Grey's Anatomy

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Don't forget that the second half to that finale is on Monday night instead of next sunday.

I read somewhere that they are thinking of moving the show to Monday nights, opposite CSI:Miami and Medium. Which I think is a bad idea. They say they want to put in something else behind Desperate Housewives.
My thoughts on the episode:

-Alex gets points for saving the baby's life. Good for him for finally stepping up to plate, but that still doesn't excuse all the asshole things he's done in the past.

-I love Izzie with Denny! I don't know where they're going to go with that though...they could make it "happily ever after" and have him get a new heart, but for some reason, I'm doubting that that is going to happen.

-When the intern apologized to the father of the pregnant girl :( That guy was a good actor- he was in 'Harold and Kumar...' wasn't he?

-Yay to the fact that George and Meredith seem to be on the road back to better :)

-I'm not a huge Meredith fan, but props to her for standing up to Derek!

-Izzie's delivery of the line "I'm a proud mama" with the whitestrip on her teeth :lol:

...and that's all for now :D As usual, I'm sure I forgot a bunch of points I was meaning to make, but that'll have to do :p
Megan930 said:
Im glad its on tomorrow too, even though that ending would have been perfect.
True. That ending would definately get people back next season to see what happened. I'm extremely impatient though, so I'm happy it's a short wait :)... even though I'm sure they'll have another cliffhanger at the end of tomorrow's too.
OMG...such a great episode!! I can't wait until tomorrow night!! I actually felt bad for Addison. Totally losing it in front of all the staff...ouch. poor thing!
I spent the last few minutes of the show going, "Oh shit, oh shit oh shit!" :lol:

Watch out though, North Americans... Bush is planning on hitting the TV tonight. Maybe he's announcing his resignation! :D
Ok..this is off topic...but Bush is resigning??

and yeah...i can't believe whats happening to Doc. hasn't he been through enough??? let the poor dog live!
Oh God I wish he would resign..not that he is. He is going to be talking about immigration.

I will be cursing him as I inpatiently wait for Greys Anatomy to begin. Last nights cliffhanger was great but what are they going to leave us with tonight..gosh I won't be able to stand the wait till fall.
Oh that last scene with Meredith. "I love him, I love him so much." You totally know that she was talking about Derek. And I can't stand Addison, I thought her little outburst was quite humerous. "Or maybe, I should go date the bet, oh but that won't work either because I'm not Meredith Grey." I love that part and then..."The only people that don't know Meredith and Derek love eachother are Meredith and Derek." So true.

Haha, gotta love Bailey.
"There are people in here that have bullet wounds in them, and right now thay are praying TO GOD that you will shut the heck up right now."

I love her.

OMG Chistina! What are you doing! You love him! Yeah, he's been a jerk, but you love him! Don't end it!

DON'T DIE DENNY! I LOVE YOU! I loved the look on Alex's face when he heard that the lucky recipiant was Denny. He was like....WTF? lol

So much drama, so little time to discuss it all! Can't wait for tonight!
Uh... I don't think we need a President Cheney at this point. Have Cheney resign first, make Hastert Veep and Then have Bush resign.... like that'd ever happen...

I just hope it doesn't pre-empt the season finale. It might just make it start later. Plus the President comes on at 7 PM CDT, and the season finale is at 8 PM. As long as we dont' have a prolonged opposition response, it shouldn't interrupt GA... I hope...
I know on CBS they are pushing everything back so that it runs after the president gets off. They were thinking maybe 20 minutes but if he get long winded that might mean longer.
ilovegrissom1 said:

DON'T DIE DENNY! I LOVE YOU! I loved the look on Alex's face when he heard that the lucky recipiant was Denny. He was like....WTF? lol
I agree! I really like the character of Denny. Love can make you do some crazy things- Izzie seemed to go crazy, like she was posessed or something! :lol: But I totally felt for her when she broke down and started crying to Denny :(
In the early previews I thought maybe Alex had something to do with the heart failing before they could do the transplant or something...I dunno, it just looked that way. He said he wouldn't lie for Izzie, but he stepped up with Burke to protect her and try to get Denny the heart.

re: President on TV- it's times like these I'm glad I get CTV too :D

When they had to put Doc down :(
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