Greg/Ryan - Florida isn't that far away...

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Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Ohhh nice theory Silhouette! :devil:

I can see Ryan pushing Greg against the wall becuase he was mad at him for something, and then with him being so close and stuff.... Well he would be tempted to.. Uh... Taste Greg? :lol: :lol: :devil:

The new thread name could be 'Greg/Ryan - Pushing The Test Tubes Aside - RuGged Wonders' :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Oh, I forgot to ask: Is the voting thing the same for Comcast? 'Cuz that's my ISP. (But I have a Yahoo! and a Windows live Messenger thingy, too.)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Forgot to say that I've voted too, Shadowfax :)

Twiztid4Togo said:
Oh I like the locker room scene, nice. Ryan knows how to slam peeps up against things. I could see him slamming Greg up against a locker then pinning his arms above his head having his wicked ways with him....Ok I'm going to stop now.
:eek: Okay stop STOP!!!! I've just took a shower and I'm going to need another cold shower because of this! :p
I really love the 'pinning his arms above his head and having his wicked ways with him' part... oh yeah :devil: That's a VERY hot imagery. Damn now I really need my RuGged Wonders smoothie fix!

sandersidle said:
I can see Ryan pushing Greg against the wall becuase he was mad at him for something, and then with him being so close and stuff.... Well he would be tempted to.. Uh... Taste Greg? :lol: :lol: :devil:
:eek: Well the wall-shoving thing could be angsty at first, then as Ryan realizing what he's doing and paused, they gazing into each other's eyes (with their faces only about a few inch apart from each other, btw), both panting... Ryan couldn't resist any longer... anger subsided and another thing arose :lol: :devil:
Oh that's it! *gets a fan to cool off the too much hotness before she's hit by heatstroke* Phew, it's getting REALLY hot in here! :p :lol: :devil:

*ducks back under the PG13 radar* Whops!
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

My hearts beating soooo fast because i'm laughing so hard! I can just imagine Ryan pinning Greg up against a locker and they're breathing really hard against each other and their breaths are colliding with each other... *bad images, bad images* I need a cold shower now... *ducks back under the PG-13 radar*
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Whoa! I posted last night, and now I have a whole bunch of posts ot catch up on. And YAY! More fellow residents of Guttersville! :D We're gonna have to have a neighborhood block party with RuGged WoNders Smoothies pretty soon for this.

Twiztid4togo said:
Thanks for the easy step by step Shadowfax, I voted. Can we vote more then once? It's so easy I could vote a bunch more. What was the other stories you have to be voted on? Are they up against the R/G fic? If so I won't vote for them. Sorry I just want the R/G one to win. But I do love R/E fics too, but I don't really ship them. I've just read some really hott fics about them that I can't resist my Gutter mind.
Thanks for voting, sandersidle, Silhouette and Twiz and to anyone else who did! That really means a lot to me. As much as I would like to tell you to keep voting for it, I think they ask that you not to do that. :( Oh, well... we'll see what happens.

Twiz here are the other stories that were nominated as well. Don't worry, they're not up against the R/G fic since they're not in the same category. "(Don't) Cry Wolfe" is in the crossover category. I listed the other 2 below (also in 2 different categories), so feel free to vote for these the same way you voted for the other one if you so feel inclined: :D

Episode Specific Category - Miami (S4 Driven, Eric/Ryan)- Shadowfax27: Walking The Twisted Line -

WIP-Miami Category - Shadowfax27: The Slow Heat To Heaven: Taste of Promises -

Silhouette said:
Well the wall-shoving thing could be angsty at first, then as Ryan realizing what he's doing and paused, they gazing into each other's eyes (with their faces only about a few inch apart from each other, btw), both panting... Ryan couldn't resist any longer... anger subsided and another thing arose
Oooh! Something else arose??? :devil: :D You naughty, naughty girl!! :lol: *spanks Silhouette for causing me to have to take another cold shower* :lol:

Gosh, that would be so hot if they got it on in the locker room.

hot bodies... :eek:
cool surfaces...
the sound of something banging repeatedly against metal...
and some suspicious sounds echoing through the empty room... :devil:

Damn you people! Now, my mind's really taken a permanent residence in the gutter! :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Oh my freaking gosh!! I'm just sitting here searching for Jorja Fox and Eric Szmanda pics and typing up the prologue of my tc also watching the CSI premiere again and I came to check out this forum, and WHAM!! I got hit with this!! So awesome!!

