting that one.....OMG...great epi!!! I love how their music fits with the storyline. They play the most perfect songs. Right now im addicted to the song 'Chasing Cars' by Snow Patrol. I heard it in the last scene of the Episode!! sweet.
IlovemySNICKERS said:I love how their music fits with the storyline. They play the most perfect songs. Right now im addicted to the song 'Chasing Cars' by Snow Patrol. I heard it in the last scene of the Episode!! sweet.
I love the music from the show too! I have a playlist on my iPod with a bunch of songs they've used on the show.
That was the first time I had heard 'Chasing Cars' but it's such a great song!
Was that the song they were playing at the end of Part 1 from Sunday night? Cuz that song was amazing- fit the scenes so well!
Was it "Somewhere A Clock Is Ticking" by Snow Patrol?
I wasn't able to tape the episode, so I can't go back and check. You can try as they list most (not all I've found) of the songs from each episode or this site I just came across: TuneFind- Grey's Anatomy
I know! I am soo mad right now. People are saying that they will forget about CSI now, because it is "dieing". What is going to happen? And for people who can't tape what will they do?
I definately won't forget about CSI- I love it!! But I'm not happy they are putting it up against it. First Supernatural is changed and now this- I think it was Baba who mentioned in another thread- you think the networks would be more considerate of my viewing habits!!

Luckily, I have timeshifting on my cable, so hopefully that will aid the viewing process...and CTV shows both GA and CSI, so hopefully they'll air them back to back or something.

I think Entertainment Tonight said the show was ABC's top rated show-- so Congrats To Grey's Anatomy! :D
YAY! I love Grey's, but I hate this idea.

Maybe CSI will move to another night...then they won't have to fight over the spot. I hate conflict, any kind of conflict lol
ThisIsMe said:

and CTV shows both GA and CSI, so hopefully they'll air them back to back or something.
At first i was freaking out when i heard could i miss any of these show's episodes?!?! But them i thought of CTV. They show both of these, and they wouldnt quit showing one, so i think im all good right now. I guess whatever happens, happens. Even though i still prefer Sunday nights.
First off I damn near missed the show because of Bush being on. I thought they would be 20 min off like everyone else but nooo and good thing I glanced over there to check and saw that they were re-running Sundays and then knew the new one would follow that.

I thought the finale was pretty good but am kinda getting tired of the whole McDreamy/Merideth thing.

I personally thought that Sundays show would have been a better clifhanger but oh well.

As for Denny I thought something like that would happen. I don't think that that romance would have ever worked out anyway.
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