Grey's Anatomy

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I have to say that the only reason I am even putting up with the idea of Mer with anyone but Derek is because it make Derek wake up and realize that he if dosen't admit what everyone knows even Addie, then he will lose Mer for good. lol.
I hate Addison. I don't know why, but she just gives me this *vibe* I donno, she rubs me the wrong way. I like Meredith and Derek together, I think they are so cute, and I'm definatly rooting for them.

I love Christina and Burke. I loved his speech that one night in their apartment where he was like, "I'm a skilled nureosurgeon and you are an intern, you are mean, and you are a slob, and I love you." (something like that) and she was sitting there eating chinese food and was like "I gave away my apartment 5 minutes ago." that made me laugh.

Dr. Bailey, don't even get me started on her. "Go tell the nurse that my contractions are 10 minutes apart and my water just broke all over your shoes." and then, "George....stop looking and my vajayjay." I love her.
I like Mer with Derek. I wish Derek would just smell the roses and realize that he loves Meedith. Because all the viewers can see that!!
And i just started watching Grey's Anatomy halfway through this season!! and i'm totally addicted!!
i think that CSI is the only show that i have ever watched since the first night it aired! I watch the OC too, but i didnt start til halfway through the 1st season!lol\

But yes a new GA epie 2nite!! Woo-hoo!
does anyone know where i can find grey's anatomy screencaps?
i love this show!

Wow! Last night's ep was great!

Alex is now "owned" by Addison for being such an asshole! Serves him right! Also, that woman should have to tell her husband the truth--not let him do that lawsuit. She's committing fraud. That's all there is to it.

George really gave Callie the business--what a sincere, passionate Thank You!!! :D
I got into this show a couple of weeks back. I'm just loving it. It's such a great show!!!
I'm only curious. In Holland the episode where the Shepards' best friends are guest starring was on last Tuesday. Please tell me Izzy is not gonna date Alex any longer. She's so hot and sweet. And he is such a jerk!
I'm wondering if they're going over the top with turning Alex into such an asshole? I mean, I really couldn't figure out what his problem was with that woman last night? Seemed like he was just trying to be an asshole for no reason at all and I don't get that? Or is this how he's supposed to be acting out now b/c of the Izzie thing? If so, seems a little much to me.

Can't wait for George's hair to grow out! :p But I am very happy that he's finally got a cool girlfriend, and all the fringe benefits that entails! :)

I still love Denny, but I worry about what's in store for him. I have a feeling I could be balling my eyes out before too long. I loved his little chat with Merdith too. And her smile of understanding at the end was very sweet.

The whole Christina/Burke/George triangle is constantly cracking me up. Too funny! :lol:

I can't believe there are only a couple new episodes left. Between missing this show and CSI, I'm going to be feeling a tad bereft shortly! :eek:
Yeah it was not Alex's call on what the woman should have done. It is her body and not her husbands. I think Addison did the right thing. Hopefully we will understand where all this assdome is coming from someday.
While it was her body's, I do think that she should have told her husband the truth. He had a right to know. This couple's problem is A LOT deeper than just a religious dispute.

Family planning is the responsibility of both parties. Just like a man shouldn't presume to tell his wife to get or not to get a tubal ligation, a woman shouldn't presume to tell her husband "get a vasectomy or no more sex." The fact that this woman has such mistrust with her husband over a serious issue--a difference in their religious faith is a symptom of a deeper problem. While I agree, Alex is an asshole, that woman is a liar who doesn't value her marriage or her husband enough to tell him the truth. That kind of dishonesty is much worse than anything else that went on, in my opinion.
Yeah but if she tells him what she did, he will not understand and life for her would get difficult...being that religious would make divorce not an option. Sometimes people get into these situations and find there is no way out. He won't leave so if she left him there would likely be no chance of her seeing her kids again.
Not so. Usually family courts will favor the mother, even when she's not really a good person. The bottom line is that regardless of religion or whatever else, it's wrong to lie to your spouse. You can disagree with them and make different choices, but that is too big of a secret or lie to tell. That woman's request was granted by Addison, but becuase of this woman's lie, the hospital is being sued and Addison's rep might be ruined. All because of that woman's lying. Sorry, but that doesnt' wash. She needs to sort things out with her own husband and not lie to him. It would be no different if it were the man lying like that. You do not keep those kinds of secrets from your spouse. You do not lie to your spouse. If you do, you basically have brought on anything that befalls you. Lying to a spouse is never, ever right about somethign like that. The only Justification I see for lying is to try to hide a surprise party or somethign like that.
Last's night's ep was a good one. George got some more action, but dang Izzie and Meredith were bitchy to Callie. I don't blame Callie for washing her hands in the kitchen since Meredith was blocking the sink. I felt bad that poor George doubted her though--he didn't mean to, but Izzie can be convincing at times. I give props to the surgical intern for apologizing and to Big Jim for showing compassion to the guy. What happened to that Southern gal was heartbreaking. Falling asleep during sex is not as bad as bursting out crying or falling asleep at the wheel, but it's still kind of insulting. I don't blame Burke for being pissed at Cristina for that one either!!!!

Next week it looks like the filth is gonna hit the fan for Izzie and Denny. Whoa...
I let out a huge "EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" with the Callie/bathroom scene. Perhaps it's just me but isn't that type of trip a "private" one? In one word -- disturbing-- and that's minus the "washing your hands" part. Hello? Who does that? Callie deserves a bit of criticism if for nothing else but v. poor judgement! I don't blame Izzie or Meredith for being horrified. I would have been too.
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