Greg/Ryan - Florida isn't that far away...

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Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Im excited for your fic Jesika :)

Ohh I got a new icon guyss! :D It took FOREVER to make though! :lol:

I think Ryan would be more dominant but Greg would be more comfortable, if you know what I mean??
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

SQUEE!! *huggles jesika while doing a happy dance* That's roughly about the timeline I 'used to' update my fics (once a week) before I got too busy *sigh*, which gives me some time to work on updates and hopefully get ahead.

Oh, I beg of you... *grovels at your feet with puppy eyes* PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Consider no more and just do it already! Spare me the agony... Put me out of my misery and post the first chapter! :D (That's not harrassing you, btw... 'cause that ain't my style :lol:) I'm just begging (big difference) 'cause I'm going through withdrawal, and I can certainly relate to how it is to write a multi-chapter fic. :D

Twiz you're absolutely right... it's just a made-up character, and I don't see how that should change things when it comes to JT. Too bad, and I'm sorry to hear that. But at least you've gained a few 'crazy' friends in here! :lol: :rolleyes:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Anyone ever write the epilogue of their fic while they were still in the middle of writing the fic itself?... I just did that. lol. i just wrote the epilogue of the fic. Oh the drama.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Shadowfax said:
SQUEE!! *huggles jesika while doing a happy dance* That's roughly about the timeline I 'used to' update my fics (once a week) before I got too busy *sigh*, which gives me some time to work on updates and hopefully get ahead.

Oh, I beg of you... *grovels at your feet with puppy eyes* PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! Consider no more and just do it already! Spare me the agony... Put me out of my misery and post the first chapter! :D (That's not harrassing you, btw... 'cause that ain't my style :lol:) I'm just begging (big difference) 'cause I'm going through withdrawal, and I can certainly relate to how it is to write a multi-chapter fic. :D

Twiz you're absolutely right... it's just a made-up character, and I don't see how that should change things when it comes to JT. Too bad, and I'm sorry to hear that. But at least you've gained a few 'crazy' friends in here! :lol: :rolleyes:

It may be posted within the next week sometime, but I can't guarentee you anything.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Awww sorry everyone... it's been a hectic schedule for me :( I try to be online as much as I can but it's been so hard... And well, besides, I've been hiding in their closet too ;) :lol:

Eh that reminds me of the song by Fall Out Boy
"Oh don't mind me I'm watching you two from the closet
Wishing to be the friction in your jeans
Isn't it messed up how I'm just dying to be him?
I'm just a notch on your bedpost
but you're just a line in a song..."


Hmm... That reminds me. Scenario. What if Ryan goes to Greg's apartment but he's not there. Greg brings a guy home and Ryan quickly hides in his closet. While Greg and the guy get... err, intimate, Ryan is still in the closet watching. He always though he was straight so he gets confused when he gets REALLY jealous to see Greg and that guy together. Hehe whole denying thing... 'still hasn't come out of the closet'... sort of fits :lol:

Ryan, wishing to be the friction in Greg's jeans... Oh why do that sound hot? :lol: :devil:

Shadowfax said:
Gah! Now, I'm not sure if Twiz is the psychic or you are, Silhouette! :lol: You sure you can't read minds? :lol:
Hey I could be related to Greg's Nana Olaf! ;) :lol:

Ooh nice icon, sandersidle! :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Oh, I LOVE that song!! "Sugar, We're Going Down" by Fall Out Boy? I absolutely love it!!

hehe, related to Sil's post, ain't it?
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Yes I love that song and FOB is one of my fave bands :) That's why it just popped into my mind :D

Shadowfax said:
Suppose Greg and Ryan do get together...
1. Who do you think will be the more 'dominant' in the relationship? Ryan? Or Greg? (Or do you think they'll be more like equals? Or is one more dominant than the other in certain matters?)
2. Why?
1. I agree with some of your points. I don't think it'd be really clear whose the more dominant one, you can't really draw a line. Kinda like in Brokeback, sometimes you have Ennis being in control, but sometimes you have Jack pressuring him. I think they'd be more equal, like one being dominant in one aspect and one in another... Or as you put it, Ryan being more dominant 'personality-wise' and Greg in bed ;)

