Greg/Ryan - Florida isn't that far away...

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Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

It seems like we know our guys wayyyy tooo much. That is aactly the way I picture them too Silhouette. Could you imagine being the teenage daughter of Ryan? Poor girl. YOu know how he always reacts when the victim is a young innocent teenage girl. He would so have her on a tight lease. Greg would be showing her ways of sneaking out. Then he'd keep Ryan occupied so he doesn't catch her.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Silhouette said:
I could see Ryan being more strict as a Dad, especially about the rules around the house, and I can really see him getting mad at his kid for not keeping the room tidy :lol: you know, OCD. I'm pretty sure if he opens the door to find a mess, it'd drive him crazy :lol:

While Greg would be more, "Relax, Ryan... let her/him have fun... being young is only once." (whoa that rhymes! :lol:) He'd be the fun, cool Dad :D

Hmm imagining myself being the kid...
Me: Dad, can I go out with Josh tonight?
Ryan: What?? No no NO!!
Greg: Of course, Honey... Have fun...
Ryan: *shock* GREGGO-POO!!!!
Greg: Oh c'mon Ryan... What are you worrying about? Let her have some fun once in a while... *whispers to Ryan in a really sexy voice I can't hear* And besides, it's been a long time since we have time just for ourselves... *meaningful looks*
Ryan: *sigh* Oh you know my weakness...

I can totally imagine Ryan fussing about keeping the house clean and tidy while Greg'd be just relaxing on the sofa. He'd be like, "Greg! You haven't wash the dishes! And the garden needs some cleaning! And how about the... Oh my God WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH THE CARPET???" :lol:
Greg'd be, "Relax, Ryan, relax..." And you know, Greg knows exactly how to make him to relax ;) :devil:

Gahaha I gree with everything on this post! :lol: Thats soo funny! And besides, it's been a long time since we have time just for ourselves :devil: Ohh yeahhh ;)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

"Greggo-poo"? :lol: THIS is all it took for me to start laughing. :devil: It kinda sounded weird; I even had to say it aloud! I went, "Greggo-Poo"? *ROFLMAO* I swear, I was practically doing that.

I can't imagine Ryan and Greg adopting a baby/child. I just can't. I don't know why, but I just can't. Call me insensitive, but it's the truth.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Can't imagine Ryan and Greg being parents, hmm? Well I have no strong evidence for Greg, but as for Ryan...


Don't you agree, even a little, that Ryan has this father-figure-husband-material thing going on?? :D

Hmm in my head they could adopt a teenager instead of a baby, maybe a girl. Or at least a girl around 5 to 7 years old. I can't imagine them changing diapers and such :lol: Besides, you know, there's not many people adopting a teenager. While Greg might love the idea of having someone he could take to rock concerts :lol:

"Greggo-poo"... almost wrote it "Greggo-bear" but I decided "Greggo-poo" was funnier to say :lol: *burst out laughing at the thought of them giving each other pet names*
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

OH that pic of him and that baby, man I love it. YES Ryan does have fatherly look to him there. I agree about them not adopting a baby. With their jobs how would they have time to take care of it? Ryan showed in that ep what he thought of the baby's mom who didn't show that baby any love. He's all about showing kids love and if he knew he didn't have the time I don't think he would jump into something like that. NOw a teenager I could see. Maybe a kid about 10 or older. Oh a girl would drive him insane. I think maybe a boy about 12, old enough that Ryan could teach him about guns and Greg could take him to concerts. BOth would really be on him to learn science. They would help him with his science project and it would be the most awesome one ever.

I'm drawing a blank on a nick name Greg would give Ryan....I always use Ry as his nickname in my fics, I love it. How about hott lover boy...
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

'hott lover boy'? :lol: Nice... :devil: :devil:
I don't know, I imagine Greg calling him 'Wolfe'... but not in a formal manner. Rather in low, sighing sound :devil: if you know what I mean... It's the 'f' in 'Wolfe'... Okay, put that into an image of Greg sighing it to Ryan while titling his head back, panting and running out of breath from...

... running in a race :p

Sorry, the mods are running after me with pointy sticks! :lol: But you know what I mean :devil: *hits PG13 radar* OUCH! Someone should seriously raise the bar! :lol: Just kidding mods...

Oh I need to take a cold shower now...

*cough* Back on topic... Hmm 12 year old boy... I can see that. Haha he'd totally into rock bands, like having posters around the wall and rock music constantly coming out of his room... not to mention his room being a complete mess! Ryan would be so frustrated! :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

running a race, nice touch. You had me goin till you pop that in there, thanks mods. J/P hehe. Greg and the kid would be total slobs and Ryan would be running behind them cleaning up.
He could be like " come on Wolfffee howl for me baby.. That just popped into my head, sry. NOw see where ya got my mind Silhouette....and I'm going to bed here in a few. I'll be dreaming all night. Thanks, I'm saying that in a nice way with a big smile on my face.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

:lol: Sorry for bursting that hot image... but you know what I mean by that, *cough* judging from your post "Come on Wolfffee howl for me baby.." ... ohh yeahh :devil: :lol: I think I lead you to the right direction ;) :devil:

Are we skirting the PG13 radar here? Nah, we're talking about running in a race right? ;) :lol:

I love the fact that Ryan's last name's 'Wolfe'... I just think it's cool, making him sound mysterious and all creature-of-the-night thing going on... :devil: Maybe that's just me :lol: Hmm have to use that in a fic someday...

