Grey's Anatomy

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Re: Grey's Anatomy *may contain spoilers*

No I agree, the romance is a bit strained. I always thought he was a lot older then her and just had a crush on him, and she was being nice or something. But then...
Re: Grey's Anatomy *may contain spoilers*

Watched 'Into You Like A Train' on Sunday. I'd only seen the last bit of the episode when it originally aired. I did not know Derek showed up at Joe's! So, what? He made the decision to stay with Addison, so he just wanted to show up to get Mere's hopes up? :confused:

The ending, and the scenes with those 2 people on the pole- so sad! :(

Seeing an episode where everyone (well, except for 'Evil Spawn') get along makes me wish Meredith and George would make up already!

George gettin' alittle action!! :lol:
Re: Grey's Anatomy *may contain spoilers*

I also heard about one of the main characters being bisexual, and I thought that it might be George, ONLY because of the woman he is seeing. His 'girlfriend' said when they were putting the guy's finger back on that it doesn't matter if a part of you is still attached or not, it will always be a part of you." Does anyone else think that this chick might have gotten a sex change?
Re: Grey's Anatomy *may contain spoilers*

That's a good idea, except I don't think so because I read another spoiler that said it was one of the women. It could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that is true.
Re: Grey's Anatomy *may contain spoilers*

OH GOOD LORD! George isn't the victim of a "Crying Game" scam!

Last night's episode was great--George is Callie Torres' "McDreamy", Cristina walks around naked to get Preston to kick George out, Meredith has 2 half sisters she's never met, George and Thatcher have some face time--they ARE SIMILAR!!! It turns out Dr. Torres lives in one of the storage areas of the hospital since it's easier thn getting her own place, and she plays XBox!!! GO GEORGE!!!
Re: Grey's Anatomy *may contain spoilers*

Yeah I thought that that was a great episode last night. The whole sister knowing about her other sister(Merideth) but Merideth not knowing about any of them would piss me off too.

Ok now I want to know how George's hair is going to look next eppy?? Or maybe they didn't even get that far.....
Re: Grey's Anatomy *may contain spoilers*

Derek does NOT like the MerGer. When Meredith brought up sleeping with George in the opening scene, you could see a mask drop over PD's features. (Grist for those of you clinging to the Mer-Der mill!) I do think Derek is a f***wit (although I like him a little more now than I did when I first started watching), but PD really is a good actor; this is just one of many small proofs of it.

The George/Callie kiss was sweet. More than that, it was hot. (Of course, as far as I'm concerned, TRK sitting in a chair is hot.) But the way he reached up for her hand and pulled her down for the kiss? Definitely sweet - and hot!

I'm reserving judgment on Callie for now, until I learn more about her personality and the reason for her living arrangements. She comes across as a little strange... but I like people who are a little strange, so as long as it stays at "a little" and doesn't go overboard, I'm okay with her.

I loved the scene between George and Thatcher, with Meredith lurking in the background. All three actors knocked that out of the park. It also convinced me that however much of a tool Thatch was to leave his daughter to the clutches of Evil Hellis, there is a part of him that bitterly regrets that and wishes he had a real relationship with her. I really hope that a future storyline for this show has Meredith and Thatcher learn to forge some kind of relationship.

However - and maybe this is because the awesome Boston Legal is making me fall more and more in love with it - I thought Jeff Perry looked more like James Spader in this episode than he looked like T.R. Knight.

Thatcher was surprisingly tough in his conversation with the Chief. I wonder if Thatcher learned how to be tough during his second marriage? His wife certainly wasn't a shrinking violet (loved the "mother lion" or "mother tiger" or whatever that persona was), but she doesn't appear to have him under her thumb, either. My guess is that instead of walking all over him (i.e. Evil Hellis), she stood her ground and encouraged him to step up in return. Maybe a foretaste of how a relationship with Callie will help George?

I thought that Laurie Metcalf and her daughter were a nice, subtle counterpoint to the travesty that is Meredith and Evil Hellis. Plus the last scene with them totally got me teary-eyed, and I rarely cry during this show.

Loved seeing Bailey's soft side come to the forefront. She, too, is a wonderful counterpoint to Evil Hellis. Her interaction with Derek was great; they play marvelously off each other.

I couldn't believe that was COD on my screen!! I never thought he was attractive - way too clean-cut and preppy looking for me - but wow, man, he's definitely grown up. And he saves puppies! So yummy! I don't have a vested interest in any ship, so I'm all for watching How Mer Gets Her Groove Back with this guy. (Or not.)

Dr. Alex Karev, you are quite correct that telling the truth to your patients is a good thing. However, judging from your bitterness meter, you're also about ten to fifteen years away from a limp and an addiction to Vicodin. Trim your sails accordingly, my friend.

Or maybe they didn't even get that far....
Well, I saw a picture of the cast at the TVLand awards, and if TRK's hair there is any indication, she definitely cut it. And, may I take the opportunity to say... mmmmm. ;)
Re: Grey's Anatomy *may contain spoilers*

ugh, god, it was...I thought it was new this week. GAAAHHH
Re: Grey's Anatomy *may contain spoilers*

I only watched a bit of it before I went to sleep, but it was a new montage episode wasn't it? Different from the other one?
Re: Grey's Anatomy *may contain spoilers*

More or less different but not by much. Can't we just have new episodes!
Re: Grey's Anatomy *may contain spoilers*

Ok so. I'm obsessed with this show.

I'm a big Meredith/Derek fan. Even though I hated Addison when she first came on, I'm beginning to like her... just not with Derek. And I have to admit that this whole Meredith/Vet thing looks interesting.

Christina and Burke, I LOVE. At first I was kinda afraid to see what would happen with that, but I think that he's bringing out some of the sweetness that's lurking beneath the inner bitch in her. I completely heart Burke. When he was all "asshole" in the first season I wanted to kick him. But now he's got his great, big, beautiful heart (and gorgeous everything else) showing now. Yay, Burke!

Izzie, I love. Completely. I'm from a trailer park. I wanna be her when I grow up (damn, I'm already grown). I love her and Denny together, but I don't think that it will last. :(

Alex... I haven't really made up my mind. I know that he's being an ass cause Izzie hurt him (though I don't blame her one bit). I just want him to be cuddly Alex again!!

George. *sighs* I'm so over him. At first he was all cute and adorable, and now he's like the puppy that's been kicked too many times because he wants to be. He KNOWS what Meredith does when she's depressed and her life's falling apart. And yet he came to her anyway. The moment she started pulling off his shirt, he shoulda pulled the breaks. And he needs to realize that she wasn't crying because she was having sex with him. She was crying because her life is falling the hell apart around her!!! *sighs again* I hope that he grows a backbone and sticks with Callie. She's good for him.

Bailey is probably one of my favorite characters. She rocks my entire world. Seriously.
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