Greg/Ryan - Florida isn't that far away...

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Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Ow, they definitely need to be able to run races and sleep in the night ;) Nice thoughts everyone.. Damn, I've been forced to take so many cold showers lately that I'm turning blue :lol:

I like the 'kiss the cook'-part, if I ever write a fic about these two (which I hope I will some day) I'll include that :)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Wahhh I've missed this super hot thread!! I've had alot of homework lately so I cant get on!

:( Byeee Sue! Have fun moving. We'll miss you.

I would want them to have the same shift because then if they were ever in the same room with no one else they could... :devil: Andd like everyones said, they would be together at night.. And that my friends, is very important :devil: :lol: *Falls into gutter* Woops ;)

How do you think they would tell their kids why they have 2 dads? Like, would they wait to tell them? Would they be uncomfortable telling them? I think Greg would definatly be more comfortable then Ryan, but I think it would be hard for both of them. :)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

*sniffs* Bye-bye, Twiz! Get there quickly and get back in here soon! We'll miss you. :(

Well, mateys, looks like we're gonna be one man, I mean woman, down, so everybody get back on board this ship and set a course towards Isle De Ryan/Greg Hotness! :devil:

I'm not in school anymore *YAY!* but I do have work to do, so needless to say, I've been bogged down with that and haven't had the time to work on my Ryan/Greg fic. :( Sometimes, I wish I could just write fics all day and not have to do anything else. Anyone else feel that way? *raises hand* :D

It might be a bit awkward to tell their kids why they have two dads, sandersidle but I'm sure they'll figure it out. They'd probably wait to explain things until the child is just old enough to understand some things, but not too old that it's too late, you know what I mean? I guess it just depends on each child. *shrugs*

But I could almost see Ryan getting all flustered and being a bit too technical with his explanations, and then the kid would be frowning and looking lost, and then Greg would jump in and simplify things. Hee-hee! :p
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

*raises hand* Me too, Shadowfax :( Everytime I have to write paper for school, I'm like, I could've used this time to write about R/G!

sandersidle said:
How do you think they would tell their kids why they have 2 dads? Like, would they wait to tell them? Would they be uncomfortable telling them? I think Greg would definatly be more comfortable then Ryan, but I think it would be hard for both of them. :)
That's why I'm leaning towards they adopting a teenager, someone old enough to understand the situation. But you think the kid would accept/be okay with it? It's kinda a tricky situation though, no matter what. The kid would be okay him/herself, but how about the friends at school, etc?

Awwww Sue we're gonna miss you!! :( Be back soon! :)

Twiztid4Togo said:
Maybe while they work Greg's grandma would babysit the kid for them too.
Haha Papa and the psychic Nana Olaf (or are they the same person? :confused: I got confused)... imagine when Greg and Ryan picking up the kid, he/she would say, "Dad I learnt some cool things today. Nana taught me Tarot! And how to use a voddoo doll!" :lol: And Greg and Ryan would just look at each other 'Voddoo????' :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

We'll miss you, Sue :( Come back soon! :)

I know that Papa Olaf is one person, I don't know about the nana though, haven't heard anything about a nana :p But I don't know :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

:lol: Silhouette thats hilarious. I dont know if Ryan would be too pleased :lol: I know Papa Olaf is one person and his Nana Olaf is the Occult relative :) Maybe his Papa Olaf could teach their kid how to speak Norwegian? :D Then Uncle Ron could show them how to evacuate from a Tsumani? :lol: That's all I can think of.

ETA: Woohoo this was the 800th post :D Only 200 more till thread #2!!
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

life_style, it's from Spellbound. Greg mentioned that his grandparent, Nana Olaf, is psychic. :)
I read somewhere that 'Nana' also means 'grandpa' in Norwegian, or something like that (not sure)... but I dunno why in my head I think Nana is his grandmother? :confused:

Evacuate from a tsunami :lol: Good idea. We know nothing about Ryan's family though... Well except that his parents are leaving him a lawn mower (haha it made me laugh when he said that), so maybe he's gonna pass that to his kid too? :lol: I dunno, that's kinda weird though.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

He's mentioned both a Papa Olaf and a Nana Olaf. They could be one and the same, or two completely different people. (I think they're completely different people, because Greg also said that his family thinks that he inherited after her. Or something like that. I haven't watched the episode in depth.)