*runs and takes a cold shower* I found a perfect title for the next thread: 'Ryan/Greg- RuGged Wonders #2: On The Way Down I Saw You' or just plain ol' 'Ryan/Greg- RuGged Wonders #2: On The Way Down'. :D :p *squee*
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

:eek: Another thing arose!!!! Silhouette you are a badddd girl!! :devil: :lol: Oh man, I actually covered my mouth and was like OMG! :lol: :D

Ohh I'll read those fanfics and vote for em Shadowfax :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Dang, I forgot to address some stuff. Sorry! Okay...

jesika said:
Alright guys, after a lot of consideration and thought, I have decided (and hopefully not regretfully so) to start posting my Ryan/Greg fic. It's still a WIP so I'm only posting one chapter a week (every saturday night).
I'm so glad you finally decided to post the first chapter. Don't worry, you won't regret it. :D You guys should definitely read jesika's fic. You were right, Twiz, 'cause it's friggin twisted so far, hehehehe... and you know me likey a lot! :lol: :devil:

szmandatogoholic said:Oh, I forgot to ask: Is the voting thing the same for Comcast? 'Cuz that's my ISP. (But I have a Yahoo! and a Windows live Messenger thingy, too.)
I'm not sure, STHolic, but I'm assuming that the process for composing and sending out e-mail's basically the same. You can give it a try if you like. I really want R/G to win the crossover category. That would be just excellent. Maybe we could draw more attention to this pairing, and R/G love would grow! :D ;)

Silhouette *cough* this is your weekend reminder to read that other dark-themed, futurific fantasy fic that I wrote *cough* Have you read it yet? Twiz what did you think of it?

Okay, and to satisfy the mods, here's another question: say Ryan and Greg met for the first time while working a case (either in Las Vegas or in Miami, doesn't really matter). Now, who do you think would notice who first? Who do you think would be the first to be instantly attracted?

And to answer those Q's: I think maybe they'd notice each other at the same time. Ryan would probably wonder if Greg's really a CSI b/c of how he looked, but he wouldn't be able to tear his eyes away from Greg :eek: b/c Greg just draws Ryan in along with his winsome smile and flirtatious personality. And then Greg would look at Ryan and think that he looks all hot and sort of smug in a sexy kind of way and seriously gorgeous, and he wouldn't be able to stop staring :eek: at Ryan either. :devil: :D

ETA: Thanks sandersidle!! *huggles* :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

^What? I was saying that the tension arose :p Really, I'm innocent :lol: :devil:

Suspicious sounds??? :eek: See, now who's being bad? :lol:

It's not my fault, really, we're already too deep into the Guttersville. Omg, you think we should find a more neutral topic before the mods hunt us down with pointy sticks? Neutral topics like... like... *spends 5 minutes and finds nothing* damnit, everything is hot & sexy with them! Even playing paintball...

Maybe we should start talking about the weather :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Sure you are, Silhouette. :lol: Denial is not a river in Egypt, you know? :p You're a resident of Guttersville, and that means that your innocence has done run away with your um... other virtues... just like me! :lol:

Ahem! Maybe we could start talking about how Ryan and Greg both have sexy backs? *shrugs, smirks*

What? Don't look at me like that. 'Sexy backs' is pretty neutral, right? :devil: :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

weather? hot or cold?

because if it's summer time then Ryan and Greg are in bathing suits... :D
and if it's winter...Ryan and Greg cuddled up next to eachother in front of a fire.

sorry Silhouette, you just can't win. everything they do is hot.

Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

:lol: Oh im sure you ment the tension Silhouette! :rolleyes: ;)

The weather?? Okay.. *Dresses up like weathergirl* "Today the weather in Guttersville is hot and sunny! There isn't a cloud in the sky! Yes, it is very HOT in Guttersville.. Greg and Ryan are very HOT in Guttersville." *Drools while mind wanders* :D :lol:

Frostbite said:
because if it's summer time then Ryan and Greg are in bathing suits... :D
and if it's winter...Ryan and Greg cuddled up next to eachother in front of a fire.

sorry Silhouette, you just can't win. everything they do is hot.

Haha you got that right! :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Hahaha! You guys are so right... there is no such thing as neutral when it comes to Ryan and Greg.

*joins sandersidle in dressing up as a weather girl* "Uh-oh... it looks like heavy rain today in Guttersville... the kind that will drench Ryan and Eric from head to toe and will make their shirts all clingy and wet and slick and..." :lol: See what you've done?! :devil:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

shadowfax all I read was wet and slick and I burst out laughing. oh man that was priceless. But then I read the part where it said 'shirt's all clingy...' and it made it so much less humorous. :devil:

Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I was going to post earlier, but... I voted for your story, Shadow. I couldn't help it, I cried so much!! Maybe next time you should write a story called "(Don't) Cry, Neelie" with Eric, Jon, and Jake (Greg, Ryan, and Jake). :lol: :lol: :lol: :p
Sorry, cappucino high.

Oooh... Maybe Greg and Ryan could be in a coffee shop (not together, yet) drinking cappucinos and reading newspapers and then when they look up from their newpapers (at the same time of course) they see each other and they get up, pay for their cappucinos and leave together to go to Greg's house and talk about the troubles they've been through while eating some of Greg's famous lasagna. :p :lol: Yummm.
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