Sweet dreams, Twiz :)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I think prowling the PG-13 perimeter's more like it. :devil:

Aw, Silhouette I love that pic of Ryan with the baby! I adore the way he's holding her... so fatherly and protective.

I do think that Ryan could be a good father, but their hectic jobs as CSIs would make it difficult to take care of a baby... unless they have family close by who are willing to help them take care of the baby while they're at work.

And I agree with Twiz... in that epi, Ryan was definitely concerned about Mrs. Seaborn not spending any time with Bethany and that she was growing up in such an uncaring family, so I think Ryan would approach adopting a baby with a lot of caution, knowing how important a loving family life is to a baby.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I can definatly see Ryan as a father. Just look at that pic!! *sighs* But I can only see him being a daddy with someone else. *runs to other thread before saying to much :p* I dont know why, but I just cant see Ryan and Greg having a kid/kids. :confused:

I love the fact that Ryan's last name's 'Wolfe'... I just think it's cool, making him sound mysterious and all creature-of-the-night thing going on... Maybe that's just me Hmm have to use that in a fic someday...

:devil: Yes he is definatly a creature of the night :devil:.. With Greg.. *muahaha* I think I just ran into the PG-13 radar too Silhouette :lol:

"Come on Wolfffee howl for me baby.." Hahahaha that had me laughing soo hard! :lol: Thats hilarious!!
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I've seen a show where two men (obviously, they were gay) had an egg donor and then had a woman from a lesbian couple be the carrier and they had a baby of their own after adopting their first. They also had a gay doctor... :confused: I can DEFINITELY see Ryan and Greg doing that. (For some reason...)

So sorry if this offends someone... I'm just saying it because I watch medical shows when I'm bored. :lol:

PS: Love that pic of Ryan and the baby! He is such a father figure!!
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I can't see them adopting a baby, but rather an older child, like a 5-7 year old or something :)

Oh I like your thoughts on the two of them running a race ;) Very hot indeed.. I seriously need a cold shower now :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Oh well... my poor attempt on ducking under the PG13 radar :rolleyes: :lol:

Ryan and Greg having an egg donor and a carrier? Hmm I can't see that... I agree with life_style, older child. With them both having such demanding job, it could even be older child, 10 to 12, so I agree with Shadowfax and Twiz on this one.

Do you think they'd work on the same shift?

Me thinks probably not... If Ryan stays on day shift, and Greg on graveyard, they probably could take turns on taking care of the kid/kids. Like, probably Greg could take the kid/kids to and from school, while Ryan's at work :D And Ryan doing the cleaning, cooking dinner, and putting the kids to bed, while Greg's at work (ooh Ryan wearing an apron! :lol:)

But I don't like Greg working graveyard, cuz it'd mean less time for them to... eh, sleep ;) if you catch my drift... I don't wanna see Ryan sleeps alone at night, you know... :devil:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Hey guys! Sorry I've been MIA... I've had lots of things on my plate, and they don't seem to be diminishing anytime soon. But I have been lurking late at night and early morning to keep up with this thread. So, where are you people? *searches the RuGged WoNders Oceanliner*

As far as your question, Silhouette, I'd prefer if they worked on the same shift (more time together to, uh... well, use your imagination here... :devil:)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I'm here but not for long. This weekend we are moving and right now I'm suppose to be packing, yeah right. SO I will be loosing my internet until I find something new, so I may be gone for a while. I did find out that they are putting cable internet in my area in about 2 weeks, YAY. I thought I had to go with dial up, ugh. I'd die. I may grab AOL for now just to be able to get online. So yeah after Saturday I won't be visiting..*pulls out tissue and wipes eyes*

As for their shifts I would hope they could work the same shift so they can have more family time with the kid and themselves, um running races, lots of races....
Ryan with an apron on that says " kiss the cook" hmmmm nice thought.
I could see them both helping the kid with homework and teaching him how to play music. THey would make him learn an instrument. I'm not sure if Greg/ Ryan can play anything, but I know Jon plays guitar and sex....I mean sax. Yeah so we know Greg loves music and would influence the kid to get into it, I think.

I just had a funny thought. Them going to a parent teacher confernce and meeting the kids science teacher and schooling her on science..
Maybe while they work Greg's grandma would babysit the kid for them too. I could see Ryan being nervous about leaving his kid with a stranger as a sitter.

I couldn't see them doing the egg donor thing either. But I don't they are both scienctist and that may interest them. Ryan having a degree in genetics he may be interested in one of them being the actual father of the child. BUT I really don't see them wanting a baby or with their jobs being able to give it the time that I'm sure they would want to. I don't see te donor thing, but who knows.

Well I have to go pack, I've noticed that my stuff isn't jumping in those damn boxes like I asked. I hate moving.
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