2. I agree Ryan's personality that he loves to 'take a charge'. I think he likes being in control, due to his OCD and it also showed that he's a determined guy, always in need to prove himself. And you know, he worked patrol... he must've more back bone than Greg ;) At least, he probably used to shoving and pinning people on the police car hood and bossing them around, so put that into context with Greg on bed.... err, you know... he's got 'that force' ;) :devil:

On the other hand, Greg can be flirty, and it's hard to resist flirty Greg... I agree he's probably more into the experimental side of things...
If Ryan is being scared at first, I think Greg would be more relax and he could 'show' Ryan, if you know what I mean ;) :devil:
So he could be dominant, just because he probably knows more than Ryan does about certain things. And like I said, it's hard to resist flirtatious Greg... Ryan would fall under his spell that he'd forget what he's doing :lol:

Damn it's hard to keep this under the 'PG-13' radar :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Thanks Silhouette! :D

I love FOB too! I think they're my favourite band. I just downloaded like 5 of their old songs yesterday and I loveee em!! :D I agree that Sugar We're Going Down fits :D

Ohh i agree. Ryan definatly has the "dominant" personality, but Greg would definatly be more... Open ;) and.. experamental :devil:

Damn it's hard to keep this under the 'PG-13' radar :lol:

I think we ought to raise the radar to 14a ;) Justt kidding Mods :) :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I think we oughta raise it to NC-17... nawww, just kiddin'. (Is there such a thing as that besides in video games... I MUST FIND OUT!!!)

1. I think they would probably... 'switch' the dominancy around every now and again. But Ryan would probably be more dominant than Greg.
2. I said they would probably switch because they would get tired of the same old thing every time, and the other may have something new to try out. :devil: Not exactly. But with the Ryan part, I'm saying that because sometimes Greg tends to be a little silly at the tiniest things... like romance.

ETA: It is hard to stay below the PG-13 level. (I just go with the flow.)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I also noticed :lol: Very sneaky, I like it ;) We should definitely throw them a party :lol:

I'm fine, how are you? :)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I found another song for them/the party. "I'd Do Anything" by Simple Plan. I just listened to it. Sounds just like a RG song.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Wow this thread was all the way at the bottom, ready to go to the second page. Where's everyone at?

Ok I've got a q's. I've been reading about all these peeps adopting babies and a lot of gay peeps adopting. SO do you guys think Ryan and Greg would adopt? If so what would they want and how good of dad's would they be. I see them having different styles of raising kids. Greg would be the fun dad and Ryan more serious, but still be good and fun with the kids. Greg would be more like the mom.
Ok now I asked something so I expect someone to get on and answer me hehehe. Come on where's all the rugged wonder luvers?
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

heck yes i can see them adopt! Greg like a mom...oh gosh that's a great visual! Greg in an apron :lol:

Ryan can be fun at times, but he's more sarcastic, and Greg's seriousness is more...well sarcastic.

Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I can't see them adopt at the moment, but I guess they could do it a couple of years later :) And I definitely see Ryan as the more serious one, who's all about raising them well whereas Greg might be a bit more loose when it comes to raising, more fun and so on. At least that's how I see it :)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I could see Ryan being more strict as a Dad, especially about the rules around the house, and I can really see him getting mad at his kid for not keeping the room tidy :lol: you know, OCD. I'm pretty sure if he opens the door to find a mess, it'd drive him crazy :lol:

While Greg would be more, "Relax, Ryan... let her/him have fun... being young is only once." (whoa that rhymes! :lol:) He'd be the fun, cool Dad :D

Hmm imagining myself being the kid...
Me: Dad, can I go out with Josh tonight?
Ryan: What?? No no NO!!
Greg: Of course, Honey... Have fun...
Ryan: *shock* GREGGO-POO!!!!
Greg: Oh c'mon Ryan... What are you worrying about? Let her have some fun once in a while... *whispers to Ryan in a really sexy voice I can't hear* And besides, it's been a long time since we have time just for ourselves... *meaningful looks*
Ryan: *sigh* Oh you know my weakness...

I can totally imagine Ryan fussing about keeping the house clean and tidy while Greg'd be just relaxing on the sofa. He'd be like, "Greg! You haven't wash the dishes! And the garden needs some cleaning! And how about the... Oh my God WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH THE CARPET???" :lol:
Greg'd be, "Relax, Ryan, relax..." And you know, Greg knows exactly how to make him to relax ;) :devil:
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