Greg/Ryan - Florida isn't that far away...

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Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Hey Shadowfax your back's another smoothie but it probably sucks cause I don't know what goes in them...

OOOO Silhouette your making me excited talking about your story your writing...I'm getting chills everywhere thinking about it.

Hey if you guys are looking for a good ryan/greg story go get Jesiks's cause it's the shit. I had the honor of reading it and it's good, real good. Late last night she sent me another part and I was up way too late reading and then I had to take a cold shower before falling asleep with that in my head...2 thumbs up.

The thing about Shania Twain he was joking about. It's on the CBS.COM interview and they ask Jon what part he's most proud of or something and he jokes about being a body double. He was so friggin adorable and funny in that interview. I think that was the first interview I had ever seen him do and I fell so in love with him. He is so really cute in it. If you haven't seen it take your butt to CBS.COM now and watch it, it's still there.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Aww, thanks life style and Twiz! *long hugs and takes both smoothies* :D You guys are fabulous!

And I agree with you there, JT was actually just joking when he mentioned being a body double for Shania Twain in her music video. Funny guy! :lol: But heck, we could dream about him shaving his legs and wearing mini skirts with Greg, couldn't we? :devil:

I'm confused... Silhouette, Twiz said that you're writing a fic? :confused: So, SPILL! Where is it? And what's it about? Are you using one of your fab ideas? *giggles* Don't hog it all to yourself, now, okay? I WANT to read it too! *puppy eyes* :D

ETA: I PM'd Jesika... hopefully she'll send me her fic. I can't wait to read it. :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

OK I'm so stupid..I keep getting shadowfax and silhouette confused..sry..I meant shadowfax about the story you are writing duh. Sry I had a ruff head full of that story from Jesika. SO you are getting me excited Shadowfax. can't wait to read it. OH I got that magizine hollywood life with Emily and Jon in it. I ordered it over the phone..SQQUUUEEE. Man I really wished that TV Guide had Jon and Eric on the cover instead of Adam..big mistake. We would have all been squeeling over that. them on the beach together walking side by side...oh yeah. We could have done some maniping to it..
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

:lol: Ohhhh... Dang! And I was getting all excited that Sil might be writing a fic! Oh, well, that's okay. Rough nights would do that to you Twiz. *pets you* I still haven't heard from Jesika, though. I PM'd her, but maybe she'll log on later tonight, and I'll get to read it. *crosses fingers*

Yeah, you and the rest of us. :( They really should've put Jon in there instead of Adam. I haven't seen that TV Guide. Were they on the beach? :confused:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

well the front cover has them together, you can tell they are on the beach, kind of looks like the ocean behind them. But the single pics has them walking on the beach. Adam is kicking the water and Eric looks so good in his pic walking in the water.

Sry about confusing you, I for some reason get you two mixed up all the time..eerrrr.
I mean you both come up with geat ideas and stories of r/g. I think it's that we all 3 seem to think alike about them. Oh me and Hollie are doing a story together r/g. I hope she don't mind me telling. SO far it's been fun and maybe once we are done we will let you guys read it. It's been kind of hard for me cause I've never done slash before and the idea of them is still freaky to me, but reading everyone's stories and ideas has giving me the will to do it. We only have a few parts done but it's cool. We are using my Jake idea and I've even used the thing about their families and how they reacted, not much but it had a purpose. Our story takes place in fact I need to go work on my part soon.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Oh, Twiz! That's awesome that you're doing a story together with Hollie! I definitely want to read it when you guys get done. :D

Yeah, I know... writing slash was kind of freaky for me too. In fact, I started with just the soft stuff, like friendship and feelings and hugs and holding hands. And it took me a while to even get comfy with the kissing and the smut. But that comes in time, and practice certainly helps. I'm so proud of you, Twiz! I'm glad you've decided to do this. I can't wait to see what you guys come up with. ;)

Oh, man... that would've been more awesome if Ryan was in that beach picture with Greg. *pouts* :(
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

haha i don't mind! it's really fun to write. but it's kinda hard cause it's a slash. and school starts tomorrow [AGH!!] so i won't be able to write as much. :(
school is stupid. :p

they should do another crossover with Miami, but instead have Greg go. and maybe Greg and Ryan could end up going to the beach after solving the case? :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Ooooh, yeah, and end up doing a little something-something...

*evil giggle* :devil:

*runs out to check her fave threads*
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I'm glad you don't mind Hollie, it's been fun writing with you and I just had to tell everyone.
OH we should do a beach scene with them....Yeah. Maybe they go to Malibu Beach for a day off. Ryan and Greg playing in the water together.
They do need to do a cross over with Greg, that would be awesome, but it wouldnt be slash, but just seeing them hang out would be great.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Aww I missed alot! Jeese I was at school 6 hours! ;) I really dont feel like reading, I miss summer *cries*

But then again I just come to this thread and it feels like summer again :D

Is anyone gonna write that fic about drag, and tying a certain person to a bed for a certain persons pleasure ;) :devil:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Or "splish splash they were taking a bath"...

Oh, I gotta keep it PG-13... STOP IT WITH THE BEACH!!!

How about going to Chattanooga? We have these pretty fountains and the awesome looking steps that have water coming down over them. (If you wear flip-flops and you take them off, you can have your feet get wet.) WE ALSO HAVE COUNTRY MUSIC!! CSI: Brokeback Mountain...
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Twiz I've been meaning to ask you but keep forgetting... did you show your hubby that Brokeback Manip of Ryan and Greg? What did he think of it? :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

It would've been awesome if it had been Togo walking on the beach, instead of Adam. :)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

If I saw that Eric and Jon were in the same issue of a magasine I would fall over! Im not kidding :lol: I would have bought that in a second! Im still mad they put...Adam in. :(

Or "splish splash they were taking a bath"...

Hahaha thats funny :D I laughed outloud when I heard that one! :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Yes I did Shadowfax and he laughed and said, see I'm not the only one that thinks he's gay...Then I explained this thread and he rolled his eyes. He was impressed how well it was done. He's good a maniping too. He once put my nephews face on some dudes body that was sandwiched between 2 huge women...priceless.
Now i've got a beach scene stuck in my head with Ryan and greg. Them walking along the beautiful beach, the sun setting, the waves crashing at their feet, them walking along and Greg reaches over and grabs his hand. What have you people done to me....
I think Ryan would have a harder time of showing effection around people then Greg would. Greg seems to be one of those I don't care what peeps thinks guys, but Ryan cares a lot. He would have problems, I think major problems, especially at work because he has a macho type of job.
Hey did anyone get to read Jesika's story?
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