Greg/Ryan - Florida isn't that far away...

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Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Awww! Shadowfax, CONGRATS! :D :D You definatly have my vote!! ;)

I havent been on here for a while!! Im sorry guys!!

:devil: Decontamination shower!! *wipes drool off keyboard* :lol: That sounds yummy!

Irma, (I spelt it right this time ;)) I have heard of that name, but no one here really has that as name :D I like it though!!

Ohh maybe the thread name can have something to do with the shower :devil: Or is that too inapropriate??
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

thanks Life Style, it's good to be back.
I think it would be better for Greg to work in the lab instead of being a csi along side of Ryan. I think it would cause too many distractions for them and I think they would keep their thing a secret, at least from their co workers. I don't see Ryan sharing his personal life with his fellow co workers, especially something like him and Greg.
Oh but I do like the idea of them being put into a decontamination shower together. Now I may need a shower after thinking about that, thanks guys....hehe.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Awww, thanks sandersidle! You voted? That's very sweet of you! I was just about to ask where you've been... haven't seen you here in a while.

To me, it doesn't matter whether Greg works as CSI or DNA tech. If he works as a tech, he'd be in the lab, and Ryan can visit him b/c he'd know where Greg's "office" is, and they can push the testubes asides to get some. Hee-hee! :devil: *wicked thoughts... mind in the gutter again!* But if Greg's a CSI, there's a possibility that they'd work together on some cases and then some where they don't and they'd miss each other completely.

ETA: I just found WolfeSanders in the Miami 502 Spoiler thread and tried to lure her here with a smoothie! Aren't you proud of me? I don't know if she ships her name (this pairing), but I'm just doing my part in spreading the RuGged WoNders love! :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Shadowfax, well Im going to vote for you :D I thought you said you can't vote until October 5th? :confused:... :lol: Yeah I know I havent! I've had tons of homework :( But its the weekend! Although now I need to do my homework now too. :p Sorry Im rambling!

:lol: I saw that Shadowfax! :D Your sneaky! I wonder if WolfeSanders will join :devil:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

shadowfax said To me, it doesn't matter whether Greg works as CSI or DNA tech. If he works as a tech, he'd be in the lab, and Ryan can visit him b/c he'd know where Greg's "office" is, and they can push the testubes asides to get some. Hee-hee! *wicked thoughts... mind in the gutter again!* But if Greg's a CSI, there's a possibility that they'd work together on some cases and then some where they don't and they'd miss each other completely.

ooo now you got my mind in the gutter with that thought.
It's late and they are the only two still at work trying to break the case. Ryan is bent over at his microscope looking at some evidence and Greg notices his muscular back and how good he looks in a lab coat, so he can't control himself. He goes over and leans down to look into the microscope with him. Next thing you know he's pushing aside test tubes throwing Ryan on the I need a cold shower.

I will surely vote for you too shadowfax, I just haven't figured out how. I have AOL now and it's mail is a bit confusing to me and the instructions are too. Couldn't they have made that easier for us.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I think our minds already are in the gutter, at least mine is :lol:

Greg and Ryan in a decontamination shower? Yum-my. :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Hmmm... I really hope WolfeSanders will come and join our merry band of RuGged Wonders shippers!! Of course, we hace smoothies and Icees named after the wonderful ship...
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Well, I recently told my friends that I wasn't sure whether my mind simply pays a visit to the gutter too often, or if my mind is already in the gutter and just pays the occasional visit to sanity... they chose the latter. :lol: :lol:

Yeah, I was trying to be discreet about luring her into the thread, but I'm not sure whether WolfeSanders would join. Meh... it's worth a shot to spread R/G love! :D

sandersidle said:
I thought you said you can't vote until October 5th?
No, I meant that voting is already open (meaning, you can vote now, so please do if you can). But it's only open until October 6, which is the last day you can vote. So yeah... now is the time to vote! :D

twiztid4togo said:
I will surely vote for you too shadowfax, I just haven't figured out how. I have AOL now and it's mail is a bit confusing to me and the instructions are too. Couldn't they have made that easier for us.
You know how you just compose a new e-mail and send it to somebody? It works the same way for voting. I'm not sure how AOL works, but I'm guessing it's pretty much the same as in HOTMAIL. Follow these simple steps, if you will:
1. Click on the Compose New Mail icon
2. Cut and paste this address on the "To" field:
3. Cut and paste this text onto the body of your e-mail: Shadowfax27: The Slow Heat To Heaven: Taste of Promises -
4. Click Send
Now, isn't that simple? All you're really doing is sending your vote via e-mail to the person who will be tallying it. Hope this helps, and remember, last day to vote is October 6, so vote now or before then.

