Greg/Ryan - Florida isn't that far away...

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Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

OH bye bye Shadowfax, I will miss you.
I hope you have a safe and fun weekend.
I've never been so addicted to a man before, Jon is just too much to handle.
FOr the life of me I can't think up any scenerio's for ryan and greg, it's just not coming to me and now I'm not dreaming of RYan anymore. I'm so bummed. I really would like to see a cross over with miami and Vegas even if they don't hook up, I'd still like to see how they got alone. I bet the TPTB would make them hate each other, worse then delko/ryan. I'd like to see greg show ryan the town, do some gambling, go to some wild concert, greg style. Ryan in a mosh pit...ooooo with greg crowd surfin..that would be good.OH I'm thinking about that in my head...I've got a scenerio going on..YAY for me. OK I'M done...going to go think about that ...O
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Bye, Twiz! I'll miss you too!

I know... Jon has that effect on people, I guess. I've never been so addicted and obsessed with my 'star crushes' until I saw him. Now, I'm a hopeless Togoholic, and I'm not about to give up my addiction either! :lol:

Oooh, Ryan and Greg in a concert?? Sadly, I've never been to a concert *hangs head in shame :(* but if both of these hotties were to crowd surf, I wanna be there to get a piece of the action! :devil: I wanna make sure my hands get to touch and maybe squeeze their... :devil: Well, use your imagination, people!! :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Awww I'm going to miss you to, Shadowfax :) Please come back soon!

Drabble. I never think of that. I always view stories have to longggg and detailed and... well, truth be told, it's kinda intimidating :lol: Thanks for the idea.

Haha yup sandersidle... it'd be so cute :D And hmm that reminds me, Greg hasn't get his gun training right? Now what if Ryan helps him? I have a picture of Ryan standing behind Greg, "No you should hold it like... this..." and hold/correct Greg's hand/arm to the right position... :devil:

(anyway, yes you spelled my name right :))

Ha! There you go, Twiz! Scenario! Ooh mosh pit... :devil:
Hmm but Greg is always happy, we never really see him get mad at anyone (or have we?)... So I think it'd be so out of character for TPTB to make them hate each other like Delko-Ryan (oh wait, tptb sucks at continuity... uh right, it's possible then :rolleyes:). But I think even if Ryan's being such an ass towards Greg, Greg would still be his easy going self. Ryan might hate him, but not for long ;)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I'll miss you too, Silhouette! :D

Yeah, I'm the same way. Even with drabbles, I usually have a hard time keeping it that way b/c I always want to have some sort of a detailed plot with a beginning and an end, which is why my drabbles end up being full-fledged fics. *sigh* But yeah, I would be so excited if you wrote drabbles based on the different scenarios you've imagined! :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

OK I just brought up Ryan in drag in the Togo thread and that got me thinking about greg and ryan going to a manson party..Greg could get ryan to dress up all gothic or whatever that is...leather, whips and chains...OH I'm a happy camper in my thought..dirty thoughts...can you picture them dressed up in manson style???
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Hmmm... a Manson party? Could be the only way Greg could convince Ryan to put on a dress. :lol: Unless, of course, it's undercover work, like we're discussing in the Togo thread. :devil:

So, I'm thinking that as far as undercover work's concerned, Ryan would have to shave his legs and his armpits before he could wear a mini skirt and a tank top. Though, he'd probably look flat-chested as a woman. :lol: Damn! Where has my mind gone? :devil:

Oh, wait! I think I see it... it's way down the gutter, floating away with Twiz's mind. *chases after my mind* :lol:

ETA: I think the tight leather pants would look smoldering on both men, too! :devil: Whips and chains? I'd willingly put myself in bondage to their gorgeousness! :devil: I'd say cuff me and chain me, and have your way with me, boys! :devil: See how naughty my thoughts have been? :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I have missed SO MUCH!!

I used our RuGged Wonders fellas in a story for English this morning... I wrote that they were brothers (because they look alike, shhh) and they had found a sword with real jewels on it, like rubies, sapphires, pearls, emeralds, and such, and the blade was as long as Ryan (about 4'5"; this was when they were younger), and they had to hide it in their basement from their mother. :lol: And then at the end, I said that the sword remains there to this day, until one or both of them picks up the courage to go and get it, or at least one gets it and the other supervises the carrying.

I was TIRED, and I didn't know what to write. So I brainstormed.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

whips, chains, leather pnats, cuffs, me, shadowfax, ryan and greg,,sounds good to me....enough ryan and greg for both of there's a going away present for your mind shadowfax...oh don't forget the whip creme and feathers.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

STHolic that sounds like a cool story. :)

Okay, guys... I'm really gone this time. :( Hubby's gonna be home in about 6 minutes, and I gotta get out of here before he catches me. (Shhhh... it's a secret, remember? :devil:) But I'll see you guys in 4 days or so...

Until then, bon voyage on the RuGged WoNders ship, everyone! Oh, and I fully expect to receive a smoothie and some cookies when I get back! :p :lol: *hugs everyone* Bye! :D

ETA: *packs feathers and whips* Damn! I almost forgot those! Thanks for the reminder, Twiz!! :devil: Ta-ta! :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Message me when you get back, Shadow!! I'ma gonna miss you. You're gonna get cookies and smoothies and sherbet when you get back.

And thanks for that comment for the story. It was really last minute and when I found out we had to write something with concrete and realistic details, I panicked. So I thought of everyone here and wrote that. (But that's just part of it.)

*goes to looks for some awesome-looking Ryan and greg pics to use in a banner*
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Wow you guys are moving on fast in this thread :lol: It's great, really (except for when you've missed quite a lot, like me) :D

I like all of your dreams.. I wish I could have a Ryan/Greg dream. Oh well, I'll keep on hoping :)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Life Style you just have to read some of these ideas then close your eyes and think, the dreams will come..
Now I've got my mind stuck on Ryan and Greg going to a concert together. Maybe they agree TO GO to see 2 concerts. 1st one being Gregs fav band then they go see Ryans fav band, and their music being completely different but they go to make each other happy.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

:( Okk. Bye Shadowfax! Im gonna make a special smoothie for you when you get back ;)

Ohh all this talk of Ryan and Greg undercover as women is really getting to me :p I kinda wanna see that happen :lol: I guess we need them to meet first right? :D

Oh Szmandatogoholic, that sounds like a good story. I love how you used them :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Whoa, whips and chains? Miniskirts?? :eek: What did I miss???

Ryan and Greg undercover as women?? :lol: I'd love to see that happen too! Hmmm it reminds me of that movie Hollywood Homicide. So Harrison Ford's character comes to pick up a prostitute, turns out it's one of his undercover agent dressed as a woman. It's so funny because Josh Harnett's character before asking him when was the last time he got laid, and he just went "None of your business", so when Josh saw Harrison's car from afar, picking up this guy dressed as a woman from a street, he thought 'Oh my God, I don't know you're that desperate' :lol:

It'd be so funny if Ryan has to do some prostitution undercover thing dressed as a woman and Greg comes to pick him up in his car...
Greg: How was it?
Ryan: Uh, the g-string is kinda itchy...

Someone should write a fic! Hold on. Whip and chains? Ahhhhh!!!! Stop torturing me with these thoughts. I want Ryan tied to the bed and Greg could do whatever he pleases... :devil:
Gotta shut up now before the mods chase me with pointy sticks :p *runs after mind into the gutter*

Lee I forgot you asked for help with the pics! Sorry!!! I totally forgot. You still need my help?
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