Greg/Ryan - Florida isn't that far away...

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Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I like you too, sandersidle. You sure can, sandersidle.


I felt like a kindergartener. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

wow this board has been quiet all day and night, where's all the ryan/greg love?
OK I don't watch LV much but I know greg and Nick is really close. SO I think a good idea of a story would be for Nick to be really jealous of Ryan when him and Greg hook up. NOt that Nick is interested in Greg but he just doesn't like Ryan, he doesn't think he's right for him. How do you think the co workers would handle it? We've talked about family but now I'm thinking about this. Maybe it would bring tention to the whole place. Like Maybe Sara hooks Ryan and Greg up and Nick gets pissed at her.That would be cool..What am I turning into here??? Thanks guys. *Sticks tongue out at everyone*
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Haha... like Nick secertly likes Greg or something, and Delko secretly likes Ryan *shhh... It gets better* and once Greg and Ryan hook up, Nick and Delko meet and hook up, just to make the other two jealous. :lol: :lol: :lol: (I'm killing myself in slient fits of laughter... my mom wants to get on the computer. :rolleyes:)

Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

tahaha and then in the end Nick and Delko get together! wow thats turning crazy! :lol: But if someone wants to write it, I would read it!! :D ;)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I'm up to my elbows writing things, so I need that thought our of my head. I have a friend online that likes togo too and she chewed me out for coming in here and shipping this, then when she found out I was doing a slash story with someone she really got pissed. I dont think she's going to talk to me no more. I can't help it that i'm finding it interesting and they are just characters. Oh well it's fun and that's why I do it.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Psha. I have to make sure my family doesn't find me on here. They don't like me shipping slash.

I made up a new ship, lol. *does a new search*

I haven't wrote any sort of RG story, nor any sort of slash story, so... bada-boom, bada-bang.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Hello gorgeous people! *wakes from slumber and waves* I've been asleep... had a few friends over last night and stayed up rather late (well, not really since that's my normal bed time, but the cleaning afterwards did tire me out) :D

Anyway, good to see you guys back. Twiz the villain thing is the same story I'm writing about their families... and like I told you before, there is a twist to this, which (the main plot twist anyway) I've pretty much worked out in my head, and it's all sort of related somehow. :devil:

Huh? What's that? :D Of course, I'm not telling you how they're related... and it's even bigger and more complicated than what you thought it would be! :devil: *smirks* Yeah, I know... now I'm really teasing you guys! :lol: :p

And another thing Twiz, your online friend got mad at you for shipping slash? Why???? That's unfortunate.

Okay next... STHolic I like you, so don't worry about it. At least you have friends in here. I just don't understand why nobody likes you at all. *hugs you for good measure*

Okay, maybe I'll catch you guys later. *joins sandersidle and STHolic in Ryan and Greg's closet* :devil: :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I want to join you in that closet :lol: That's funny by the way, us hiding in the closet.. "coming out of the closet" you know :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Haha ok *pulls life_style into the closet* Hurry there coming ;) We could give them a "Coming Out" surprise party and then we can jump out of the closet with cake, balloons streamers, latex, party hats, and chips.. I tried to sneek latex in there :devil: Did anyone notice? :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

haha i noticed! i wanna throw a coming out party!! sorry i haven't been here in awhile.. school. and algebra homework, on the weekend?!? gah! plus i'm in gifted and talented algebra. i mean geez.. im thirteen i'm not a genius! gawsh.

anyway.. how's everyone been?
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Okay, okay, everyone who posted before me who wasn't already in the closet is invited in. (Thank goodness it's a walk-in closet. :lol:) And I hear them coming!! *shhh, everybody, shut yo' mouths!!* :lol:

I noticed you tried to sneak in latex, sandersidle. Greg would like that. I'm not so sure about Ryan...

We got the chips? Soda? Latex? (okay, sandersidle, you won on that one.) Cake? Cupcakes? Party supplies? (Every last bit of them.) HERE THEY COME! 5... 4... Oh, wait, that was someone else! *ooops*
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

dont worry hollie, I have stupid homework too. I cant be on half the time I could have in the summer :(

Who else wants to help us throw a coming out party for Greg and Ryan?? :p
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I'm bored... *sulks, taps fingers on table*

Where are you people?? :confused: This thread has been too quiet today.

Ever feel like you'd rather do something else than what you're supposed to? Who am I kidding? Of course, y'all do. I'm there right now... *sighs*

jesika, how's the fic writing going? I'm dying here, you know? And I'm in serious need of a RuGged WoNders fic. Won't you help a 'sista' out (if only a little)? Uh, please? *begs* :lol:

Okay... here's a question I'm curious about. Maybe it's been asked before, but I'll ask it again b/c I'm too lazy to read the entire thread to find out :D :

Suppose Greg and Ryan do get together...
1. Who do you think will be the more 'dominant' in the relationship? Ryan? Or Greg? (Or do you think they'll be more like equals? Or is one more dominant than the other in certain matters?)
2. Why?

Okay, I'll answer my questions first.
1. I see them as being more equal with Ryan probably being just a bit more 'dominant' personality-wise b/c he's usually so serious and has a take charge kind of personality, while Greg's more laid back. But, I do believe that Greg might be more dominant sexually in that he's willing to try almost anything (he strikes me as someone who might have a kinky streak, while Ryan would be more reserved at first), but I do think that Ryan would still be the 'top man' in bed, if you know what I'm saying... ;) *giggles and blushes at the thought* :devil:
2. I think I just answered this in #1. :D

Okay, your turn...
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I totallly agree with you Shadowfax about them. I see them completely the same way as in a ralionship and in sex. So that was really a great q's cause I've been thinking about that since I've been kind of writing that story. I'm trying to get them down, their attitudes and just their characters.

Man it was really quiet in here yesterday, talk about being lonely. Where is everyone hiding out?

yeah my friend got really upset with me, I guess I shouldnt have mentioned it to her because I know she doesn't like it, but damn she really got upset. Said I was dissing Jon Togo and oh man just crazy. It's just a story about a made up character. Oh well.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Shadowfax said:
jesika, how's the fic writing going? I'm dying here, you know? And I'm in serious need of a RuGged WoNders fic. Won't you help a 'sista' out (if only a little)? Uh, please? *begs* :lol:

A little thing called nine hour Paramedic classes are keeping me from writing as fast as I, or anyone else here, would like. Lol. But I am quite far into it, and I have been considering for the past few days whether or not to start posting it. Of course if I did decide to start posting it now, I only post one chapter a week, that way I don't lay out five chapters in one week and end up having everyone wait several weeks for another update. We'll see what happens. :D
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