Hee-hee! Glad I could put wicked thoughts in your mind before bedtime, Twiz! With a sexy back like Ryan has, surely Greg couldn't resist pushing aside the test tubes to have his wicked way with him! :devil:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Ohh ok, I get it now Shadowfax ;) I voted for you! :D Is there anyway to see who's winning?

My mind is always in the gutter and it pays the occasional visit to sanity :) I realized that like, a week ago. :lol: And I know for sureeee that with R/W it's always in the gutter :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

YAY! A fellow resident of Guttersville! :lol:

Thanks for voting sandersidle! *huggles* I don't think there's any way to tell who's winning, so we won't know until they post the winners, which would probably take a couple of weeks to tally up.

Ooh! I heard Greg's also getting a storyline this season, and I can't wait to see that. Although from what I've read it's going to be tough on him, lots of angst. But that could be good, though, right? 'Cause then Ryan could come and comfort him, and he'd have another reason to take care of Greg. :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

*hugs back* :D Ohh ok. I guess we will just have to wait and see!!

Yeah Greggo gets an episode! Im so excited. So Ryan gets a nail in his eye and Greggo...Well I cant say, but man! They have been through alot! :lol: Then Ryan can give him advice and take care of him.

Maybe Ryan could come and replace Greg while he's in the hospital (for some reason. I dunno why Ryan would replace him, but whatever!!) :lol: So he comes and asks what happened to Greg. Then he feels really bad and pays him a visit to tell him whats going on with his case, and to say he's sorry about what happened. (I know, he doesnt even know Greg and he going to his house, but whatever!!) ;) Then Greg feels strangly, really attracted to him and Ryan likes Greg. (Yeah, its love at first sight! *Aw*) :lol: And then Greg tells him to stay a while and he does... :devil:

Put that in spoiler, just incase. :)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Alright guys, after a lot of consideration and thought, I have decided (and hopefully not regretfully so) to start posting my Ryan/Greg fic. It's still a WIP so I'm only posting one chapter a week (every saturday night). As of this moment it can only be found at my website, I'll probably start posting it elsewhere tomorrow. My only request is that you review it if you read it. It's my first crossover, so all opinions are needed. The web address is and the story is called "Doppelganger". To review, just scroll down to the end of the chapter and click on "review". Private reviews are also accepted. Hope you guys enjoy it as much as the beta's do.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

New R/G story :eek: YAY!!!!! Thank you jesika for saving me from my R/G craving :lol: I'm in a hurry but I'll read it later :D

Twiztid4Togo said:
ooo now you got my mind in the gutter with that thought.
It's late and they are the only two still at work trying to break the case. Ryan is bent over at his microscope looking at some evidence and Greg notices his muscular back and how good he looks in a lab coat, so he can't control himself. He goes over and leans down to look into the microscope with him. Next thing you know he's pushing aside test tubes throwing Ryan on the I need a cold shower.
:eek: And now I need mine! :lol: Oh I wish they'd show it on CSI someday, that'd be SO HOT :devil:
Addition to your scenario, Twiz... Maybe they work really late and when they're about to go home, they suddenly realize they are the only people left in the empty locker room... Ryan changing his shirt and Greg just can't control himself upon seeing how hot Ryan looks shirtless... Next thing you know, they're shoving each other against the locker :devil: :devil:

Oh see? My mind too is already in the gutter and just pays the occasional visit to sanity, so... fellow Guttersville, count me in! :lol:

Ooh sandersidle, you know I love hurt/comfort story! I wish that would happen (it won't but we can dream ;))
And Ryan feels sorry about what happened to Greg, and he'd visit Greg everyday. At first to update him about the case, etc... then he'd start bringing soup, dinner, and they become friends. Ryan shares about his own experience with the nailgun and they sort of share a bond after that. They get closer... and closer... and next thing you know Ryan wouldn't just stay for dinner but also breakfast :devil:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

AHHHH!!! I love your theories!!

And then Ryan will start coming over for lunch, and then he will get called back for the case *DAMN THE CASE!!* and then he will start doing... things with Greg... :devil: :lol: ABOUT THE CASE BEFORE HE GOT PUT OFF!! :lol: :p *dips back below the PG-13 radar*

I'm also a guttergirl, don't worry. Y'all should see me in school.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Oh I like the locker room scene, nice. Ryan knows how to slam peeps up against things. I could see him slamming Greg up against a locker then pinning his arms above his head having his wicked ways with him....Ok I'm going to stop now.

Thanks for the easy step by step Shadowfax, I voted. Can we vote more then once? It's so easy I could vote a bunch more. What was the other stories you have to be voted on? Are they up against the R/G fic? If so I won't vote for them. Sorry I just want the R/G one to win. But I do love R/E fics too, but I don't really ship them. I've just read some really hott fics about them that I can't resist my Gutter mind.
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