Haha... "voodoo"... haha... lol
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I wonder if Ryan would say to Greg "Tarot is fine, but voddoo???" :lol: Greg would just shrug and grin :D

LOL that website is hilarious, Lee! :lol: I can't believe there's someone making something like that. Hmm wonder who I'm gonna try it on... Maybe Ann Donahue :devil: "Give us crossover. Give us Greg and Ryan. Give!" :D :devil:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Haha thanks for the link szmandatogoholic! :lol: Thats so funny. I did that on someone :devil: Who? You will never know! Muahaha :lol: Just kidding :D i would want Greg to do that on Ryan, like the happy face one when it says "I only have eyes for you" ;) :devil:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I'd do it for the creators... for putting Greg in such a tight situation!! (Go to the Eric/Greg discussion thread and there's something of a spoiler for the new season... I'm really P.O'd about it.) And also for not making Greg a sister...
I did it twice... :p I had a friend show it to me in sixth grade... I've loved it ever since. (Only this time I did it for an "annoying, mean friend".)

I really need some advice on my RG story... school has taken its toll on me. I lost my cell phone on Wednesday, I believe, (full details in my LJ) and I found it the next day. And I have no time to write at all. (But I have the promise of a video iPod in my future.)

Speaking of stories... I know Eric (Szmanda) likes to write... do y'all think Greg does too? Maybe he would pass some of those traits on to his and Ryan's kid through teaching it to love literature as if it were the only thing in the world to live on besides food, water, and love. :lol:

ETA: sandersidle and Sil, try the skull-and-crossbones one in the seer (I hope you get my drift)... it's hilarious!!)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Hey Guys!

Apologies again for being gone too long. I noticed that this thread was in the bottom of the pile, and was in danger of being buried in the second page, so I thought I'd resurrect it. :D

Keep the Ryan/Greg love alive!

Btw... do you guys like my new banner? :devil:

ETA: *hangs head in shame* Thanks for pointing that out Sil... I fixed it! :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I love your new banner. :D I remember that comment by *wasn't it Al Gore?* I love that song!!

Imagine Greg and Ryan singing that song together!! "I'm bringing sexy back..." :lol: And my new triple crossover fic *I'm picking a new title* has some RuGged Wonders in it. spoiler for my t/c fic: Ryan's interrogating Greg in his apartment.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

O.M.G. I love your banner Shadowfax!! Its so SEXY! :lol: ;)

Hahaha I can totally see Greg singing that!! How about Greg is blarring it in Greg/Ryans appartment and hes singing and then Ryan walks in and says in a really low sexy voice "Hey MTV boy." :devil: :lol:

Ohhh szmandatogoholic, that sounds hot!! :devil: :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

spoiler for my t/c fic: Ryan's interrogating Greg in his apartment.

Nice, just as I'm about to go to bed you're bringing up 'Ryan', 'Greg', and 'apartment' into one sentence. Now how am I suppose to sleep? You're feeding my imagination, and it'd keep me awake :lol: J/k Lee... I can't wait to read it! :D Is it done yet?

Shadowfax, ooh nice banner. Btw, you actually wrote 'Ryan/Gren' :lol: Slow down, lady, slow down...

Seriously, Eric loves to write? WOW I love him even more!!! If that's even possible... I'm surprised I didn't know that! I wonder if Greg writes too, and keeping a journal. He could write "I met a really really hot guy today. A CSI from Miami. His name is Ryan Wolfe. And I'm grinning like an idiot just writing his name down... Oh God, I think I start questioning my sexuality now..." :D :lol:

Anyway I've just watched Nailed again. And an image just popped into my head (seriously, my imagination wouldn't stop). Ryan lying down on the couch. Greg taking care of his eye wound, "Shh... shh... it's okay, Ryan. It'd just hurt a bit." And Ryan would just grab his hand.

Damn I'm a sucker for hurt-comfort fics... :lol: Hmm Greg playing doctor :devil:
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